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General DiscussionLooking for a team(SEA server)

Looking for a team(SEA server) in General Discussion

    Hi,i'm looking for a team here because it's boring playing alone and i want to play a competitive match.
    I'm from Indonesia and my position is hard carry.


      I can but I am not pro, can you post more details?


        I'm looking for a team not a player.


          Hi Vidz,

          I am going to be honest with you this doesn't look very promising. The "team" scene is quite dead with no one really doing teams that much but a lot of stacks going on. Lets assume you were to get looked at by a team, none of the heroes you play are CM/team viable with maybe an Alchemist filling the blank but then again you have a 25% win rate and a 2.3 KDA.

          I am not being cruel, simply trying to help. I would look to improving your game at a core level as the heroes you play breath such little skill no team will take you seriously.

          Luna - Decent enough hero.
          Drow - Will get you flamed not picked for a team
          Phantom - Again, decent but bad KDA and win rate.
          Alchemist - Decent but as previously said KDA and winrate on a carry is everything.
          Bounty - A little better on this one so maybe practice it more.
          Sniper - NO!!
          Slark - For such a stomping hero surprised you haven't done well with him.

          All this to say you have 200+ games, low KDA's, low win rates but seem to always pick carries or right clicking heroes. Seeing a pattern here? Pick some support, and some offlaners. Practice those as no team will take you on as a carry with those stats quite plainly stating that you are not a viable carry.

          tl;dr You are not a carry player, practice the offlane as you seem to do quite well there.


            ^ he/she is just looking for 4 guys to play pubs and team matchmaking with because they are sick of randoms thats all not a pro team :p


              Quoting OP - "I'm looking for a team not a player" , "I want to play a competitive match"

              Цей коментар був відредагований

                a team yes of four other people you still get 3 randoms if with one other guy he wants 4 other guys who play alot and can talk and play as 5 man.


                  ...and you derived all this from what he said because from what HE wrote it looks like he is looking for "team" and wants to play "competitive" matches.

                  Again, he is looking for a "team" not a player.

                  The difference between a team and a group/stack is that a team has a goal and usually a leader, someone who drives the team to achieve said goals and gauges success and failure for the team. A stack is usually a group of friends who have grown together or met through gaming that share an interest or friendship.

                  I'm going to bet he is not going with the latter and on the lookout for friends from the way he just dodged the only person to respond positively to his post.


                    I didnt see the competitive if he/she does want to play competitive it is doubtful she/he will be good enough and i have a team we play pubs together we go on skype and have fun . I thought that was what they wanted :p


                      That's why reading a topic helps :)


                        XD sorry dude


                          No worries.


                            Yes,i'm looking for a team not a stack.
                            Well,i can accept that about what you(havoc) say that i'm not a carry player.
                            But i just want to say that if you play a pub game,it's so hard to find a support that will support your carry (different from a team match) which always go with 2 support & 1 carry.And in a pub game even you find a support same lane with u,u don't even get a free farm because the support want farm too.
                            So all the thing you can do is find a way how to make your hero fat.

                            and that's the reason i'm looking for a team to play a competitive match.

                            But thanks for your advise,I can accept that and I'll think about the offlaner position that you mention.
                            Thank you


                              TMM is broken, so unless you're willing to go for regular queue, you're not going to see much improvement.

                              As far as searching for a team goes, I think you're better off improving your individual skill first. You should not be getting <50% win rate with so little games played unless you're totally new to this game.


                                Looking at the last matches played I can see some improvement.

                                Your team was horrible out carried but at least you went for the necronomicon and didn't feed out too much.

                                No idea how you lost this but my guess is they horribly outplayed your group early game which made the late game hard to scale into.

                                I hope you played this offlane but either way first win of the day. Suggestion to maybe have gone desolator as with the timber/titan the armor reduction would have been helpful.

                                Again the weaver. Note how even though you were horribly out carried you still did pretty good providing the rest of the team did so bad. Given that Bara was the one really causing your team grief, with high armor and HP a desolator again would have been better than the MKB.

                                That basically bumps your slark off your list and now we see another 60% win rate hero with a high KDA. That is why I think you should play the offlane. If you offlane you don't need a support you don't need to worry so much about what is going on with the rest as you just focus on holding your line, carrying a TP to potentially preempt safe lane ganks and take the tower when the opportunity arises.

                                Nyx, Weaver, Clockwerk, and Mirana you seem to play decently. Stick to those and to the offlane and you might find your stats start to greatly improve.


                                  I just don't know why it's so hard to win when playing solo in pub match.
                                  Like you can see in my last match that i've played well but the result is still lost.
                                  And about the first game of my furion i got a flammer in my team which cause me no mood.
                                  And the second game of Anti Mage,my enemy heroes are so damn hard to kill and one person of my team try a hero(invoker).I think you know how hard that game must be.
                                  And still i'm not thinking of giving up about carry heroes.I'll try and try.And i'm looking if there is a team who can accept me.
                                  And i receive a criticism with pleasure




                                      there are no strats in pub game!! so ya lose ;)