General Discussion

General Discussion5 Worst Heroes in Dota2

5 Worst Heroes in Dota2 in General Discussion

    What 5 heroes do you think sucks the most in Dota2? Give a short comment as to why you think so, i know its all situational, like Chen is the worst hero if its played by a terrible hero or Sniper is the worst coz he is easily nuked etc. but still - try to find 5 so we can see if we can find a pattern in what heroes people think sucks the most.

    1 = Worst hero in the game



      you are the worst hero I ever saw

      Woof Woof

        meepo - nothing against hero but the way valve designed hud for multi units is just plain horrible
        lich - most boring hero in whole game
        broodmother - same as meepo
        elder titan - hero idea is great but that ulti is most retarded shit i have seen in a while
        dunno about 5th

        good thing i didnt read title right

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            1. Sniper(fuck this hero)
            2. Bloodseeker (fuck this hero too)
            3. Drow (do i really have to explain this)
            4. Zues (stupid af.)
            5. Skywrath (skywrath just blows)
            That's my 5 :D

            la the yeezy

              OP, y u heff to feed so bad? :(

              Safe Base

                1) Meepo
                2) Sniper
                3) Medusa
                4) broodmother
                5) Skywrath


                  Sniper, Bloodseeker and Broodmother


                    1) bloodseeker
                    2) axe
                    3) skeleton king
                    4) pudge
                    5) riki


                      SK got recently buffed, he got a lot stronger.


                        axe,sk and pudge? i like all 3 pudge to show off my l33t skillz and axe and sk just to laugh at ppl trying to kill me
                        1 slark just hate him so annoying to deal with
                        2 elder titan skills just are too bulky and weird
                        3 sf I HATE PATHING!
                        4 sniper "plz come and gank i am ez kill"
                        5 brood just ...

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Do we list the most useless and worthless heroes or heroes we hate playing the most?
                          Either way most useless heroes are :
                          Sniper Drow Medusa Riki and Bloodseeker. God so useless.

                          The heroes I hate playing the most are:
                          Wisp Chen Drow Medusa and Bloodseeker. Fuck Drow holy shit who the hell picks that hero and has fun?


                            Why do you think Medusa is useless?



                              I agree.

                              Medusa has what is basically a passive Battlefury for farming (@Anti-Mage), a shield that lets them take around double the damage to take down and the newly buffed ultimate with some sort of set up can win teamfights.

                              I don't think there are a five worst.

                              All I could really say is that Sniper might be the worst.


                                I mean; the worst heroes, like in the most useless/bad heroes in the game. Not the ones u personally hate. Like i hate Chen, i hate Meepo coz i cant micro, i hate visage, but they are not exactly the worst heroes in the game as i see it. For me personally, yes, but not in general i think :)


                                  1. Sniper

                                  Single handedly the biggest piece of shit rage inducing character, offers absolutely nothing too a team. Team must sacrifice almost everything in order too protect sniper, selfish pick, takes a long time before hes actually useful, all in all just the worst fucking scrub tier character which all the shit idiots pick.

                                  2. Pudge

                                  Popularised by Dendi, every fuckwit thinks they can play this character to dendi's level, in reality most pudges are completely terrible and become a burden after 15 minutes because they are fucking shit morons who just watched a dendi montage and think they can emulate what they have just watched, if pudge is in your top hero's you're a piece of shit go kill yourself.

                                  3. Broodmother

                                  Sniper tier shitness this character is completely countered at level 1 by 200 gold, a useless hero who is in desperate need of a rework, skills are terrible.

                                  4. Medusa

                                  I don't dislike medusa, its just that even with 6 slots she is still a terrible character, even with that massive buff to her ulti, I still cannot justify ever using her. It's a shame.

                                  5. Bloodseeker/huskar

                                  This one is a tie, both of them were designed for shit idiots who lack competent brain fuction. The concept of both of these characters is fucking stupid and beyond useless.

                                  Characters I hate having too verse(when played by competent players)

                                  1. Queen of pain
                                  2. Slark
                                  3. Silencer
                                  4. Outworld destroyer/treant protect
                                  5. Weaver

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    About Medusa: She is even weaker than Spectre in the early game. Even with 6 slot, an AM rapes her face EZ. Pub players don't understand what to do when they have a Medusa in their team. Needs extreme amount of time and 4 protect 1 strategy to be useful. You won't find any of those in pub games. And in pro games they won't even let her farm.


                                      techies pudge sniper meepo ursa


                                        medusa is teamfight carry. of course AM rapes her face.


                                          Techies is not in Dota2. Techies is a Dota1 hero. And i dont consider Techies as the worst hero in Dota.

                                          Arthas 2

                                            First and foremost, people play dota to have fun.
                                            Techies fun redefined.
                                            => techies is one of the best heroes around.

                                            ( techies haters are those who dunno how to play techie efficently. .ie, placing bomb at the same spotss over and over again, and crying that its getting dewarded)

                                            now back to the topic, most 5 hated :

                                            1. Brood : Easily countered. Hard to play. Most of the brood in the game are randomed, and they got no idea of how the hero is to be played.

                                            2.Medusa: Farm all day hero. Requires at least 2 luxury items to be effective.

                                            3.Spirit Breaker: Honestly breaks the spirit of the opponents. Charge top charge bot , kill every one. Big headache in pubs. Semi Right click hero.

                                            4. Huskar: Another headache in pubs. Semi-Right click hero.

                                            5.Sniper : Squishy , requires protection. Right click hero.


                                              techies is probably going to be the most annoying hero in the game when he is finally introduced


                                                reason why i say this is because he can stall games for days, and he is turtle king


                                                  Only good thing pudge can do is to commit suicide

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                                                    why so much hate to pudge? i understand the people that usually play pudge who just bought the new set and think they can do across the map hooks or whatever but he is a fun hero for me. dota can get boring playing some heros mid heros can liven that up for me pudge, invoker and shadow fiend are heros that i pick for this reason they require more brain function than a huskar or drow. or are we too worried about w/l % to have fun?


                                                      Anyone can dodge 9 out of 10 hooks with a little amount of unobviousness. And when there is a guaranteed pudge player in a game whose guessing skills are not known it makes stuff annoying. hero that can be simply countered by warding ain't so cool.

                                                      My computer is shit

                                                        he isn't countered by warding though. any decent pudge player will be buying smokes pretty regularly. and dodging hooks is hard when the pudge is fake hooking until hes very close to you.


                                                          I do not believe that there is a bad hero in game... You can find a role and a job for each hero in certain situations... Broodmother was TOP pick/ban few years ago.

                                                          bum farto

                                                            Lets be honest though, Skeleton king is shitty even with all his improvements.




                                                                Brood is really the only one I would go as far as to say is useless. She's just a terrible hero. The morphling nerf made him more difficult, but he can still carry well. A fed to shit brood is still just a brood.

                                                                Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

                                                                  1. sniper
                                                                  2. spirit breaker
                                                                  3. bloodseeker
                                                                  4. huskar
                                                                  5. drow


                                                                    anti mage

                                                                    not sure which ones is more worthless

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                                                                    Cyrus for now

                                                                      Sprit Breaker has practically the best winrate


                                                                        SPIRIT BREAKER AND SPIRIT BREAKER ONLY.... i knw ur gonna say oh he mst gt pubstopmed by him but........its so easy for him to snowball in the game....i mean if it was CM then of course its easy but in pubs he just dominates the fuck outta everybody and once he gets a shadowblade like wtf can you do.....especially if your squishy...better yet a squishy carry that will be unable to farm cause of shit breaker


                                                                          The new medusa, contrary to being top 5 useless, is good to a point of imbalance. I laughed when I read AM destroys her. Have you tried her new ultimate? It counters every single carry in the game by virtue of carries needing to face her to dish out damage, and if you do that, you turn into stone, take a shit ton more physical damage, and die instantly to an invincible bitch with a divine rapier. The concept of gaining utility only after a "long long time (like 50 minutes)" is also ridiculous. She can become invincible by 35 minutes and help her team greatly as soon as she has her ultimate and a manta style. Hint: skip out on that worthless linkens.


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                                                                                1. Kardell SharpEye
                                                                                2. Bloodseeker Strygwyr
                                                                                3. Brood (dont know why no one like it so rarely to find the man who success with this hero iam not found that man since 3 month )
                                                                                4. BaraThrum (MapHack Shit really right clicker shit hero a tons of a bullshit not too nice in late game but have high win rate in pub)


                                                                                  1. Meepo - dangerous pick
                                                                                  2. Broodmother - useless pick
                                                                                  3. Viper Sniper Drow - they're all exactly the same, no escape, really poor gameplay, right click and wait.
                                                                                  4. Tusk - "Hey guys i got an awesome idea, look that little puck, go kill him !!!" *SNOOOOOWBAAAAAAAL ...* " IT'S A TRAP !!!" *dead*
                                                                                  5. Troll Warlord - "I'll catch u ! I'll catch u ! I'll catch u ! I'll catch u ! GOD DAMN IT I BUY BACK THEN I'LL CATCH U !!!"


                                                                                    1- Pudge
                                                                                    2- Techies
                                                                                    3- Goblin techies
                                                                                    4- Butcher
                                                                                    5- Techies and pudge


                                                                                      I honestly don't think that there are bad heroes in the game as they have their own pros and cons. Although I do have a list of heroes that are annoying in many ways.

                                                                                      1. Meepo and Io- Nothing against these heroes. But with the players playing them. Either you are a really good player or you are the type that would screw up BIG TIME.
                                                                                      2. Lifestealer, Anti-Mage, PL, NP, Weaver - They make the game boring..
                                                                                      3. Terrorblade - Honestly one of my favorite heroes in dota 1, but changes in his skills (removing zeal. nerfing reflection.etc) and his very low str, make him a very bad hero if ever he gets into dota 2 with the same skill set.
                                                                                      4. Techies - You know the feeling of exploding when stepping on this bitch's mines. However, the feeling of you using techies and killing someone, Priceless.
                                                                                      5. Sniper - Squishy, needs a ton of farm and items to be effective. Almost everytime will steal your kill.


                                                                                        1- Pudge
                                                                                        i see this fat shit in everymatch. i just hate the looks and voice too much
                                                                                        2- riki
                                                                                        3- Sniper
                                                                                        useless killstealer
                                                                                        4- warlock
                                                                                        press R,win game
                                                                                        5- Kotl
                                                                                        BULLSHIT 500 DAMAGE. NYX INSTA PICK WHEN I SEE THIS

                                                                                        (the) Chicken Joe

                                                                                          Medusa, is a pretty good hero. If you have linkens and a tp you're simply able to split push and just run away when they come with your ulti. Of course I'm horrible with Medusa, as with probably most people, but i see me friend playing him in an even game, (he's not fed or anything), he turns back and 1v3s and wins (vsing razor, viper can't remember the other one).
                                                                                          Pudge is my most played hero but yes i agree with you he's very annoying. He isn't by any ways useless unless the person playing him is new or just very bad. The reason i dislike playing against pudge is because even bad players can get the hooks off and it really sucks when you know you're good, but you're losing because of that. Additionaly, they need to make it easier to steal pudge hook with Rubick, because i use the steal straight away and i still end up with rot, it's really annoying when that happens and often you have to take risks to get close enough to steal the hook, because he can actually hook you and often theres the enemy team there and its like 1v5, so without a blink of force staff you can't actually escape.
                                                                                          Brood is seriously underratted. My friend, played a few games of dota. On his 4th game he randoms brood and he gets 9/1 score with him. Brood's pushing power is insane and he doesn't even have to be there to do the pushing. His nuke/spawn spell does so much damage to supports and other carries and if he has bkb his ulti is so good (It's pretty good anyway).
                                                                                          If i was playing a public game the 5 heroes i would be less likely to pick are:
                                                                                          1. Meepo (not because he's "bad" (because he isn't), but because it's too much bother and too much hand movements to play him right, and i can't actually play him that well anyways)
                                                                                          2. Sniper, Drow, Riki, Viper (These heroes are all equally boring for me. They are essentially just right clickers and it's not so much fun when every single kill is dejavu of the last)
                                                                                          3. Chen (unless i have a pregame strat or something i wouldn't pick chen because i am not that great with him. He is still a good hero i just wouldn't pick him)
                                                                                          4. Medusa (again its because i can't play him well, not because he's bad)
                                                                                          5. I don't really know, i wouldn't mind playing any other heroes

                                                                                          The five heroes i would hate if enemy team had:
                                                                                          1. Spirit Breaker (He is OP, but he still can be countered with a proper strategies. Only, there aren't very great strategies when i comes to Pub games where your team doesn't always call mia in time and where sometimes you just want to peaceful have some free farm)
                                                                                          2. Huskar (He is probably the biggest bitch to lane against. Your only hopes of killiing him away from your tower and by yourself is level 1, because after that the OP damage output and magic resistance is impossible to do anything about alone)
                                                                                          3. Bloodseeker (He is just a nuisance, you can seriously own him in last hitting in lane, but with 2 last hits when the creeps are at his tower he can be back on full health, while you are on half or something. Even when you call mia he still can easily gank cause of his vision spells and his ulti means either stand still and fight 3v2 or 3v1 or just run and hope you live.
                                                                                          4. Phantom Lancer (He is not OP, but the problem is noone ever ganks him so he gets the farm he needs. HE would be OP if he had a kotl next to him fueling his phantom lance
                                                                                          5. Anti-mage (similarly to phantom lancer, he is not op unless given farm, however, his mana burn is so annoying. He becomes nearly impossible to gank cause of his passive and blink, which he can simply do into trees and tp out. Noone does this but if they get BoT on AM, you know your screwed. Even natures prophet cant do a thing when he can blink into his trees with a dust and just void him just before he manages to tp out.)

                                                                                          Kanye Best

                                                                                            itt: everyone posts, nobody reads


                                                                                              I hate heroes who can do absolutely shit till they have a decent amount of farm. I don't even want to support them properly when they are in my team:

                                                                                              Anyone feels me here?

                                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                ^ wtf you just said son


                                                                                                  1) Sniper
                                                                                                  2) Brood
                                                                                                  3) AXE (WHY SCALING MANA COSTS WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!)
                                                                                                  4) Meepo if enemy team has any cc.
                                                                                                  5) Bristlebog cuz wand.


                                                                                                    Axe has scaling mana costs, but unless you are brainlessly following a dumb Axe build it doesn't matter. Go Arcanes into Blink. Works well.


                                                                                                      No hero sucks. However, people can really make them seem utterly horrible in maaaany different situations:

                                                                                                      You all have lived this at one point. My top 5 heroes who suck the most because their players have only half a brain.

                                                                                                      1. Magina when he is picked by shitheads who insist on picking him against a full ganker/pusher team.
                                                                                                      2. Enchantress when people decide to go carry with her since level 1 and ruin the game by feeding non-stop and deciding it's a good idea to go head to head with heroes who are obviously going to rush Orchid/BKB (Clinkz/Brood...)
                                                                                                      3. Magnus when retards feel like they actually need to complete the RP+Skewer combo and pull the whole enemy team out of Enigma's (with blink dagger) Black Hole, Disruptor's Storm, Kunkka's Ship, etc, etc, fucking etc.
                                                                                                      4. Snipers that insist on going mid. (Game of feeding)
                                                                                                      5. Naga Sirens that forget they can turn off their ultimate (FUUUUUUUCK)

                                                                                                      And my absolute most hated hero: Shadow Fiend...Ok, this is personal bias because I always get the retarded SFs on my team and the Yaphets SFs in the enemy team >:(