General Discussion

General DiscussionVery bad lose streak

Very bad lose streak in General Discussion

    I've been having a horrible loss streak, and I would like to know why I am doing so bad. I don't believe it has anything to do with skill, because all of these matches have has 2-3 of the other player's snowballing so fast by the 15 minute mark, they can basically ista-kill anybody. However, I have had some bad games with chars, like enchantress. It always seems like my team includes teammates who are new and contently making mistakes like overextending during laneing, bad skill choice, and poor item choice. It would be great if someone could reply. Thanks a bunch


      im not sure what to say


        hooly bajeesus......


          wow so much red..


            well me to the last 4 days i have only 6wins againts 15 losses mostly solo que but your's is in another level and i dont know what to say. why not try creating a new account or try stacking.


              I mean... ok.

              Well here is my honest advice. Practice on that account, and make a new account when you are ready to try again. There is a point where there is just no coming back from how far you have fallen in the MMR brackets.


                hooooly sh...
                maybe u have not born for this man, try chess or anything else =/


                  training with unfair bots solo... if you can carry your bot team to win with the same hero in 10 match than play pub again...


                    Instapick nature's prophet. Carry your games in low mmr, that shouldn't be too hard. And never, I repeat never play sniper when playing pubs solo

                    King of Low Prio

                      I play sniper in pubs solo.....


                        Lol Sampson, can you honestly tell us that when you're playing sniper, in a pub, you don't get even a little frustrated at him? :p


                          Do you exploit privacy settings to hide won matches?


                            Holy crap dude,I must said that it`s cos of your skill.Nobody good can loss 14 matches in a row even in this volvo matchmaking..
                            Improve yourself that`s all I need to say you. Read guides,watch youtube guides,watch replays,watch competetive streams,watch top pages live games in dota players better than you etc. and you ll improve. you are 30% win rate and you are talking about matchmaking,no you just have no right for that improve yourself tnx.


                              OP It looks like your biggest problem is feeding to many deaths. You have far far more deaths than the average dota player pretty much no matter what hero you play.

                              It seems that you are new to dota, or at least new to playing games against similarly skilled players. Because your MMR is so low you will ALWAYS be given better players on your team than are on the other team. If you can just manage to feed less you will win more games. Try only picking heroes with escapes, either invis or blinks. Also wait for others to start fights, you probably are making consistently bad decisions about when to attack. So try to wait for an initiator to attack before showing yourself. Recognize that at this point you are very likely to be the worst player on your team. So try to reduce your own mistakes and follow others lead.

                              It will take a lot of practice, but eventually you can get your winrate up to something close to 50%.

                              After you have got the excessive deaths under control. Then start to think about your lasthitting and lane control. It is also extremely poor, but less important than the feeding. Your record high for denies is 2. If you put any effort into it you could probably get at least 5-10.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                this has to be a troll thread right?


                                  Dying too much and bad farm looks to be the biggest reason as far as stats go.


                                    well. i remember my winrate was once 38% when i had 200+ games on record. now i have 50%+
                                    so you still have hope.
                                    or, you can start a new account. I would suggest you do so...


                                      I swear there has to be something rigged with matchmaking. I will go on a winning streak and then the next week lose 10 games in a row. I have 300+ wins and still get into games with COMPLETE RETARDS. It is ridiculous. You would think that once you get to a couple hundred wins you wont have to play with idiots anymore.... HA yeah right. People still don't ward, pick all carries, feed, rage, etc. Everything that new players do STILL happens in higher skill games and it is pathetic.

                                      My advice is to find some friends to play with and only play solo que when you have to.


                                        Idk, if you can't get over 50% winrate solo then its not MMs fault, its yours. However getting 50%+++ solo queue on the other hand is.... yea


                                          I'm not sure if OP is serious but I think the issue come from him, it's not only about matchmaking but about ur skills.
                                          I have 900 games and i'm still learning a few stuff, even if I have watched plenty of pro videos.
                                          I'll try to look one of you're games and see if i see mistake. I think you should play all random to now most of the heroes first.


                                            same lol i was 30% something AHAHAH

                                            Ples Mercy

                                              if you would start lasthitting properly you might have a chance.


                                                Ok, so I watched the first 20 mn of your tusk game 409808400 on ur view and I noticed a couple mistakes.
                                                First the lanning phase it was tusk + troll, vs death prophet + venomancer not an easy match up for you two so you could have asked different line up, hoewer it require more game experiene to know these kind of things.

                                                Here is the few mistakes:

                                                -Tanking ennemy creeps (u stay in front of the ennemy creeps when youre creeps are not here).
                                                -Using one of ur spells lvl 1.
                                                -Staying to close to the ennemy creeps, no sign of deny/ last hits awareness (you really need to learn it).
                                                -You didn't check ennemy items, does they have mana regen, life regen...
                                                -You don't really move the camera around you.
                                                -Being afk 4 mn out of 20.
                                                -Wasn't in experience range per moment.

                                                As your hero has very low mana pool the two first mistakes listed put you very low life and mana early in the laning phase.
                                                So you played very passive and had to go back to base before your lvl 6. As soon as you came back via tp you used one of ur spells on death prophet without ur ally (troll warlod) near, without your creeps wave and near their tower, which resulted that you were very low health a second time and had to go back to base right away.

                                                On the good side you had good item at the start of the game, hoewer you should have go for a magic stick as soon as possible due to the two heroes in ur lane who spamm their spells.

                                                An other good point: You bought courier when no one on ur team did.

                                                Last things: with tusk you want activate ur ultimate before using ur second spells.

                                                So what you could have do is just play passive as you did but stayed in the lane until you get lvl 6, you were still lvl 5 when every one else in your team was at least 7.

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  treadstarter may have quit dota here.


                                                    Is this real life


                                                      Actually, i have had terrible lag in that game, 我是不哭鱼. Templar and Meepo were in a party with me and i lost connection :/


                                                        Guy... Im an average Dota player at best but I try do the right things and play with the team as Dota is a team game whatever people say. A few weeks ago I had a 17 game losing streak, in that 17 I had 2 shockers, other then that I usually would have won probably 50 percent of those matches.

                                                        Ive played over 800 games and my win % is over 51, that 17 game lose streak actually became a bit laughable. I eventually broke it when 3 of my mates asked me to play and I went support Tiny which is quite silly really. Word of advice for you and others, If you find yourself on a bit of a spiral, Solo Queuing is not the solution. Get a few mates and you should win a minimum of say 1-3. Before the 17 streak my worst was 7. Dota is the greatest game but can be utterly frustrating and humbling.

                                                        Work on the basics and fundamentals of the game, find a few heroes you comfortable with that work well with most teams. Watch games with players that are skilled and see how they play, their positioning, items, how to transition from early to mid game and from mid to late game. Again im absolutely no dota Genius but I enjoy the game and I guarantee its more enjoyable when you winning. Winning is never guaranteed and some effort will make it more achievable.

                                                        Take it from a guy who has a longer lose streak then even you, Just keep playing/learning/taking advice and trying to improve. Better things will come. I know Im going to get hate. Thanks. I love you too. See you in game


                                                          holy fucking shit

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            btw congratulations to threadstarter for breaking his lose streak


                                                              op is bad and u should feel bad