General Discussion

General DiscussionBest counter pick

Best counter pick in General Discussion

    What are best heroes to pick in ap vs tanky lineup like :

    ursa wisp (safe)
    lone druid

    It's alright

      4 dendi or singsing in your team

      Woof Woof

        only god can save you at that point
        on a srs note tanky lineups with slows and disables are op as fuck


          So is this CM? I'm assuming a trenchy all-pick

          Shadow Demon
          Phantom Lancer
          Shadow Fiend
          Dark seer


            They are 4 melee + wisp, is that hard to counter them? Pick a bane, eventually a razor and whatever anti-melee heroes you can think of (sand king, clock, some ranged orb walkers etc)


              Agreed OD would be decent in melting wisp lone Druid and SB


                dark seer combined with an OD is pretty good


                  here is example match:


                  i watched this game. was close but radiant made several bad decisions. but stil dat tank lineup seems overly sturdy to kill even if they fight in middle of wall

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    That reminded me of a Timbersaw DK Treant and Abaddon line-up by Quantic. They raped so hard as well.

                    Ples Mercy

                      Timber rapes every str hero.


                        Lifestealer comes to mind. He is weak against ursa, but he can lane really well solo against melee only (if that melee isn't timber). And if properly farmed, he can take on an ursa if his team helps. Another idea: Tiny.

                        Tiny advantages:
                        1.) Can nuke away wisp swiftly
                        2.) Adds a stun (to help deal with ursa + stop barathrom charge + is always good to have a stun)
                        3.) his passive would work on 4/5 heroes. Ursa killing you? Nope, he is killing himself. Stunned, dead.

                        So I would recommend Tiny bottom farm and LS mid. Top could be weaver since their lineup has no disables and sucks fucking penis. Then get 2 supports or a support and a jungle. You're good to go. 90% win rate.

                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                          Timbersaw is a good anti-tank hero

                          This lineup doesn't have good anti split, so Tinker and Prophet are good choices
                          But Prophet has to play well since SB counters him badly

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            jakiro > all of them


                              ^ legit pick jakiro miss icepath while enemy with baras aura and rabid ld+bear eat your teammates :D i forgot about ms bonus from ios link

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                jakiro is the best hero out there atm, dont even dare.


                                  kiro+kotl+void > all of em

                                  Makise Kurisu

                                    pick ls and play better

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                      timber, naix, enigma


                                        I wonder why nobody mentioned OmniKnight

                                        I would pick my team like this:
                                        - OmniKnight
                                        - Slardar
                                        - Vengeful Spirit
                                        - Timbersaw
                                        - Sniper/Weaver/Drow Ranger/Mirana

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                          If you imprison the Abbadon then use your ult it will outright kill him as OD.

                                          Good Options:

                                          -Dark Seer
                                          -Elder Titan