General Discussion

General DiscussionNew player, coming from LoL. Which heroes are best for new players?

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New player, coming from LoL. Which heroes are best for new players? in General Discussion

    I know, this game's harder than LoL, I'm gonna cry, yadda yadda yadda. It looks like fun once you know it and I'd like to learn, however painful that might be :) That said, which heroes are noob friendly, and a good place to start?


      Complete the tutorial first.


        I'm workin on that. There's a last hitting/laning practice tutorial and I'd rather practice with a hero I'll play eventually


          Do the other ones first, most of the 20 heroes they suggest are OK.

          Quick maffs

            Ok the most important thing is: ignore retards. I mean in this forum and in the game .... just ignore them ( they are a lot )

            Heroes for new players ? Lich, Lion, Crystal maiden, ogre magi for support role, pretty straight forward heroes.

            Other non suport heroes : Viper, juggernaut, huskar.

            Heroes to avoid: Invoker, Meepo, Chen.

            Before playing a hero try to search for guides to learn how they work.


              i recommend "easy" heroes (although no hero aint easy) like ogre or skeleton king: u have a nice disable, good suvivability and not too many spells. you should practice them with bots - then go coop-bot - finally try first real matchmaking.

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              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                You are in the wrong forum. Really. I guess you should go somewhere else.


                  I think when you first start all heroes will be about the same. If you are playing against very weak players with almost no experience then everyone will make a so many mistakes the game is just going to be decided by who feeds first and most often.

                  Don't worry about winning or higher level things for a while. It will take maybe 5-10 games on every hero to get the idea of how to play them if you know how from watching someone do it right when you start trying. So even if you are well informed it will still take 500 to 1000 games to learn all the heroes at a basic level. You remain nub in dota 2 for a long, long time.

                  So just try out some heros that look fun and see how it goes. After you have maybe 100 games start trying to figure out what role you like best. Support, Carry, Ganker, Pusher, Initiator, etc once you figure this out pick 3 heroes that fit that role and focus on playing lots of games of those heroes and really learn them.

                  Its just too early to know what you want to play yet.

                  King of Low Prio

                    watch Purges videos on youtube they are pretty easy for new people to follow (at least I think so I may be biased)


                      > figure this out pick 3 heroes that fit that role and focus on playing lots of games of those heroes and really learn them

                      Personally, it looks pretty boring to me. Random ftw.


                        You can random heroes for fun. I have randomed a hero for about 1/3 of my games... but you don't improve that way.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I would random a few times, or try out several different heroes, maybe 6-12. Then pick the ones you liked most from those and try to play 5-6 straight games with each. Reason is to master their animations, every hero last hits a bit differently.

                          Lifestealer is a pretty easy first hero though imo.

                          Quick maffs

                            Guys he meant first time in dota...... even lifestealer is too hard because u actually need to have farm.

                            Again pick lion or lich.


                              Lol I never really followed any guides, Dota was my first Moba I learned the basics around 10 games
                              If you're smart/learn fast its easy, if you are flexible its easy, If you only play easy heroes there isn't much depth and later it won't be easy. Have fun you don't need a 50% WR when you just start a game
                              @Relentless, Randoming is a great way to improve, you play heroes/roles you wouldn't normally pick.
                              PS everyone learns differently, if you enjoy one role or hero play it...

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                              rabies dog

                                Dragon knight is easy at start. Other good ones could be skeleton king, ursa, sven, juggernaut, lion and zeus.


                                  It is not possible to become excellent at any heroes randoming, but it does let you gain a background knowledge of what all the heroes can do.

                                  The best players in the world did not learn dota in a few games or perfect their best heroes quickly and easily. It's impossible. When you play random heroes you cannot improve much at any of them. People cannot learn 100+ different things at once.


                                    Skeleton King


                                      Watch his tutorials:

                                      Protips about DotA 2 that differs from LoL:
                                      - There are no AP carries, all carries (except for one exception who you shouldn't be playing until you're really good) are ADC.
                                      - The roles are listed in order of farm priority: 1: Hard Carry, 2: Semicarry, 3: Offlane, 4: Semisupport, 5: Hard support
                                      Hard carries are SUPER LATE GAME ADC's. Semicarries are like ADC and AP put together and tend to dominate early-mid game but they fall off late game. Offlaners are usually semicarries that can solo a lane. Semisupports are supports that buy healing items, mana regeneration items, and other items that help protect and support teammates or debuff enemies. Hard supports are supports that buy all the wards, sentries (wards that reveal invisible stuff), dust (a consumable that reveals invisible nearby enemies), and other important support items.
                                      - The normal lane composition is: Support with carry top, ganker/semicarry mid, support with hard carry bot
                                      - In higher level games, you will usually have 2 supports with 1 hard carry (super duper late game carry), a solo mid, and a solo in the other lane
                                      - Dire top lane is safer because your jungle is there and the enemy mid will have to pass ward spots to reach it and gank you, while Dire bot is offlane because it is more dangerous. This is reversed for Radiant. Usually the heroes that need the most farm will be in the safe lane, while certain heroes that are built to solo can go to the offlane alone if there is a jungler or trilane.
                                      - Never run in to fog when enemy team is missing from minimap
                                      - Follow the default item builds unless someone you know who is good tells you otherwise, once you have learned the game more, make your own builds
                                      - If you support BUY COURIER AND WARDS (I can't stand supports who don't do this, I always report them)
                                      - You can see your enemy's drafts
                                      - You can't have 2 of the same hero in one match

                                      Easy supports for new players: Lich, Ogre Magi, Bane
                                      Easy carries for new players: Skeleton King, Juggernaut, Phantom Assassin, Sniper
                                      Easy semicarries/gankers for new players: Bounty Hunter, Riki, Drow Ranger

                                      When you finish the tutorial DO NOT PLAY LIVE MATCHES! Practice A LOT with bots. I have around 850 live matches, and probably 300 bots matches. You learn SO MUCH about heroes and the map and items in bot games. Start against passive bots, they won't bug you much and you will have an easy time learning your hero, your items, the map, and other important things, then practice a lot on easy, then medium, then hard. Don't do unfair, the bots literally cheat (free bursts of mana/health, reduced cooldowns, map hacks, etc.), this was announced by a dev. When you can do hard without too much trouble, practice bots in Coop bots mode, this will make your allies humans, but against bots, you will learn communication and teamwork, as well as learn from your allies a lot of important stuff. Once you have all that out of the way, go do your first live matches, and only play these two game modes while you are new: All Pick, Limited Heroes. When you want to learn new heroes, play lots of Single Draft and All Random.

                                      Lastly, and most importantly, ignore the flamers and trolls. There are lots of them out there, I too flame on occasion, you can just mute them with the little speaker button next to their name in the match roster (hold down ~ to open it). Good luck :)

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                                          Drow Ranger, Sniper, Skeleton King

                                          Pretty basic heroes that are quite easy to learn.


                                            ^I would actually say that Sniper is pretty hard to play well; he's mechanically simple but needs like perfect positioning at all times or else he'll just feed.


                                              bristleback. two buttons. no need to worry about mana. durable. don't need to hit spells.

                                              harvard graduate

                                                Sorry to semi-necro this one but I can't think of the non-rightclick carry" [TO] Wink mentioned, I was thinking storm spirit or Invoker who both require at least a decent amount of skill.
                                                Haha, if someone knows just respond, its driving me crazy :P

                                                Shut up and take my money!

                                                  ogre is obvious the best choice. It's a hero all depends on your luck, It's a lovely and stupid hero, try it


                                                    start with pudge its the best hero to start dota


                                                      spirit breaker. improve your map awareness by knowing when and when not to charge the enemy


                                                        play support role, buy wards and courier everygame or try to split it with another support, just deny last hits and help get your carry fed, this is a good way to learn the ropes, good supports to start with have already been mentioned, but id like to throw lina in the mix, shes the first hero i learned and ksing is fun.

                                                        EDIT* if u are looking for a tanky hero, you cannot go wrong with sekeleton king, 1 ability, and a revive ult.

                                                        also like somebody else said, sniper might be easy to learn, but hes hard to master, you need perfect positioning every fight, and you wont get alot of peelers until u start playing with better players, and those better players tend to rage when you pick sniper.

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                                                        C h a z z o - Not Real

                                                          Just play with bots at first. Once you feel confident against bots, you can play against other people.


                                                            ^this is probably a good idea, i learned in real player games, take a look at my winrate to see ;)

                                                            Cherrer Pak

                                                              i would recommend chen , invoker or meepo as a beginner hero. theyre pretty easy to master.


                                                                go zeus mid, u wil get guaranteed kills (steals) if u want with ulti:D + hes really fun for beginner


                                                                  add me and im down to talk to you about things like roles n whatnot, i myself am still learning this game. but if you have any questions ill try to help you answer them. i also came from lol and realized this game is just overall better and more thought out . plus more ppl play lol who have a casual sense of the game so of course you'd get more trolls. i feel like teaching others help you realize your own gameplay and improve on it as well. you can never be better than others just different, work on that and improve it not mimic others.


                                                                    Invisible then smoke, very evil ways to kill new players (SEA Region)
                                                                    But, it have many weakness (start game-mid game)
                                                                    If u dont build vlad and basher :3

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!