General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Fancy Footwork

    Good: A decent mix of roles in ur most played list
    Bad: Longer lose streak than win streak


      good : lycan badass
      bad : my lycan win rate lose :(


        Good: Winrate with most heroes, overall winrate
        Bad: :/


          Good: Queen of Pain winrate and KDA.

          Bad: Bounty Hunter winrate.

          7Ego (muted)

            good: decent win rate across most played hero estimated rank 4200-4700

            bad: one full page of rank match lose ! good luck bro !

            Bad Intentions

              Good: Above avg storm
              Bad: Mediocre top heroes except^


                Good: Dem tidehunter ranked matches tho.

                Bad: Way too much of pubstompy heroes :/


                  Good: XPM rec with meepo I suppose
                  Bad: Win rate

                  KONY 2012™

                    Good: Invoker performance, lately at least.
                    Bad: Where are all the support plays? Only one potential support in top25 most played.


                      good: i love clockwerk
                      bad : yesterday he lose so hard


                        Good: SB i guess
                        Bad : winrate/top hero winrate, winstreak<lose streak


                          Good: Great Voker Man <3 im following behind you xD
                          bad: didnt find any


                            good: voker player with a nice w/r
                            bad: voker player only

                            Bad Intentions

                              positive winrate but below avg kda's

                              John Matrix

                                Good: Tide<3
                                Bad: pubstomped too much with BS/SB


                                  Good:Win/lose Streak, Rare support player
                                  Bad: low win rate on most top heroes (you're just a support, might be not your fault)


                                    Good: stomps a lot
                                    Bad: stomps too much


                                      Good: Strong invoker
                                      Bad: 45% pudge winrate


                                        Good: Nice win rate with mid heroes;
                                        Bad: Records for highest GPM and Number of Kills are from lost games.


                                          Good: Better Rubick player than most people I know.
                                          Bad: Losing streak of 11 games, ouch. :(


                                            Good: Support Player,

                                            Bad: US-East Sever


                                              Good: A bunch of high skill heroes among your most used list.

                                              Bad: Cl[A]rity...also 9 loss streak.


                                                good warlock
                                                gpm record too low

                                                fuck valorant

                                                  Good: Very high winrates on most played heroes and high winrate in general
                                                  Bad:You never support :(


                                                    bad lose streak > win streak
                                                    good 1k match


                                                      Good, both top heros are ww assasin heros, And i love clinkz so it makes me happy to see :D also a 7 game winstreak on front page for you :D

                                                      in the game with most last hits in yoru records that you lost.. venge had more hero damage then you :( cursed am


                                                        Good: Variety of heroes played and 100% win rate with meepo :p
                                                        Bad: 10% win rate with enigma, try him in the offlane, at a quick lvl6 you can almost for sure get a kill if you rotate to mid and gank.

                                                        NEVER SAY DIE

                                                          good: some sweet win rates and kda with some of your top played. good jaks make me happy
                                                          bad: your dazzle.... and rubick(a little more forgivable, but not really lol)

                                                          NEVER SAY DIE

                                                            oops i missed you
                                                            good: nice, some good recent records
                                                            bad: winrate, carries


                                                              Good: Quality overall winrate with mostly supports played.

                                                              Bad: Not skilled enough to play Ogre Magi. 5 games 5 losses. :(


                                                                good : play many heroes

                                                                bad : that shadow shaman :(


                                                                  Good: Win streal >lose streak
                                                                  Bad: Could add more to your current most played pool hero.


                                                                    Good quite the mid player... with quite the win rate with teh poodge and the vokes

                                                                    Bad.. in your game with most last hits.. it looks like if you were more active with your team just judging from hero damage you could have won just doing that, because you guys didnt get horribly out slayed or anything, but i know the feeling when you feel like you just need to be split pushing i think my most last hit game is like that but i might be wrong.


                                                                      Good: Jakiro/Disruptor
                                                                      Bad: viper most played


                                                                        whys that bad :(


                                                                          Good: You play a good support
                                                                          Bad: Bad winrate as Morph


                                                                            Good: Meepo player
                                                                            Bad: low winrate + improvable KDA


                                                                              good : still not many matches yet
                                                                              bad : very low tower damage record


                                                                                good: really nice winrate while not stacking a lot
                                                                                bad: dat puck


                                                                                  good: win rate
                                                                                  bad: nature's rat and broken hero most played


                                                                                    Bad : 49,88 ciao to 50
                                                                                    good : mid player


                                                                                      Guy who commented on my DB: estimated rank 4200-4700

                                                                                      Ahahaha I wish man... :(


                                                                                      Good: High winrate and KDA on all your top heroes.

                                                                                      Bad: Bad Wraith King KDA and winrate. How do you mess up pressing Q? :P

                                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                      Low Expectations

                                                                                        Good: clockwerk winrate and kda
                                                                                        Bad: Shadow Shaman stats


                                                                                          Good: over 2k games, but just 4 with Riki.
                                                                                          Bad: not too great kda ratios overall

                                                                                          Eileen Kelly

                                                                                            Good: better at AA than me....
                                                                                            Bad: Plays alot of AA.... :D


                                                                                              Good: Pudge winrate
                                                                                              Bad: What happened to this Magina ? :/


                                                                                                Good- invoker player. Bad usually goes voker ......btw don't comment on my wind runner and purge xd

                                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                                Chris Ridout

                                                                                                  Pro's: Top three played heroes are some of the most useful and versatile.
                                                                                                  Bonus Pro!, was manly enough to get rapier on Clockwerk.

                                                                                                  Con's: Cannot pick a name ;p

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                                                                                                    No hard feelings bro:)