General Discussion

General DiscussionDat Meracle Naga

Dat Meracle Naga in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    Holy shit this is the second time. This is fucking next level.



      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Game is already over but I can give you these links for the game vs DK and for the game vs Speed. Man this would be so painful to lose.


          new M-God ...

          p.s. but rest of the titan (especially supports) are extremely bad ...


            ^ you cleary don't know what you're talking about

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Actually Ohaiyo is really fucking good, same with X. But I really don't like the other 2 either.


                EE-sama throw?

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  I didn't watch all of the game but I guess that has very little to do with throwing as he did it against DK as well.


                    Xtinct best visage in the world, one of the best Chens, one of the best micromanagers.
                    Ohayo amazing offlaner, plays very safely but knows when to get aggressive.
                    Net has extremely good movement in teamfights, he saved Orange multiple times in TI3.
                    kyxy very versatile player, has played many heroes in many roles, mainly solo mid and carry.


                      Ohaiyo is only one good ...
                      kyxy is decent but always plays safe and never has any big plays ... except he can deny aegis very well ...
                      when they were orange they were different team bcz they played game surrounded around mushi .. if he had good start (which he amost always did) they followed and did stuff, if he didnt they played 4 protect 1 ...
                      now they're 3/4 of game lost and don't know what to do / make bad decisions ... dunno didnt watch lots of their games but those i watched .. they just seemed sad ...


                        yeah he has never big plays... just 2 full team RPs vs DK, amazing magnus as well vs Fnatic, as well as being the carry player most of the time for the 3rd placed team at TI3.
                        you don't even know what you're talking about, Mushi played the 1 role only sometimes, how can they play 4 protect a qop? 4 protect a TA? makes no sense, they only did it when Mushi had AM.


                          mushi played all his heroes as a carry ... all his 2 heroes were played as carry (od , razor , qop) ... and im talking about post mushi era ... it doesnt matter if they were 3rd or 24th on TI3 bcz Orange at TI3 and Titan now are not same team ... and this is my last post , i dont wanna argue about stupid and useless things ... hf

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            I don't see why this is a useless/stupid thing, it's just a normal conversation. People tend to think a discussion is a fight, lol.
                            And they are the same team, just 1 player changed. Even if it was an amazing player, they have found another amazing player to get in Mushi's place and it's working well. The team core's the same.


                              im the best visage pls dont fuckin say anyuthing about someone else being the best visage, thanks, thread closed.


                                Dat 26 game experience :P


                                  holy fuck that was some nice game D:

                                  +im best visa its not a debate why are u spamming random links?

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                    where is game 3

                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                      Too bad they were activating bkbs in the fountain for it to matter in game 3.


                                        WELL only my opinion matters so that's it ;//


                                 Here's a link for one of the Meracle Naga games

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