General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed a carry (EU)

Need a carry (EU) in General Discussion

    Samurai Gaming looking for a good carry player that can play solo or in a tri-lane.
    Some of the heroes that we need you to play are: Dark Seer/Naga/Timbersaw/Gyrocopter/Nature's Prophet/Mirana/Juggernaut/Lone Druid/Alchemist/Clockwerk...(This doesn't mean that you need to know all of them, but it will be good to know Dark Seer or Naga and some of these.)

    We usually play on "Find Team Match" but we may enter some small tournaments as well.

    Our Team Players:
    Luffy Position:Solo Mid -
    ALPINA Position:Carry -
    BlaZe Position:Support -
    Archaeus Position:Support -

    I want a real team mate not 1 that will leave if we lose more matches in a row.


      can do offlane and cary,also can do support if needed
      try me out if u want


        u got it bro u search for a carry and he needs to lpay ds naga timber furion potm jug bear cw.
        only alch /gyro fit in tri
        rest arent carry but offlanes/jungle/mid/useless(hi jugg/timber)

        Autism is great

          ^ look at this elitist faggot


            xxqueen lol, so ure saying naga, furion, potm juggernaut, bear arent carries? Lol...


              @xxqueen AHAHAHAH, this guy is so stupid, even timber is a like a semi carry. u bastard rofl


                why do you need a second carry when you have 1


                  xXQueenPrinc3ssXx : if u read carefully it says he will play in tri lane or solo - and i just wrote the heroes that my other carry player cant play which will be nice for the other guy to play (offlane,tri lane,solo that just depends on the current tactic


                  Senya: Yeah the role is more like a semi-carry still depends on the heroe


                    Luffy, i like playing those heroes, maybe u can try me out. Im a casual player and havent played with teams but i do like that role so why not give it a shot? I can play gyro/Furion/mirana/juggernaut and lonedruid/timber i can play semi ok. I can play Dark Seer solo offflane, but when it comes to teamfight im pretty bad at landing ulti so id prefer not to use that hero. Windrunner is a good offlane hero as well, but im not that good with her spells. I can play alchemist and clock too :)

                    Ples Mercy

                      Little warning, i just played with the player 'goplayTETRIS', hes a trashplayer. He does stack and pull but has no map awareness whatsoever and wont support at all. Also he does not know advanced warding, basicly a normal bracket player, if your looking for a decent carry i really doubt he would do you any good, just wanted to save you some time.

                      If you want to see him in action:
                      Match: 278116691

                      Basicly youll see a match with him and his scrubfriends. Pudge losing to ss after 1min, kotl failing as described, doom afk jungling which never buys bkb despite dying to alot of cc everytime, nyx which does not know hoto build items either (goes gankingbuild as solo offlane) and ofc me, the hardcarry which gets ganked by the enemy all the time because none of the morons do not understand void cant solo 3 people.

                      You seem to be a rather bad hardcarry and your strenght is more in jungling/ganking (maybe even mid).


                        Maybe :) Idk, i have a rough time carrying coz i never feel like i get the support. I do think i can play a decent hard carry if i get babysitting in a bottom lane. But other roles suits me just fine too.




                            if u need babysitting then you are definitely a bad carry player
                            stick to woods


                              i can try out sometime, mostly play carry or solo off. And well known with all the heroes you posted with the exception of lone druid.


                                @Blunt @ Fnatic

                                just rofl! i were beaten by solo bh i was to stacking all pulling all the way so u could take all the xp from lane also warding and dewaring and sentry for bh.
                                u talk about map awarness? alwlays warded fot you at top lane and river so u could see any incoming gangs but ure fkin blind and horror last hitting with fkin 35 MIN BATTLEFURY GTFO u fkin piece of shit
                                meca skill u have farmin woods while free lane for farm i hace to fkin recall u and ping 100x time to do so
                                dont u fkin talk about my carry ability cuz im 1000Xbetter than u shitty lasthitting


                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  you died 13 times and you failed to deward, go uninstall the game trash


                                    Ok guys its closed (for now) im still thinking who im gonna pick,and if i dont choose anyone i will open it again.Ty

                                    Woof Woof

                                      gl with your team man

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        Everyone has the match and everyone can spectate it. Dont worry, as it seems hontrash alrdy saw the match ;)

                                        Everyone here can see how fucking bad you are. We lost the match because you are bad, you did all the mistakes i alrdy listed + more, you never used blinding light in a fight and never dewarded, also you TPed me right into fights we couldn't take.

                                        Look at the CS, i had good lane control, had most last hits and harrased the BH out of lane, everything worked out extremely good, but then the enemy saw that i was farming, then they permaganked me, what did you and your noobfriends do? Exacly, nothing but fight on offlane and feed the mid.

                                        Bad players are bad, you lost us the game by letting them towerdive me and do nothing. Learn to play id say ;)


                                          xxqueen lol, so ure saying naga, furion, potm juggernaut, bear arent carries? Lol...

                                          exactly what i said.


                                            Ok :)

                                            Ill carry wiv omni :i


                                              @Blunt @ Fnatic

                                              whatever,its my bad. my party was noobish one and im sry for inviting u and ruining ur game
                                              i wont argue with u anymore cuz it makes no sense.
                                              i appologize for my rage

                                              and just for the record, if u check all times best economy ull see that im better farmer and i can find my levels better than you



                                              same goes for most game impact (kda ratio and stuff, totally outstading you)



                                              good luck with ur attitude and ty for making so much thing of a failed match

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                              Ples Mercy

                                                Another proof that your a noob. AFKFarm does not help anyone. I join fights rather early and im a very aggressive player, you are more passive and the afkfarmtype.

                                                You do not get the basics of the game and you try to find some stats to proof that you are better.

                                                heres an example:

                                                less than 600gpm, only 150 lasthits, did i win the game? Hell yeah.


                                                  well thats why i added "game impact" stuff


                                                    how does a trashlord with 2 kda on every hero and 1 hero over 500 gpm develop such an ego while not even queuing into very high

                                                    look at him calling superior players trash


                                                    compare statistics, tetris has every single one better while playing higher on the MM ladder

                                                    what a severe case of dunning kruger, oh boy

                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                      You do not even understand the bracket system nor the MMR and yet you base skill from someone due to something you do not understand.

                                                      You are not a bad player but you sure dont get alot of things yourself. So go cry me a river little boy.


                                                        whats there to understand

                                                        youre a page 200 average pubber who thinks he's hot shit for some reason while his stats obviously prove otherwise

                                                        like 70% of the users of this forum are ranked higher than you and better while youre struggling to not feed in half of your page 200 games in which youve never met even a remotely skilled player

                                                        the sooner you realize how terrible you are the better

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                          Dunno why such a good (% 90 stack )player intend to answer % 50 winrate guys ... Such hate on blunt already :)

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            nice site how i can find my ID ? :(

                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              You just prove it to me, your nothing more than a rly stupid person who lacks brain(maybe only a kid).
                                                              With stacks you can achieve easy 70% winrate even though your only mediocre.


                                                                50-60% winrate with a mediocre stack so you're wrong buddy


                                                                  yeah severe dunning kruger

                                                                  well have fun in ur trash bracket, goplaytetris is still easily better than you though

                                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                                    sure thats why hes trashier. You sure are retarded, not only are you not able to read any kind of graphs you also lack the ability to think with your brain.

                                                                    Im gonna hand it to ya, you really made my day with your stupidity.


                                                                      BURN !

                                                                      or not?

                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                        how about FREEZE and BURN! ? :3



                                                                          It's not about the fkin win-rate but the games that do count, considering the fact that you dominate each game you play one of the cores and your job as a support is done smooth yet you cannot win due to broken mm that matches you with people that have got less understanding over the game than a fucking peanut, that's no longer up to you to win (i'm 1 win - 11 loses in the solo mm nevertheless, given up playing that piece of garbage).

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                            welcome to soloqueue.


                                                                              Why do u all hatering him so much? Even not so good players can't create a team?
                                                                              Just stupid kids...

                                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                                noone is hating the OP, srsly read before you post jackass.



                                                                                  I am actually defending him of the win percentage whores. Calling me a stupid kid makes you retarded.