General Discussion

General DiscussionHow could i have won this game?

How could i have won this game? in General Discussion

    so i just had this game.
    basically it was a push fest, but when it came down to it i just couldnt outdamage their carries, nor could i outpush them, at least thats how i see it.

    besides my subpar last-hitting, how could i have played differently to win this game? ignore the items, i had to sell some of them right in the last minute. u will see why :>


      Pl isn't really a carry that wins the game by defeating other carries, pl wins by split pushing.

      Lets suppose you had better DPS items, all a pl has to do is camp a lane, pushing out with just his illusions and hiding his hero. I don't see any particular heroes in the Dire that could hunt you easily so it should have been easy to camp if you did it correctly, they would probably need the am or two/three other heroes to stop you. In which case, your team should have been winning the other teamfights. Especially since am had no survivability items...

      Your team should have excelled at counter push and like I mentioned earlier, if you had been split pushing then they probably couldn't push in with half the team/no am there.

      Then again, I haven't watched the game so these are just my opinions from the lineups and items.

      Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

        you have nothing at all ...................


          U won coz PL buy radiance xD


            i was pl, and i lost.
            at some point i had boots of travel, radiance, tarasque, diffusal blade, talisman of evasion, black king bar. in the last minute of the game i said "fuck it" and sold the diffu and talisman and bought divine rapier, only to lose it 30 seconds later in the last fight.

            i did exactly as you said C, the only thing is that they had counter push. Prophet would push a lane and i had to push it back again, then am would split push from other side, and then, just when we had 2/3 sides under siege we just couldnt do damage to towers enough to destroy them. tree always healed them when we were away from them.

            i tried to tower dive multiple times, but i simply couldnt kill the really important players, ench and am. i couldnt do anything to ench because of untouchables which slowed my attack and my illusions attack, and radiance wasnt doing enough damage.
            at some point i bought bkb, trying to kill ench. but by then she already had AC, and my illusions were still slowed, all i did was to reveal who the real me was.

            AM was simply to hard to kill, we had disables, but the damage simply wasnt enough.

            was my positioning bad? my itemisation? my decision making?

            Цей коментар був відредагований
            Ples Mercy

              jesus christ, you lost because you build the shittiest items ever also you had no fucking farm. Dunno if you kept on buying back like a retard or what the hell was wrong with you that match but w/e.

              You cant splitpush with shit items, end of story.


                Why radiance ? It gives you nothing except that farming power which you probably didn't take fully use over it looking at ur cs
                Why bkb ? PL doesn't have to go into the war unless you are surely winning the war . Keep making illus with your skills and use them instead.
                You are PL. You got Kotl who had boots of travel and you had boots of travel . You could have split push like crazy but your illus are weak because your stats item is only the heart and you don't have butterfly or even manta.

                Then for the same applies , i never watch the game so it's just opinions from the heroes and items

                waku waku

                  not even diffusal bladder


                    i fucking said i sold the items in the last minute

                    jesus christ, at least read what i write

                    at some point i had boots of travel, radiance, tarasque, diffusal blade, talisman of evasion, black king bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    honestly, if some1 really wants to help he should just watch the game, commenting on those items from the end match is just stupid, at least read what i have to say.

                    Ples Mercy

                      as i said, shititems are shit. And you should have far more items. Srsly you should have been 6 slotted, its an hour game. You simply build the worst items possible and your farm was rather bad. Theres nothing more to it, if you had build something like:

                      --> BoT, diffblade, heart, butterfly,manta and skadi for example, then they would never have been able to stop your illusions from wrecking their shit.

                      The reason you lost is because you do not understand what PL is about, he needs stats and stuff that stacks with his illusions. If you build crap like radiance, bkb n shit then your bound to lose, that simple. You should maybe look up some guides about PL and check out some explanations to illusions.


                        Nothing wrong with Radiance TBH. But at it's core its an item you would want to get under similar conditions to rushing HoM on carries that can fight early - only do that if you have the early advantage. Even with perfect last hitting for 6-7 minutes I would hesitate to rush Radiance first because it's like BF on AM - you won't be able to fight until you get your next big item.

                        Radiance with proper illusion micro lets you farm your entire jungle + lane + ancients if you have the map control. It lets your GPM skyrocket faster than a Radiance on Spirit Bear could.

                        Your mistake is the whole idea of trying to participate in fights. Yes, it is very difficult to push against a Treant who punishes every push that you don't fully commit to. That doesn't mean you stop pushing. Against split-pushers like AM and Prophet, just make sure you keep at least one lane fully pushed (without exposing your main hero to danger). The illusions should be able to at least whittle down the buildings and their supports won't be able to take down the illusions alone (given that you actually micro them), which forces at least one of their cores to come back.

                        Item build could be alot better also. You'll want Manta Style, to give you the advantage for split pushing safely and a safety net if you get caught in team fights (which you want to AVOID). Skadi gives a nice stat boost and a slow for your main hero while your illusions still get Mana Burn from Diffusal, which is actually their main source of damage (it does damage almost equal to their basic attack). Butterfly would have helped greatly in letting your illusions last longer against physical DPSers like AM. Items like BKB and Rapier are essentially terrible items for a hero like PL. The very fact that you feel the need for these items shows that you are not playing this hero optimally.


                 <- this is an hour long game of yours on PL and you didnt have 6 slots, your farm was even worse than mine. 24k compared to my 31k, also 350 creeps vs my 450, 407 gpm vs my 510 gpm.

                 another game, 50 minutes in, just 22k, and 200 cs

                          i had 450 CS and was nearly 6 sloted, i bough back to save my team and had to waste money on bkb to kill ench.


                            they had better teamfight heroes.Axe and treant are great intiators and antimage and prophet are flash farmers.
                            and dat enchantress pretty much was well fed/farmed.they had 3 carries while you had 1.

                            the only way you could win was by slark finding a afk hero and getting shitloads of agi.

                            and ofc your pudge sucked

                            Died cause of lag

                              you lost because you where against better late game..

                              and the fact that you didnt get butterfly was a huge blunder.!

                              ohh and manta style is a must aswell.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                              Ples Mercy

                                Match 1: Furion and Bounty took farm aswell, there was no real space to farm at all. The roaming clinkz and zeus prevented me from doing to much pushing (zeus ulted to find me and clinkz went ahead if i was nearby), not to mention the extreme amount of cc and Darkseer which made a counterpush wave with my illusions whenever my team wanted to 5man it.

                                Match 2: That game was alrdy over at the 15min mark, after that we jerked around and did nothing rly, until we realized that morph was getting fat, so we just ended the game.

                                Nice try though. Btw, im kinda suprised that you only have a 33% winrate on PL even though its only on 6 matches.
                                Also you did not even understand what im writing to you, im not critizing your lasthits, but your that your an idiot when it comes to money management. Ill give you an example:


                                I had similair farm to you, i was 6 slotted and even sold my battlefury for a mkb (switching out my 6 slotted shit) and i still had alot of cash left ( like 5k or so).

                                So how about you?
                                You had around 32k Gold, you had at the end items worth ~17k and therefor your wasted 15k gold on nothing, good job. This is basicly why you always will suck.

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  He already explained why (he sold items.) Your item build is questionable too, Daedulus doesn't even come close to doing as much work for your illusions as Radiance.

                                  i'm a dyslexic ngiger

                                    Spyrith, the way I see it, your Rapier purchase was a gamble - if you lost it the chances of you losing would be much higher. You had pretty good farm and your team did too. If you had persevered on you could have gotten a Diffusal 2, Butterfly and a Daedalus instead of BKB. Keep in mind that Diffusal on PL is insane - the damage it outputs is still solid even into the late game.

                                    Seeing from team compositions alone, it seems like they have the better pushing and teamfight.


                                      In a COMPETITIVE one hour game, being a 6-slotted pl makes sense.

                                      In a pub game where no one really bothers about being a hardcore support/giving any free lanes to the carry, to be 6-slotted without being an alchemist is extremely difficult.

                                      If you can be 6-slotted, it merely means this; your enemies suck or your allies gave you the farm. Knowing where and when to farm doesn't matter if there is nowhere to farm.

                                      Arguably, Daedelus isn't all that much better than Radiance. Fat illusions don't need the crits to push fast and crits don't mean anything against towers/raxes which is the entire point of pl.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        U should have had 600 LHs at minute 60, looking at the radiance.
                                        Antimage gives u no hard time as a PL.
                                        Antimage is heavily outcarried by a PL with diffusal + heart only (maybe some evasion).
                                        Buying a divine is a total mistake on PL, u just get 300 dmg on the hero and absolutely nothing on the illusions, and selling the diffusal against an antimage was a total mistake, even if u were alrdy losing, there should always be a chance.
                                        Antimage's mana pool is rly low, and maybe 2 hits from each illusion would get him out of mana, thus he won't be able to blink away.
                                        Also with a PL u rly need to split push hard, and not initiate team fights, just throw ur illusion on any of them, and let him spread the cancer (unless they got sven+mag+more AoE).
                                        I don't see how u lost such an ez game, with no major AoE hero against u (treant give only AoE disable, but no dmg).
                                        Axe might (a big MIGHT) get u some troubles, but u should just not focus him a lot.

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            Wow, that logic.

                                            41.61% vs PL means that AM wins right?

                                            PL shits all over AM come late game, its not even a contest.

                                            one paw in front of the o...

                                              Radiance over Manta was a stupid choice.


                                                How about this, bro?


                                                VH bracket