8,000 xp down or so, around 10,000 gold.
One team fight and boom, the graphs start dropping...
it was a mini comeback:
We got our ass handed in the 0 - 7min range, we died and fed like nabs, suddenly i made 2 ultrakills and everything escalated :'D
Normal bracket, still a 14 k gold comeback. I just buy travel boots & I say to my team "Ok, I split push. Defend the ancient." it finished like lgd vs [A], me & void pushed and destroyed the ancient :'D
Intense through the end, Meepo was level 25 in, like, 30 minutes in. I was probably the only one capable of killing Meepo lol, cause of battlefury and spirit buff, which game me like 300 damage. Great game
we lost all baracks in 20-25 min , only top ones w/o tower were standing , than they destroy even mele top and we were left with range baracks top and no T4 towers. I decide to keep farming cuz didnt have enough time to react when my team goes fights , so I was lasthitting , lasthitting and was able to outplay them with PL. I really did like that game.
I was magnus doing all my best , few missunderstanding between me and naga made us fail mid game , but we comeback in late and pwn pwn
They did rape us , even our tritop dazzle + tiny + weaver fail ( we were aginst zeus + ench + BS ) , our mid lost and only Ursa left , but this players was really god he get lothar and vlad + PT(? why pt ursa ? :D ) and he won this game for us.
we didnt have a good early and slardar left the game. but cancer and meppo farmed up and i silenced invoker in teamfights
our team was getting raped all over mid when i was pushing top luckily they didnt notice me getting their rax when they were getting kills mid.
we had mega top and me being prophet constantly pushed bot and mid and they didnt have the guts to push at all because the only remaining towers were tier3s
after some time i finaly took bot down and we won.
we were like 15k gold behind in 25 min into the game, it was already deep shit lost game. Score was 24-6 as i can remember. Tinker just used that goddamn laser on me, so i could do nothing in teamfights, i died first all the time ( cuz i got focused hard, i died a horrible death from all that goddamn magic damage, and in 1-2 sec i was gone). I was like 2-7 but suddenly we fought 4v5 and somehow managed to kill them all. My gold raised so hard so i was close to black king bar. After i got it, the game became harder for them, and we succeed to win in a long 1 hour victory.
Still 12k gold down at end and win, probably because BH got our rapier than fed it back to us.
Down by 36.2k gold and 23 kills by 25 minutes. But we just 5 manned and won the game ez by outplaying them.
Playing with some of my friends who just started dota
Best game I've ever played. 80 mins and won against megacreeps.. Early game we got raped totally but just deffed even though we lost rax and towers early on. Built 3 Rapiers as Kunkka this match :D
At least 10 - 0 down on kills, Bounty Hunter running rampant, all was lost.
We were hammering on their ancient as Bounty was hammering on freakin' close. Must have been about 100 HP left on ours when theirs popped. 40 - 27 on the kills yet the team with 27 grabs a win. Such an epic game to play in.
Well we win this having only top lane range baracks :D it was funny game. I was farmin with PL like madman , but only creeps when enemies constantly were killing my team. I decide to keep farm and come with items instead join them eralier and die with them , ofc they flame me for 25 mins that I lost game etc. Actually I didnt belive we will win this , PL vs ES , overfeed Naix , Bane still can be pain in ass even w/o items , Huskar not farmed well but every1 know how annoying this guy is , and of Bat Rider even with only blink + force can punish your team and make every teamfight 4v5.
Played 4v5 with a thrall down!
Mirana was on a feeding spree..
Doom made a mekha!
Still we won!!
Quite a comeback this game....
~15k gold difference
we lost mid and bot raxes
enemy alch buys a rapier and throws the game
Not as much of a comeback as a back and forth game.
Enemy Mirana first item rapier, I think we were down 6 towers and had taken 0 or maybe 1. Then, Mirana drops rapier and I (Dark Seer) pick it up. Starting to autoattack like crazy, then I drop it and it continues going back and forth until we finally take the game! And yes, Invoker did carry me. ;)
Ancient has about 1% left. We don't even mega creep at this point. We have just picked up 2 rapiers though :)
It was in normal bracket, but still a good comeback. My entire team was feeding hard early - mid game. I had good farm mid and a fast tower and decided to continue farming up items as soon as i can to help my team out. I targetted Warlock first so he couldn't drop the golem. Did this in every clash and we came back somehow. lol. I do have other good come backs thought but this game i just can't forget.
Come back from mega creeps :) easily one of my most intense games of Dota 2
i actually have 2 games
this they were leading with full towers+map control
somehow i managed to 4man cogs then voker cent-teamwipe and that was the begining of our comeback
i went solo style(jumped-died-insta buyback) when they tried to take our last range rax for mega creeps i caught 3 and we actually managed to def then we won
This is what happens to players who trashtalks first and plays around not ending the game. AM gets their asses handed to them.
our early game was screwed bcoz ursa n bloodseeker feed, but we won mid game thanks to mirana's leadership
although later ursa n bloodseeker threw their lives, giving the enemy our top and mid barracks, we still won coz pudge n rubik were alone for reasons unknown :D.
If I remember correctly we were down about 2 racks for around 15-20 minutes. We just kept defending and defending until someone on the other team bought a rapier. We won a team fight I got the rapier and we gg pushed right after that.
20k+ gold lead on the other team slark and sf decide to trolling.epic comeback was like 20-2 at the first 10min
another rapier come back.
@Safe base knows about these comebacks BAWZ.
game ended as Radiant 20 kills vs Dire 52 kills
Radiant won still win even at the end when cleared throne, there was still a 2k gold lead on dire, no rapiers.
We were getting stomped til the DR's came out lol
Everyone wanted to be the carry and insane shit talking 0 coordination then BAM we syned and started to snowball
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I dont even understand how we won. Visage just manned up.