General Discussion

General DiscussionSkywrath mage with scepter

Skywrath mage with scepter in General Discussion
Ming (Zufälliger König)


    King of Low Prio

      complete waste of gold

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        OP riot fix.


          don't get it. ever.
          yes, even if you have obsidian in your team. don't.

          Ming (Zufälliger König)

            why not?

            Ming (Zufälliger König)


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                becouse it takes about half your mana. its not spammable as you think


                  Its not something you would never get, its generally an unrealistic scenario where SWM's team is not only REALLY far ahead, but for SWM to have an excessive amount of money, which is required to sustain its ludicrous mana cost.


                    get OD

                    King of Low Prio

                      LAZERS EVERYWHERE


                        it blows.


                          -In term of Damage/Mana, first skill win.
                          -After you cast double ulti, you are pretty much useless flying bird without mana

                          Don't get scepter as first core. (>2500 mana) Just buy it after you have more mana so you can cast more spell after double/triple ulti.

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                            If you have some nice ~4 sec. disable in team, why not,? just for lulz


                              his ultimate is nice to snipe out people but is already easily countered.
                              euls/force/blademail/bkb stuff you most definitely gonna run into with sky. his ultimate already has a nice cd/20/ so you are really better of without aghanims.
                              boots/force/bkb/hex/shiva/whatever 6th item bloodstone, necro3, rod; seriously whatever you can think of and it's probably gonna have more use than scepter.


                                not enough mana

                                Dread Pirate Cat

                                  stack intelligence like OD, get sheep so you can have disable as well. I get bloodstone a lot on skywrath but it isn't the best item either. but something like bloodstone or travel boots to increase your rechargability is nice a lot of the times.

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                    if you spam your ult back to back you are bad then, its good because you can plan on placing another one soon after the point isn't to just spam yourself to zero but have your ult up at any given time making you more effective at teamfighting. he can now properly play a 2 role since before when his ult was down he'd be essentially useless.



                                      so i went ahead and just tested it out. you can jump in and just eliminate any person with a tripple ult. that build takes a while and only is viable when you're doing well.

                                      Phase Boots, Bloodstone, Bottle, Blink Dagger, Aghanim's Scepter. (i needed mystic staff to have mana for tripple ult but game ended.)

                                      Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                        usually i get scepter after i have atos and bloodstone.
                                        once scepter i would have 2.8k mana more or less depending on level

                                        yeah dota freak, that's how a scepter sky is supposed to play. i destroyed a ld with 4 nukes on his face +concuss and atos, together with 3rd.


                                          At most you can cast your ultimate twice in succession. Then have no mana. (In a normal non-stomp game)

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                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            What would you get with that 4200 money then? You generally will get it after Hex Bloodstone and BKB/Dagger/Force staff anyway. What else can you even buy for that money that will make you tankier and snowball harder?


                                              ^ etheral blade, dagon.


                                                a bracer

                                                amigo pool

                                                  decent item

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    It's only good if you're snowballing and can get some other major mana providing items first like scythe or bloodstone and if you're snowballing that much it's gg anyway.


                                                      Its not about the efficiency, its about the satisfaction it gives

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Winning is the best satisfaction.


                                                          I disagree with what others are saying in saying to never get this. I played a game last night where we went 73 minutes and the skywrath ult with Aghs probably won us the game by being able to burst down the fed Drow Ranger. He did have to get rid of some items near the end to increase his mana pool, which was near 4k. This is only in a pub though, in normal level matchmaking, so take this with a grain of salt.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            73 minute matches are not normal at all. My longest match ever isn't that long.


                                                              To the people saying it doesn't work with OD on your team: Have you ever thought, that maybe you can ulti once, then spam your OTHER THREE SPELLS to proc the essence aura, and ulti again? Rince and repeat to get 5 ultis off in 1 teamfight.


                                                                "To the people saying it doesn't work with OD on your team: Have you ever thought, that maybe you can ulti once, then spam your OTHER THREE SPELLS to proc the essence aura, and ulti again? Rince and repeat to get 5 ultis off in 1 teamfight."
                                                                If your teamfights are going on that long then you need more help than a scepter can give.

                                                                "I played a game last night where we went 73 minutes and the skywrath ult with Aghs probably won us the game by being able to burst down the fed Drow Ranger."
                                                                Sounds like a drow without a bkb, which is a bad drow if that's their carry.


                                                                  Situational. But in that situation, it's likely to pay off.
                                                                  You're going to want to get at least one major item first, though.
                                                                  Aghs has 66.73% win rate, which is pretty high for an item that I think could potentially ruin your build if you get it to early, so maybe you should test it out every now and then...
                                                                  Then again, Aghs has 75% winrate on Tidehunter.

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                                                                    But then again, if you're getting aghs on tidehunter you're probably winning really hard to go for that items, with 5% chance of a gigantic comeback from the other team, 5% chance of him just going for a troll build, and 15% chance that the tidehunter is new to the game.