General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Armlet = Feels like Shit?

New Armlet = Feels like Shit? in General Discussion

    Has anyone tried using the armelt after they fixed the "bug"? I just keep dying. I double tap and... my armlet is off. Great. It just feels buggy and shitty now.


      peace of shit



        one and half gun

          well yeah icefrog thought it'd be a cool idea to nerf armlet again because casuals complained


            And because macros.

            one and half gun

              what macro? pressing the toggle twice?

              plz nerf pressing icefrog!


                Heh, I don't know if it is true or not, but people say it was possible to program a macro that made "pressing toggle twice" thing instantaneous.

                I never cared really. I don't use Armlet and if I see a hero who's most likely to buy one I pick Veno, Warlock, Viper or a hero with a really long stun.


                  @zano, the thing is there was little difference between a person using a macro, pushing the button really fast, and using a queue of actions. But NOW you have to have extremely precise timing to get all the benefit from your armlet - hitting it EXACTLY when you are able to hit it. Otherwise, you hear the "not ready sound" and die miserably.

                  It basically makes creating a macro MORE ATTRACTIVE since smashing the button urgently as fast as you can no longer works.

                  Safe Base

                    I do feel valve could have handled this better. Making the extremely simple bind macro in the console impossible would be better than changing how armlet works.
                    Before the change you can manually toggle just as well as using a macro.

                    Now making better macros will gain an advantage over manually toggling.

                    This would only make sense if armlet was over powered and this is a direct nerf.


                      finally a nerf to naix


                        @safe base yes! Exactly. And beyond it being poorly handled/a direct nerf/allowing the binder to gain a BIGGER advantage (all points you/me already made), it just FEELS buggy when you use it. Hell, if they want to nerf armlet, nerf some of its stats instead of making it feel buggy as hell.

                        Woof Woof

                          thats valve for you i said here and on devs forum(which i got banned for) many times that they are incompetent retards that add semi retarded ideas into a game without thinking them through

                          hero performance bars to this day i remember my best heroes having 1 bar while heroes i played like shit being near 10 :DDD
                          hall of fame featuring bad players with 200/300 wins on regular basis / same 9 heroes each weak
                          match maker that took like xxxxx fixes and is still bad
                          report/commend system = broken piece of shit do any of u remember spam on chat channels with commendations exchanges 4x4 add me or report system where u could report peoople u didnt ever play with? :DDD same with comm
                          fight against roshan in dire tide it had si many bugs i just had no words while reading bugs and abuses possible during that time
                          and its only a drop of water in a sea of retarded shit they did

                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                          Woof Woof

                            i dont know what kind of idiot is going to use their software if they cant even design a copy of allready existing game without 100000000fails and 3 years in development

                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                            dookie daddy

                              I am usually not one to complain about the matchmaking system but since the drop of the skill levels it has been diabolical. Basically, people just throwing the game cause who cares about win rate or skill level if those things don't matter anymore. There is no more point system to reward the good and no discipline system to punish the bad so I am looking at about 2/5 games going bad if I solo queue.

                              >MM needs tons of work
                              >A proper ladder system
                              >Some new gaudy hats for Kunkka

                              Note: SOLO QUEUE IS DEATH, DO NOT DO IT.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                              LUL REKt

                                Note: SOLO QUEUE IS DEATH, DO NOT DO IT.

                                After the new update everything has been glitched and as you said Havoc Badger the matchmaking system has been "Fucked up" like i went from a day where i played with RUSSIANS WICH WERE GOOD to ppl who had played one or two matches of DotA

                                Woof Woof

                                  pretty much games feel like lpq and level from shit to very low

                                  dookie daddy

                                    Funny thing actually, with all the servers dc'ing constantly over the last few days this will be the first time in 1 1/2 years that I have ever been in LPQ which angers me cause most of the people in LP games deserve to be there so you just end up losing most of your games because I don't have another account to fall on till the prio ban wears off.

                                    It used to be everyone moaning, and while I sympathized I always felt like it wasn't so bad but now the ass burn is really up and I am in bad need of some ice-cream for my thighs.

                                    First things first, servers need to be fixed. Secondly, the MM needs to have a look through at how it is played and I think there needs to be a differentiation between not the just skill level but the balancing between games played and W/L ratio. I think that a number of people have had great ideas of how the system could work and I think that seeing as most of the revenue is driven by the consumer they should let people of like mind decide how they want the system to evolve.

                                    I agree the MM, and how the game was abused, and how it gauged skill, and all that noise needed some work but I don't feel that just scratching everything was the solution as it has basically put everything back to square one with no sight of soon to come future progression though it looks like they may have something in the works as per speculation and the little leaked news from Valve.

                                    All of the above can wait though pending the swag hats for Kunkka.

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                    King of Low Prio

                                      I find it hilarious that the people who where crying about how the MM system didnt work and the sky was falling, now that the MM system is actually bugged they say the EXACT same shit. This is what happens when you cry and exaggerate things, you cant expect anyone to take you serious


                                        Games are more biased now, either easy win or easy lose, I can no longer be the deciding factor.

                                        side note. Fucck spirit anus.

                                        one and half gun

                                          we're not saying the same exact thing though, why do you exaggerate things?


                                            Did they fuck up the regional settings? a lot of south-east asians in my recent games.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I don't think the armlet was ever intended to be spammed on and off to prevent dying in that fashion. It's supposed to give you a big buff and the expense of losing hp. Working as intended imo. Still a good item for certain str based heroes.


                                                I don't think it's the regional settings, but it's very hard to get a server at south east asia region after the patch, so I guess sea people moved to other regions for mm


                                                  It has been that way for the entire duration of DotA 1 and DotA 2. Icefrog could have put a small delay on enabling the armlet in DotA1 if he wanted. People look at Armlet spam as if it makes you invincible, but that completely ignores the fact that a single stun will most likely result in the death of a toggling armlet or that in the later game, 400 hp is nothing to slice away in a mere 2 seconds.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    I still think it's fine. It was a stupid gimmick. It's still a great item on huskar, naix, even night stalker and spirit breaker.

                                                    one and half gun

                                                      its not a great item anymore rofl

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        What else can give you even close to those stats for that cheap? 2700g for 65 dmg and 25 attack speed as a str hero. Plus armor and hp regen.


                                                          @mark AND THEN YOU DIE.......... NICE STATS DUDE

                                                          Sōu ka

                                                            still the best fucking item but yeah kinda annoying when you tap slightly faster than what you are allowed to and not toggle at all


                                                              So, Armlet is now a good item instead of a wonderful item. Heh, I see this sort of like the Heart of Tarrasque nerf or the Bloodstone nerf from ages ago.

                                                              one and half gun

                                                                no it went from a decent item to absolutely waste of gold item


                                                                  Ok, let's just call it a "needed nerf" if you want to do that. Even if you wanted to nerf it, why not decrease some of its static benefits or static costs rather than making the thing feel buggy as shit?


                                                                    Did you actually expect any better after the whole MM fiasco of recent days?

                                                                    one and half gun

                                                                      needed nerf? you realize they increased the cooldown from 0 to 2 a long time ago but now they added a small delay between toggling which is 0.7 seconds or something

                                                                      its just casuals killing dota


                                                                        I'm not saying it's a needed nerf. I'm saying even if you start with the assumption that a nerf is needed, the last thing you would do it make the toggle mechanic feel buggy as shit as your method for nerfing it.


                                                                          hello god this is vandal. hey bro please man just get the armlet working the right way again. I will stay away from the devil.

                                                                          Sōu ka

                                                                            you can toggle in 0.1 s and before the patch you could get 0.03 s with shift queuing which actually doesn't work anymore at all
                                                                            now you can't toggle through ion shell anymore, which had a 70% success rate beforehand (perfect toggling)
                                                                            don't think that was ever intended

                                                                            Sōu ka

                                                                              and that was without scripts
                                                                              with scripts you can do shit like:


                                                                                The armlet serves its purpose. Its still a very good item- its meant to be turned on for short bursts, not to keep your health from 1 to 400 all the fucking time.

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  ~~~~ how is it a waste of gold? You turn it on on a regen hero like huskar or lifestealer and you won't notice the hp loss and it's far and away the most extra dmg you can get for that cost. Sacred relic is 40% more gold for 60 dmg. Obviously you don't just go sacred relic, you build items with it, but the point stands, there's no item that gives you as much stat boost for so little cost as armlet on a str hero.

                                                                                  waku waku

                                                                                    how well does armlet go along with alchemist's ult?

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      No one seems to get armlet on alch, but his ult hp regen would let you keep it on for long periods of time. Worth trying, I think most people just prefer to focus on shadow blade early then ac or other stuff.


                                                                                        To be honest, I don't give a shit about armlet being able to toggle through DoTs. Quit crying newbies.

                                                                                        Safe Base

                                                                                          Alch can farm so fast it's better to go for slot effective items and not for cost effective items overall, this is probably why a lot of people don't get armlet on Alch.

                                                                                          If alch is not played as the carry (puppey's alch support for example), then armlet/medallion are good items.

                                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                            It's more because Armlet is a "Let's fight" item for heroes that are somewhat kiteable like Slardar and Sven. Battlefury is a "Let's sit and farm" item which is why sometimes gotten on Alch.

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              I don't usually get it on slardar or sven. Always on huskar, always on naix, sometimes on spirit breaker, I have once on night stalker and it worked great but I've only played him like twice. I should try it on those first two though with an urn. Turn on armlet to fight, kill enemy get urn charges, turn off armlet, heal yourself.