General Discussion

General DiscussionTranquil Boots at level 1

Tranquil Boots at level 1 in General Discussion

    In certain scenarios, roaming at level 1 with Tranquil is amazing if you randomed a relevant hero. Even if I happen to random razor, viper, or gyro, I think I will roam with tranquil boots if opposing team consists of jungler like Naix or Prophet.

    Of course I would rather random a CM or VS for level 1 tranquil.

    Who else would you get level 1 tranquil on?

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    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      You can't even get tranquil boots with random gold.


        id rather get my lvl 1 midas, so i can get my lvl 3 dagon.


          Just need two creep kills and buy last item on side shop.

          Dire Wolf

            At level 1 you have one skill. How are you going to gank well with 1 skill? There's only a handful of heros that can do this and all the enemy has to do is back to tower or run away, which at lvl 1 when you have low dmg is not that hard to do. And now you have no consumables for in lane.


              lvl 1 roaming is totally possible and quite effective.... only when
              TWO ROAMERS. saw that a lot in pro games.
              two stunners lion cm sk. or quite often 1 stunner and 1 slow. like vs+veno super roaming combo...

              For roaming yes TRANQUIL BOOTS is the way to go. roamers need that high mobility and insane regen. The only thing else you will need is mana. roamers usually buy 3+ clarity when they out of base at level 1.

              So NEVER EVER buy TRANQUIL BOOTS using the random money. buy magic stick/wand, clarity tango and fucking wards ! one of the two roamers can take a 175 ring out of base at level 1, but that one goes to Basilius. you buy TRANQUIL BOOTS after the duo get 2-3 kills

              about "Just need two creep kills and buy last item on side shop."
              that is just bullshit. rule#1 for roaming: stealth. you kill creeps mean expose yourself to the enemy.
              you should always appear unexpectedly. you can last hit briefly some creeps after when you have killed / ganked an enemy hero. then you need to go gank the next one.

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                Roaming at level 1 works VERY well, when I support in inhouses I start with smoke and go with the other support to kill enemy mid or an enemy in the jungle, but if you do this with tranquils, you're fucked when it comes to mana. No clarities means you have to go back to fountain a lot, which kinda makes tranqs pointless.


                  I'd agree with this if you could still disassemble tranquils. You can't, so they don't build up into Vlads, so I'm not sure how much value you get out of doing this.


                    if you want to roam, get smoke.


                      You rarely need boots for a level one gank. All you need is a pair of aggressive supports such as CM/SD and two players who have chemistry so you don't screw up the combo.