General Discussion

General DiscussionNa'Vi vs [A] Starladder finals

Na'Vi vs [A] Starladder finals in General Discussion

    Loda playing carry Abbadon, Kuroky on support ET.


      na'vi just stomped, 16 min gg.


        Navi came prepared to win today. Carry Abaddon has been as unimpressive as carry Doom at the pro level.

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        Woof Woof

          ^ this looks like they didnt drink before finals

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Carry Abaddon only works against weak teams. That simply was too cocky from Alliance. But I don't really think that was the thing that lost them the game.


              ET too stronK


                Lack of stuns ftl.


                  another win for navi
                  wisp + bat
                  wtf are you doing s4

                  Woof Woof

                    u serial? alliance has better draft :O


                      wisp still 100% win in Alliance vs Navi games.

                      Woof Woof

                        they need to finally replace loda with some normal swedish carry player


                          yo girl get naked for me, shake it


                            If i were a commentator, i would try not having tiny orgasms in case my team was winning. Tobi apparently disagrees... ffs, i understand the crowd, but this shit? Oh well, navi is excellent today, dont think alliance can win even a single game. Is it just me, or anybody else thinks that overall s4 isnt too hot today?

                            In the last game, doom was imo the most important one on the field, maybe together with dendi's bat. They controlled the teamfights so well, picking the right heroes etc.

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                            Woof Woof

                              true true alliance seems lost each time throwda got doomed D:

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                                100k+ people watching game 3 on joindota channel.


                                  Terrible trilane by Na'Vi. I can't imagine what Puppey was thinking when he put a carry Doom in aggressive tri.

                                  Quick maffs

                                    God ET is so strong.

                                    I still think that navi will win ..... they seem to be playing better today.


                                      S[4] focused by early ganks in the first 2 games...this time Navi focused on keeping EGM down early, not nearly as effective.

                                      This was the first loss for wisp, now 11-1 in Alliance vs Navi games I think. They have been trying for a long time to prove which one of them could beat wisp. Other top ten pro teams don't give it away so easily.


                                        Tobiwan suffers from chronic hastaphobia.

                                        Woof Woof

                                          s4 tossing russians like trash cans


                                            International: 5-0 wisp
                                            Starladder: 1-3 wisp, ET 3-1.
                                            ET stronk hero.

                                            Quick maffs

                                              Timber and ET man ..... so fucking strong heroes.

                                              Alliance risk too much in this game ....


                                                Wisp loses 2 games in a row to ET at the end here.

                                                This was a really great grand finals match. Also there are so many great tournaments coming up. The big regional tournaments are beginning to get serious about bringing in global teams this year. Tobiwan is right. Starladder should try to get teams like DK or IG to come next season. They just need to switch to TI funding model and get big enough prize pools to justify the trip.

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                                                  I really dont like current meta. There is a visible division among the heroes- there are heroes op as fuck (wisp, bat, et, troll, naga, a bit od, lifestealer, furion) and there are others, who just fill up the rest. I understand, that its always been like this, but come on, the op heroo pool is just insane.

                                                  Alliance performed badly today. I myself am an [A] fan, but i have to say, that they were outclassed today. They let navi get too good heroes, navi felt comfortable and confident. [A] made so many mistakes today, so many terrible decisions... They were out of position a LOT, especially egm and s4. Loda went yolo at times. Right now navi>alliance, both skill-wise and draft-wise.

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    Navi was playing at home too .... so i think they did deserve to win.


                                                      Honestly, as a Na`Vi fan I'm happy to see them win. It's a win that we anticipated for long time and it's kind of a payback for TI3. Not trying to bring any fight to the good discussion but let's admit it - it hurt after TI3 :)

                                                      I must agree with Silvers and what he said - there are just some heroes that feel very strong at the moment. Probably this can't really be seen clearly in pubs but it's an evidence that every team either bans those heroes or picks them.

                                                      Natures Prophet - Seriously, at least make him come out of Shadow Blade and set a CD on his TP once the cast has started;
                                                      Elder Titan - Never really played him/studied him but he seems a good bowl of OPness;
                                                      Wisp - Kick ass everywhere;
                                                      Lifestealer - Erm, in the hands of a good player, he's obviously a game changer.

                                                      Anyway, not trying to sound like a pro or anything, I've been playing Dota for 10 months only but I can see pretty much the same picks in pubs and on the competitive scene. Obviously something has to be made.

                                                      GG WP to both Na`Vi and Alliance. It feels so great to watch a game between these two!

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                                                        tbh naix isn't that op, if you allow yourself to lose the laning phase vs him then you're asking to lose within 30 mins. he is one of the only carries that can fight well early but he lacks any. ability to farm insanely fast and really doesnt split push solo very well. and usually builds for teamfighting.


                                                          Naix is a great hero. His main power is the laning stage, he is a great laner, you can put him solo, in trilane or even in jungle.
                                                          He ussually fights midgame, even tho he is a good carry lategame too. Some said that ls is starting to feel that he will be not picked that often in current meta - ITS NOT THE CASE. He gets constantly banned/picked cuz he is really powerfull, and gives so many posibilities that most of the carries lack.