General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a Pro Invoker player willing to coach me

Looking for a Pro Invoker player willing to coach me in General Discussion

    I already know the basics with the hero, but would like to improve. If there is such a player here and that you are willing to coach my play, it would be awesome. :)

    King of Low Prio

      well I have 80% winrate with invoker so I am pretty much one of the best in the world. So when do you want to start?

      Ples Mercy



          Why are there so many trolls on this forum?


            I don't want to sound rude, but you only have 5 games played with Invoker...


              this forum is made for people to be rude. fuck him.


                easy hero
                Just like a multiplication table

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                  Emilio, Sampson is just a kid in search of attention, ignore him.


                    Contact Grimorum.


                      cook or gideon

                      Skaterrvr - Sucking at csgo

                        i stronk like dendi - Mimimimimimimi


                          Emilio, post your best game here, I can give you feedback/advice if you like.

                          King of Low Prio

                            Emillio if you cant take a joke you can not handle dota.


                              I think i made the difference vs 5 premades.


                                Just dont take my last death into consideration. :P I was giving myself a treat.

                                Horsing around

                                  I can give you some tips

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    stop prioritizing denies over last hits.........


                                      You are right on that one. I don't why I do that, it's like a reflex...


                                        The best coach is practice.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          I sometimes do it too just because I know how mad they get when u steal shit from them......


                                            Hey Grim, can you critique this game?



                                              My invoker winrate aint good, but I think there are still some things I can point out, if you want to use it - use it, if not - fair. :D

                                              1. Know when you need to harass your opponent in the mid lane, You are harassing in some situations when it not helps you. You push your the lane under your tower, making it harder to lasthit.

                                              2. Be way more aggressive in mid !!!

                                              3. I don't like your startingbuild. Mana potions and a stick? Why? Get stats.

                                              3. You need to be more aware what is going on the other lanes. (sunstrike, helping your mates)

                                              4. Get a TP faster.

                                              5. Use your forcespirits!! Even early game, you can check out the runes. (deny them, or getting them yourself) They are also good to zone out your opponent and winning the lane.

                                              6. You need to stop wasting some fucking much of your time. You stand still a lot of the time, doing absolutely nothing. You need to use the time WAY better. Like around 8 minuts? What are you doing??? Also - you need to learn the shop better, you are wasting way to much time shopping.

                                              7. Use your midas when its not on CD. Dont get it, if you dont use it !

                                              8. I dont like your skill build.

                                              I did not see it all only like first 20 minutes.

                                              Maybe I am not right about this stuff, maybe you dont agree. Thing about it if you want.

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                                                You should probably post a game you lost and ask why it is that you lost, not one where you stomped lol.


                                                  yea i class myself a decent Invoker with many different game styles. I'm no grim but i know a lot about that character. If you want to add me we can chat about improvements.


                                                    Add me bro


                                                      Thank You Vince Masuka! That helps a lot and all you said is true. About my starting items, the clarities are because some Invoker spells require a lot of mana. The wand is because it saved me in many situations, so I don't know, I start with it because I won't have to buy it later... Should I go for a bracer and branches instead? Any tips on shopping faster? purple and Don, I'll add you. :)


                                                        Starting items and skill build all wrong
                                                        Use my skill build guide, subscribe and load it in game:

                                                        You outcarry SK, so you should focus on farm/harass more than deny.
                                                        Use forge spirits to deny/control runes
                                                        3 Exort orbs for last hits
                                                        boots/midas is much more important for invoker than Wand.
                                                        8 min is kinda late for midas, it is very questionable.
                                                        6 min is good for midas.
                                                        At 9th minute, you should try to avoid SK stun. Pretend to attack him and move away with haste.
                                                        If you didn't dodge stun, abandon it.
                                                        Get boots, tp, clarity immediately after midas.
                                                        Assign hotkeys to your inventory
                                                        Use Midas on big level creeps
                                                        14:30, Get spirits not meteor.
                                                        Invoke snap at 15:00
                                                        You invested in 4-1-4 build, focus on spirits and snap instead of ss/meteor
                                                        TP scroll is the best item in the game, make sure you have it all the time after boots.

                                                        Work on these basic advice. After you have mastered early-mid game, then I can review your late game.

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                                                          what he said. Spirits and coldsnap (+ maybe ss to finish off) gets you the most kills early game. meteor will only get you kills mid to late game (after you get euls or at least lvl 2 wex).


                                                            try to get euls after midas, it seriously increases your survivability and makes it easier to set up kills.


                                                              hey grim can you review my game, not my best game but my most recent game:



                                                                sry I am busy for a while.


                                                                  Ok, here's a match I lost that I should've won. What went wrong?



                                                                    ^ just looked like you stuffed around too long when you could have finished 30 mins earlier


                                                                      Is it useful to get euls on a quas-wex invoker??

                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                        No, im pro listen to me.


                                                                          Lol. Sarcastic bastard.

                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                            im srs! See my pokerface? .__.


                                                                              Hi. What do you guys think of this sort of situation, I farm quite fast with invoker, often my carry isn't able to carry me into late game, I am overleveled, so do you think Daedalus can be a better option then skadi/refresher/euls. Example:

                                                                              Also, PT are really good on an early fight/ 4-7-7 invoker.

                                                                              With alacrity, cold snap, deafening blast I could pretty much manfight kunkka, jugger.

                                                                              Thanks, Grimorum, for reminding me to control runes with spirits.

                                                                              And that is actually one of my best recent games, would be happy to see any comments, especially on the torrent blink dodge :D.

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                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                In pubs you have to check how your carry is doing all the time. If he is against 2 heavy nuking ranged heroes and can not get farm you HAVE to gank them(even if you do not get the kill you force them back a bit) if you expect him to carry you in the late game. The worst mistake you can make is complain at the END of the game.


                                                                                  False, in my opinion. My 2nd support can abandon the hard lane, and help the carry. Babysitting is not my job. I can sunstrike.

                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    ganking is your job in the mid role. If the other team is putting all their pressure onto your carry it is your job to relieve that pressure. If there is a lich and a windrunner in your safelane vs a AM and any support they will lose the lane if the lich combo is even remotely competent. Losing the lane =/ losing the game to make up for a huge mismatch like that you need to help. Thinking you can sit in lane and farm and your only help comes from sunstrike is just poor teamwork.


                                                                                      Are you even reading what I am saying?

                                                                                      >ganking is your job in the mid role.

                                                                                      Common pub players mistake. Gank is only worth it if you know you can kill 1 and preferably 2 heroes. Otherwise you are wasting time, giving level advantage to the enemy mid player, might die because of it. It is especially true for Q-E invoker, who is not mobile at all, but can contribute hugely with a level advantage after the laning stage.


                                                                                        the best you can do is not listen sampson advice and you might make it fine

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          ^ how are you not banned yet

                                                                                          ^^ You can never know 100% that you will get a kill when you gank. Saying 'common pub mistake' does not make you seem more experienced while I am not a invoker player I do play on pages 1-2 solo que'n and understand what should be done. Not helping your teammates because it is more beneficial to yourself is selfish gameplay and it hurts you more than it helps in pubs. You asked what you need to do if your carry is not carrying in the late game I told you that you need to look at the game as a whole and not just the exact moment that you are having issues (late game). You will never always have a Liquid-TC caliber carry on your team so assuming they can get farm in any situation is just dumb to put your standards so high with pubs. If your teammates are having issues you need to help plain and simple (even moreso if it is your hardcarry).


                                                                                            ^ you will be banned for spamming about how you penis is small in 2 forum topic discussion

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              you are not the first smurf I used Sampson's Law on and the mods on this forums agree with me on it


                                                                                                Sampson, learn to read please. I repeat again, supports help, mid creates space. And bh =/= invoker.

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  No you are wrong again. EVERYONE on the team helps you will not find ANY player who plays on page 1 that will tell you different. I am not saying that you need to sit in the lane and protect a player BUT Dota is a team game and fact that you do not seem to grasp even that most basic concept shows that you should not move onto more advanced ones. I never once said bounty hunter = invoker but by your own very flawed logic you are saying that supports should be only ones helping the team BUT since you dont play support you know nothing about how supports should be played (this is wrong I am just using your own logic against you :P)


                                                                                                    so EVERYONE is wrong but you sampson?


                                                                                                      1. You don't play mid heroes much, as far as I can see.

                                                                                                      2. It sounds like you are overreacting every game.

                                                                                                      3. Learn to set the ingame priorities and goals. I do that as well every game.

                                                                                                      4. I do play supports sometimes, dazzle in my top. I do that when I can rely on my carry.

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                                                                                                        OOwww Sampson got PWNED!