General Discussion

General DiscussionHow big is the skill diffrence between normal and very high ?

How big is the skill diffrence between normal and very high ? in General Discussion
Franck D Tank

    Title. Im currently in normal and i get people who are A) trolling (6 braches) (b) feeding first blood insta leave (c) assholes (d) or noobs will the players get better if i climb the mm ladder ?

    Sugar Show


      no problem boys

        How do you know you're in normal?

        And to fix these probs - play with friends or pop on a community forum and find some people. They'll be more tolerant.


          Wow. Don't even get me started.
          The last SEVEN games I've played (which is now also my longest losing streak...) I have been getting the worst players of Dota on my team.
          1. No communicating whatsoever.
          2. Lots of pointless deaths and dives.
          3. Most of them don't even speak English.
          4. NO ONE wants to go mid, ever.

          I often play Single Draft and wait for my teammates to pick. Most of them pick mid heroes/carries so if I have the chance I pick a support. Mostly I don't even draft a mid hero. E.g. My teammates pick Alchemist, Axe, Sand King and Phantom Lancer so I picked the only support I had available which was Crystal Maiden. So the Alchemist went top with the Sand King and Axe went bot with the Phantom Lancer. What? I asked Alchemist to go mid nicely to which he replied he didn't want to because it was his first time playing that hero. Then he said maybe Axe should go. Valid point, especially since PL was our hard carry and needed as much farm as possible. Then, after nicely asking Axe to go mid several times he finally did and I was able to support our PL in bot (quite successfully). Although our Axe kept roaming and even jungling and hardly ever being present at mid.
          Anywho, it was obvious the game was lost judging by my teammates by the fifth minute...
          Also, they did stupid shit for the whole duration of the game (Dark Seer dropped his Wall of Replica and Axe kept running back and forth until he died from it, also got our courier killed this way once).

          Edit for more ranting:
          Last game was another Single Draft and I waited for my teammates to pick fearing I'd get dumbasses again and they picked Templar Assassin (good mid), Night Stalker (also mid), Slardar and Undying so I took the only support that was available for me, Ancient Apparition. Guess what. NS, TA and Slardar ALL WENT TOP while Undying went bot and I facepalmed in the fountain. I then began to politely ask TA or NS to go mid, which all of my requests were ignored for some time. Then finally TA found his balls and went mid but NS and Slardar still kept hugging each other at top so I had to keep going through hell to get their attention. Finally they reacted but they started going bot at the same time... So I had to get them to understand that only one of them needs to go bot and finally after getting that through their thick skulls, Slardar and I stayed top while NS and Undying were at bot.
          At top our enemies were Ursa and someone else who I don't remember. Slardar liked to dive and initiate against Ursa in which he kept failing miserably at. Partly because they had already fed Ursa and shit... This one time, Slardar got himself an invisibility rune and pinged me to go at Ursa which I did AND THEN SLARDAR DIDN'T GO FOR THE URSA BUT FOR THE OTHER GUY and got us both dead.
          At some point the enemy Warlock abandoned for some reason and I got the hell out of there but I still got a lose though.
          Why do people who are new to the game even play Single Draft? I think people who don't know how to play Dota shouldn't play Single Draft...

          Tl;dr: I keep getting stupid teammates who do not know how to play Dota (at their skill level they should be practicing with bots not ruining games for other players (like I did)). IT IS VERY FRUSTRATING.

          Цей коментар був відредагований

            just pray to get van-art through MM in your team, I heard that guy is like auto-win.


              autowin 54% of the time playing all random on russian servers

              congrats or something lol


                I remember reading a valve statistic at one point only 7% of the entire population within the game was VH, and Normal was around 80% lol.

                As far as difference goes, it comes down to a few key things, experience, understanding, communication. I worked my way out of the trenches starting dota last year in october, took me 4 months to get into high then another 5 months to get into very high solo queueing. I refuse too mid in VH it's just ridiculous how nerdy it is, constant roaming support ganks, other mid will counter pick etc.

                The best example I can give that I have noticed the most, in normal tier people literally give up at 10 mins if they are 10 kills behind, very high teams have much more fortitude and keep trying till ancient is down.

                King of Low Prio

                  there are no brackets anymore


                    should just go with cm on mid and rape, dendi style.


                      i disagree with Icon. Very high has lots of retards at mid.


                        Maybe, but Axe would have stolen PL's farm.


                          Even at VH there is still the LowVH and the HighVH. LowVH is where players are not much better than High or Normal, some of them stacking with their really good friends in order to get into VH. Don't expect to get wards or ganks. If you are in VH, you should either solo queue or stack with at least 3-4, to prevent any retard stacks with a top 1-2% player with his two friends starting to play for the first time.

                          Woof Woof

                            1. players farm way better
                            2. more strong picks
                            3. 9/10 enchantress players force midas as first item while not supporting team in any way
                            4. ganks on mid are norm(usually done by team with max 2 russians)
                            5. 2/10 supports can actually pull creeps to more than one camp
                            6. pudge/sf/invoker/np pickers are worst players on your team(i gues its same in every bracket)
                            7. people stick together more against nyx/ns etc (only true if your team isnt 4 rus)

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                            Dire Wolf

                              Play US servers if your ping is ok there. I hear all the horror stories but rarely have these bad of issues on US. You get bad players don't get me wrong, but rarely will they go 3 carries in one lane or not understand any english.


                                there's no difference

                                Vanity  ツ

                                  People in vhs bracket are more likely to counterpick, especially core heroes.


                                    lol suckers are everywhere, no matter normal or vh
                                    when they stack they get high lol lol lol lol lol
                                    but they still sucik

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                    King of Low Prio

                                      I play in VH. I first pick sniper and feed


                                        Oh I wouldn't worry about VH and H brackets, they are no different. There is no real matchmaking either way, every game is a stomp.


                                          Yea every game is stomp, try hard won't make a difference lol
                                          The games you won, picking a sniper makes no difference with a mid solo owning hard
                                          The games you lost, picking a sniper feeder makes no difference with a mid solo owning hard either

                                          So why bother playing this game lol lol lol lol lol
                                          It's all about trollling
                                          Let the trolling begin !!!!!


                                            This much
                                            | |


                                              "The games you won, picking a sniper makes no difference with a mid solo owning hard
                                              The games you lost, picking a sniper feeder makes no difference with a mid solo owning hard either"
                                              .............Sniper went mid...


                                                And there is where you went wrong. Everyone knows Sniper can only jungle, and midas is core on him. ~25mins is a good benchmark for when you should have it by.


                                                  Took my one and a half years to get into VH lmao, i was so bad back then....and yet im still at the low end of very high bracket

                                                  mr dee

                                                    In normal bracket, you pray that your opponent team are more retarded than your teammates, or else, team score gonna be 0-7 in the first 5min. (every single game)

                                                    I don't usually play in VH bracket, but when I do, I end with godlike.

