General Discussion

General DiscussionStupid rubick players everywhere?

Stupid rubick players everywhere? in General Discussion

    What you think about rubicks at pub/ranked matches? Dunno about you guys but in 95% of my games when ppl pick rubick always just thrown be 10 lvls behind everyone and games almost always like 4v5,totally usefull rubicks. Dunno why ppl pick rubick vs heroes like : Naix,Alchemist,Timber,Legion,troll etc. what rubick really do vs them 1 stun 2 sec. and one spell 300 dmg wow stronK? Always in my games ppl pick rubick vs strongest tanky heroes in game I can`t believe what they think they will do vs them. Rubick is good just if player is very good and if he play vs Enigma,Tide,Sk etc. so he actually can steal some good ultimate and be usefull in team fight. I m fucking sick of those retard rubick players who pick always rubick to be food for hard carryes,and strong tanky heroes..(Btw. I m 4450 mmr.)

    In my last 5 games rubicks scores:
    3-7-15 normal rubick


      Everybody does mistake. Accept it.

      You also picked a hero against Doom, never pick a hero against doom.




          Its not about quantity, its about quality.

          I like to play rubick vs those heroes you've mentioned. Rubick is a very versatile hero, that has nothing to do with ppl leaving your games.
          Personally, unless the Dota2 client fucks up or something happens with my connection i dont quit games. Playing a support role might sometimes seem useless, you also might see a support die more than what he can kill but its about contributing to the team, wards, map awarness etc. got an omniknight in the opposite team? --> free heals got a heavy stunner? --> got 1 stun extra in your team and so on.

          Quick maffs

            Bogi dont blame the hero if you are mad against players, rubick is good in a lot of situations. Even if he only steal magic missile for example he will have 2 stuns and 2 nukes, that its more damage than a cm and more lockdown than a cm.

            waku waku

              you don't have to steal ults to be effective, stealing just one nuke like vengeful spirit's missile or even lion's earth spike already boosts your dmg or disable output comparable to other supports, if not better
              if you position yourself badly as a support you'll be food no matter who you play


                Yes I blame the hero,sqvishy trash shit hero and players both.Ppl just can`t play him hero is hard. There are alot more better supports than rubick is. Cm for example is god for rubick Dorkly..

                Ples Mercy

                  bogi u suck, if i ever meet you in pub then i want to rape your anus so u know where you belong trashcan

                  Quick maffs

                    Oh well i think you are really wrong bogi, even null field is awesome.



                      Do you see any of these big team fight heroes that you mentioned? As a mainly Rubick player, I can tell you that in fact the Magnus' RP and Tide's Ravage are probably the two hardest to steal spells in the game, you should be beyond thankful and know that you have a pro Rubick in your team if you see him doing that.

                      Also, I find Rubick to be much more effective against heroes like Mirana, Timber, Sven, Veng, Alchemist etc because they DO have the spells that can turn the fight around (even Puck's god damned orb does insane damage!). The AoE stun, always lifting the let's say less important hero in the enemy team and drop him on top of the rest + any stun, slow, debuff that you can steal is huge. I remember that one game around a week ago where I managed to almost get a rampage (I needed like 50 mp for Fade Bolt) only by using Timber's ult and running around.


                        Yes dude winterchillz Rubick so good you have 52% win rate with him strong hero,and with poor drow ranger 72% cmon...can`t you ppl realize that Rubick is weak?


                          Can't tell if you're actually trying to troll me or you're being stupid, seriously. Now, let's take a look at both heroes:

                          Rubick - Mainly support, could work as a ganker early in the game if having mid lane.
                          Drow - Pure carry, good throughout every stage of the game.

                          My win rate with the two heroes:

                          Rubick - Started playing him probably around half an year ago, had a bad start since he requires a fair amount of skill to play which resulted in having a few bad games.
                          Drow - She was the first hero I started playing and it's no lie that she's a pubstomper. Going through some of the old games, it seems that I was just trying to finish the game instead of getting kills etc which could explain my low KDA with her.

                          Can Rubick win the game alone? No.
                          Can Drow win the game alone? Probaby, most likely yes.

                          Now, since you're commenting on my low win rate with Rubick, let's go through some of my lately lost games and see what actually went wrong:

                 - No carry on our side, probably Leshrac but for some reason he rushed BKB which is halfway useless with his HP, plus Bounty going for, in my opinion, useless items. Veng's stun, Luna's stun + ult, some nice things to steal.

                 - AM 3/7, Kunkka 5/6; Yes, we totally lost this game because of how weak Rubick is.

                 - I think this was the game where I got the Ultra Kill; On the other hand - Lifestealer 8/12, Razor 1/13. Rubick is so weak that we lost the game.

                 - Slardar 12/12, Jugger 13/14 and since the game happened a few days ago, I can tell you that Jugger was completely useless throughout the whole game.

                          Now, before you make another stupid statement that a given hero is weak, try to look at the person who plays him and most importantly HOW he plays him, then look at your own team and how well are you doing. Also, don't forget that according to some pro players (including Puppey) Rubick is probably the best support hero in the game because of his versatility.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...



                              +1 to everything winter said.

                              Also, how can you claim to know all the strengths and weaknesses of a very complex hero such as Rubick without even having a single game on him.


                                Rubic can be very good but he is hard to play. I have 71% win for Rubic. You can win with him in pubs if you know how to use a lot of spells effectively, know when they will be cast, etc..

                                Rubic is harder than most support heroes. You need a lot of experience.

                                My winrate with drow 21%. Drow must suck... it couldn't be that I fail at orb walking and stupidly play drow as if she was a tank.

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  i think i played two games with drow, i am really not sure but i don't like the hero.
                                  As for Rubick he gets very complex, have to get good reflexes and i believe the full potential can be much better seen when playing with a good group

                                  when i queue solo and get worse than average ppl in the team i really cannot perform well on Rubick. As for when the team is cooperative (not saying they must be pro but tagging along, etc.) i can really shine sometimes. This is ofc my own problem.

                                  All in all i find Rubick one of the most entertaining hero to play really and it depends mostly on the person playing not that much on Rubick itself if you are having bad games

                                  Woof Woof

                                    rubick is 2 complex for average pub bro u got 3 actives + stolen spell


                                      I play Rubick a lot. He's my most played hero - I support a lot in pubs because I last pick, and Rubick is almost never a *bad* pick. (If the enemy team has no great spells to steal, then they probably have a really shitty team). I am, at best, an average Rubick player - as my winrate and KDA with the hero will attest.

                                      But he's fun. There's a lot of positioning and timing with the hero, and every game is very different because the spells available are always different. There's nothing quite like stealing a Rupture and force-staff comboing that damn Bloodseeker to death with his own shenanigans.

                                      So don't whine when pubbies pick Rubick. He's good, and he's fun. You should try him.

                                      Besim Tibuk

                                        Everybody thinks they are KuroKy or sth. I played +1000 games in dota 2 and what i remember about rubick is whichever team got Rubick, that team loses the game. I dont have any problems with hero and i don't think rubick is a ''bad'' hero but the problem is brainless players who picks rubick without even seeing the opposite team's picks. It is a fact that he is a very squishy and hard to play hero and he must be picked in very rare situations like vs enigma,bane etc etc....


                                          unless you are fy dont play rubick, ez doto picking phase


                                            To me rubick is always a good pick, playing rubick really helps you to improve alot considering you have to be aware of surroundings alot more knowing what spells were last used and making these decisions in teamfight and stuff...In the last 2 months or so i've been midding with him and won games from the early advantage i gave them


                                              Rubick requires a lot more experience and skill to play well than most heroes. There is no way to accidentally win with rubick. You can't farm up and autoattack. You can't spam spells and get lucky. But it is still possible to win. In fact Rubic has more potential than many support heroes. That is why pros pick him.

                                     14-5 Rubick 74% win

                                              Rubic's average pub winrate is 45.1% all the supports with lower pub winrates are picked a lot by pros

                                              Naga 44.9%
                                              Chen 44.9%
                                              Enchantress 44.3%
                                              Windranger 44.2%
                                              Shadow Demon 41.6%

                                              Getting the full value from these heroes require skill, timing, experience, and most of all team coordination. Pubs just don't have these at their disposal. So they lose with some of the strongest heroes.

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                it takes skill and alot of luck to steal good spells for clutch plays. I was in a few games. Rubrick saved our asses with like spells that if they opossing team didn't cast, we woulda died scenarios. He could make 4-5 good fight deciding plays but in the end it is more about teamwork and carries.


                                                  Pffft. You don't need to pick Rubick against Enigma/Tidehunter/Magnus, specially in pubs. They are pretty hard spells to steal already (except Black Hole) and a lot of times, your team for some reason gets less cautious from those ultis because they expect the Rubick to steal it 100% of the times they are used by the enemy team.

                                                  In my experience (still TBD unfortunately...), Rubick shines the most against heroes like AM and Weaver. Rubick benefits a lot from good positioning and with those opponents, you get a free Blink Dagger/Shadow Blade + Haste, which don't occupy an slot and leaves you with enough gold to actually support properly by warding, counterwarding and getting all the support items which a lot of pub Rubicks aren't buying because they are saving gold for a Force Staff while their minimap is mostly black.


                                                    I don't think someone who has to pick Slark every game in order to get any wins should be allowed to complain about teammates.

                                                    Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                                                      whats wrong with playing your favourite hero?

                                                      <font face="wide latin">N...

                                                        i only pick rubick if there is good spell to steal cause rubick aint an aggresive support in early game and that makes
                                                        rubick a very hard support because it needs awareness of both ur own and enemy positioning....

                                                        for example... ur enemy got a leviathan or magnus.. ur goal is steal the enemy's ultimate without getting caught in their ultimate... cause if you do they have already cast their followup skill...


                                                          DK.peniel is right. Rubick got nerfed, he has one good disable, and 1 ok nuke and dmg reduction. Thats not much, and they have a long cd. He is squishy, and he is often too distracted by trying to look for spells to steal Its tough, and you only get better via practice, so give them a chance, and teach them a little bit. Also they dont need levels much, so them in a trilane is good. Also they can push ok but they dont really care about shared exxp cos rubick only has 2 spells early, and they are good at early levels

                                                          Eek Celup

                                                            rubick is good, especially if given mid :D. And never blame support, they are soft and easy to kill because their money was spent for couriers and wards that carries seldom appreciate

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              Rubick is fine



                                                                Fuck this hero. He's like a magnet for retards who think "im gonna blink steal ravage opa opa :DDDDD" and then they proceed to feed on a lane like 4 times in a row. Later that rubick is just a non-factor who feeds and does nothing. I'd rather prefer to play with a support pudge than a motherfucking rubick.


                                                                  Agreed with DK.peniel, his lift is at a 22 second cooldown I believe, so if he lifts perhaps the offlaner, their teammate will come in and you will have nothing to defend yourself with for 22 seconds. Also he's only useful in teamfights imo, his magic resistance passive is pretty obviously a good teamfight skill. His second ability reduces damage so that the enemy does less damage in a fight, and it relies on bouncing around in close teamfights. And his lift can keep an enemy out of a teamfight for a couple seconds. The ult is more used on utility spells of other heroes, say alchemist's stun or something along those lines.

                                                                  bitch syndrome

                                                                    I can't fully agree with you, bogi, but it is very common to see rubicks in pub that don't even have an idea about telekinesis relocate -_-. Ofc i suck at rubick (dota too), but in pubs i'm trying to do my best. For example last game:
                                                                    Mirana lost mid, gave fb, naix died solo to jakiro and tide, brood was picked after an eartshaker and so on. The enemy team consisted of almost all the best teamfight skills (ravage, eclipse, echo slam, macropyre an other useful shit).
                                                                    I stole ravage once, we won the fight... Then our team decided to push while i was warding.
                                                                    An echo slam demolished our team (tons of spiderlings, chen creeps, creeps, mirana illsuions and a naix :D) ultra kill, lvl 17 shaker, while naix is 13... I ended feeding T_T don't blame pub rubicks sori for mai inglish


                                                                      What a dumb retard this fking noobdick "Bogibullshit93" is. Rubick is not for noob like him who don't know how to stay alive in situation. I know its not a good pick against right click heroes but against heavy nukers he is GOD because i play as semi carry with Rubick and i got RAMPAGE with skill which this noobshit "Bogibullshit93" doesn't have.

                                                                      +Everyone dies even Tanks too but how to stay alive is on your skills. Don't go solo instead be in back. Use telekinesis 1st then use spell steal then Fade Bolt then use stolen skill to safe stealing and then HOPE your team will come and handle rest of it and if u want to nuke further more then get dagon ASAP and start ganking and see them crying and dc then gg.

                                                                      +For escaping: Force Staff, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Blink Dagger, Ghost Scepter (Take 3 of them) xD
                                                                      +For disables: Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Orchid of Malovalence, Scythe of Vyse, Heaven's Halberd (for Right Click carries to HELL)
                                                                      +For surviving: Shiva's Guard, Hood of Defiance, Black King Bar, Linken's Sphere (Recommended)
                                                                      +For farming: Steal spells like tiny's stun or other hero aoe nukes for getting jungling or creeps easily with ur Fade Bolt
                                                                      +For nuking: your BRAIN :3

                                                                      It needs alot practice and i am also new to dota2 right now but i am learning to be great rubick player in future, besides everyone got badgames in life but be chilled and mute those dickholes like "BoGibullshit93".

                                                                      Respect Rubick :)

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                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                        gg necro


                                                                          vENOM go visit a doctor plz



                                                                            black dog

                                                                              Rubik is high risk high reward,he is a great 1st pick as you guys saw many pro teams do because it forces the other team to re-think the next picks,that's a huge win from the get-go as you literally change the draft from the start. Secondly , I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you first play the hero so that you respect how difficult,satisifying and game changing he is.
                                                                              The new scepter basically means that your old shit support rubik can now be helpful late game too with the 5 sec cd.
                                                                              Also,Rubik can steal a spell,use it,steal another,use it and then when he steals the 1st spell back,it is off cd. In theory there is the abilty to land 2 ravages without even a refresher late game.
                                                                              All said and done. High risk high reward,yet at the same time;a safe pick.
                                                                              P.S don't say that rubik is a shit hero because my stats are bad on it,it's my fault, not the hero's. Good day,no QQ pls


                                                                                z Rubick great first pick in competetive play? AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Do you even watch those games? What you shiting about? I rarely believe any team at Ti4 picked Rubick as a first pick in 120 matches. :)

                                                                                black dog

                                                                                  If a team picks Rubik first, force your opponent into a draft you can predict. Don't just rage at the hero because others can't play it. At least try it first..


                                                                                    ^How come you force your opponent into a predictable draft because of Rubick?


                                                                                      Because Rubis are awesome on paper but hard to master in real game.

                                                                                      "High risk high potential reward" is a fitting description but ovbiously not a safe pick imho.

                                                                                      Rubick needs to be agressive and set the tone (pressure) on the enemy asap to get him going nicely throughout the game. However, afk farmer teammates or retarded lane carry can totally destroy this plan and leave rubick as a free walking feeder creep.


                                                                                        Not only potential reward, man
                                                                                        As offlane player his combo with earth shaker is very hard to counter -.-
                                                                                        It really forced me to go jungle at lv 1 sometimes..
                                                                                        Fissure Block -> If ES failed to block me, Rubick will throw me inside again. EZ first blood.
                                                                                        What a jackass this hero is.


                                                                                          I positively amused this thread is still going strong.
                                                                                          I am equally amused at the people who say Rubick is a bad hero :)

                                                                                          Personally I like to playin him pretty agressive during the whole game, sometime it's hard in pubs to get the right cooperation going but when you find yourself with decent players, it's really fun and rewarding to play.

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