If it is popular in the pro scene, will it be good or bad? Do you think pros try to lose intentionally by building bad items?
It makes sense in my little retard brain. Try it and see if you win.
Noone cares, your a scrub, it doesnt matter what you build on naix, you will still suck. Drop it kid, play LoL.
Its good. I have no doubt in my mind about that. He is a hero that naturally has a very solid amount of DPS, he was built with Phase + Drums + SNY because, as anyone who played him back before he got the nerf to OW's range, is aware that he hit fucking hard, from the moment you got Phase boots supports would melt.
Despite receiving nerfs in regards to cast animation (I haven't played him since the most recent nerf mind you) as well as his previous nerf, the +4% MS that SNY received makes it quite attractive.
Personally I've preferred buidling Na'ix without Armlet, as horrible as it sounds. An aggressive Na'ix running around with ludicrous MS, big hits and very difficult to take down (infest/rage+running/TP) is just nasty. If you are looking to play more 5 man dota and/or have much more lockdown, then Armlet becomes a better choice (relative to SNY in other situations), whereas if you are spreading out a lot more, split pushing or whatever, SNY becomes relatively more effective. I haven't bought Armlet since the new patch either, no idea how good/bad it is.
I never build SnY or phase boots. Most lifestealer players I observe try to chase enemies. I just keep farming and then team fight/push towers. If I go to gank a lane and open wounds wears off and the target escapes, oh well, I pushed him out of lane and I got back to farming. Farm up tanky items and raw dmg items. You do not need move speed if you have supports with disables/snares. You do not need move speed to take out teir 3 towers. I'd rather become unkillable on lifestealer than be able to chase down a couple support kills.
Id understand if you flame me when you have 80% heroes on your most played display, but amazingly you have a 51% winrate as 2nd hero and you cry because my most played has 50,4%? BITCH PLEASE, try harder, but at least you got the kids attention, he will love you for your pitiful efforts, maybe you can be friends and love each other til you die, how 'bout it?
s*y is a troll item just like mjonir I have yet to see a game where s*y or mjornir were optimal early/mid pickups that couldnt be replaced by something better to carry a game
srsly just look at dem $
sy = 4100
mjonir = 5300
drums = 1800
basher = 3000
desolator = 4100
halberd = 3800
armlet = 2700
ac = 5200
heart = 5500
satanic = 6000
Blunt fuck of you sad bitch dont come here and speak shit when nobody here thinks its funny or relevant to the forum and emerika i agree with mjonir but i think sy is a good mid game fighting item and Mark I get what you mean but if they have heros like clinkz and bounty who are hard to kill because there speed getting phase drums and sy is great , but i think getting the hero kills is good lifestealer can very much snowball with some farm and a few kills , combining him with invis hero's or blink hero's is fun
@Mark, i disagree, having high movement speed means you can stay on target longer, and make him impostiblle to run away, makes YOU harded to kill and lock down, MAKES you have better position in teamfights and also more kill potential while rage. So - ms is way better than raw HP.
Also he is more a fighting carry in mid game, so afk farming is not the right thing to do with ls at all.
In cometitive, he became very popular just becouse of the race car build.
Boohooo, so its important for 'emerika' what you think? LuLz.
Btw, stop writing while your drunk, ur english is even worse than mine, kids these days.
Also, i love it when your mad, it turns me on, rawrrrrr.
Why are you acting like a fucking idiot in all fucking topics blunt? It's not like your own stats are amazing.. No fucking wonder you solo q a lot.
Troll obv or just idiot.
Blunt is better than what his stats display but he needs a good shrink to set him straight : D
I dont care if he is Iceiceice or a random Swedish dude.. There is no reason to act like a fucking toolbox.
I like mov speed on troll and lifestealer for the same reason: So i dont get kited, so i dont have to rely on team mates.
Phase, Drums, armlet, SnY, basher.
Not always posible to keep farming Mark, i think with this build you can fight pretty early because if you skip sny and go for basher first you will be less tanky.
Well actually i almost never play lifestealer but i see him like troll warlord, being able to fight early. That its why i think mid game items seems good on those heroes.
Maybe its a bad item build, but i fell pretty comfitable with this build.
Im your everydaynormalscrub. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
@Vince Masuka:
Your my toolbox now, suck it bro. Haterz gonna hate.
How old is this blunt guy he acts like he is 10 , he thinks he is funny well mate your not so shut the fuck up , stop trolling dude its not funny your not funny and the fact you think your amazing is funny and Dorkly i think its okay i don't think drums is always the right choice when you have a Bounty on the team but its personal preference
Oh kiddo, you can admit that you missed me. Im serious about you being a n00b btw, thats not the trollingpart. And im prob. twice as old as you are.
But hey, making little kids mad and scream in front of their PC is just way 2 fun.
Im from Pakistan and living in a town named 'kalkutta', my adress is DiesenOrtGibtsVlltNicht 77.
And yes, your very mad, i can taste your tears and hear your crying here in the wasteland of d00m.
But nobody is laughing dude sorry but true anyway goodbye have fun being a sad troll elsewhere
usually my build with naix goes midas phase drums basher. armlet is ok but if you go midas you can skip over it. and tbh anything pretty much works on naix. it just depends how well you can own with that build. the hero is pretty.op in the flexibility of his ability to rape face with whatever, he's good at teamfighting as well as solo killing. imo midas is a must for him but others would beg to differ but if you build midas skip over getting armlet
hate to be the internet police but learn the fucking difference between your and you're. it's an insult to english language.
lmao blunt i picture you as that one kid in school that no one likes, and acts like he doesn't know why nobody likes him. Lol what a douche. You think typing behind a keyboard makes you an internet bad ass, it's such a sad scene to watch. And by the way, learn to differentiate "your" and "you're"; it's basic english you fucking retard.
He shut up once everyone started ganging up on him on a other forum or he might of got banned a few people reported him
no its called going to bed after having fun making small kids mad. Works better than expected. Wazzup kiddo?
What about you guys don't make this thread busy with your retarded childish flames?
Blunt comes here thinks he is funny being a troll with his dumb insults , he really needs a life, fnatic fan boy
Boohoo, you're crying again and its turning me on again :3
Come on now. You just came in here and flamed him for no reason. You really should remain silent.
blunt has no life just report him and ignore him all he does is flame every topic and says hes the biggest pro in dota 2 but he cant even 5 v 5 or 1 v 1 vs anyone.... all he does is dodge and flame like the scrub he is
Yeah the overall difference is pretty minor, naix is so strong he doesn't need any particular items. He has built in magic immune and burst attack speed, strong snare and his lifesteal is not item dependent at all. All I'm saying is I like to play him as a tank carry, and I think my naix record speaks for itself, in average pub play anyway.
I do not agree with midas on him though. I think it's overkill for the farming, not really needed and you'll get online quicker without it.
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I know it was quite popular in the pro scene but is it a good item for him or not? It gives him good stats and bonus move speed which he needs but is it core? Or situational?