General Discussion

General DiscussionUS East - looking for buddies to stack with, public matchmaking for n...

US East - looking for buddies to stack with, public matchmaking for now on new-ish account in General Discussion

    Hi all. With the new MMR system, I felt like I had to play a new account. On my main, I trolled too many games, didn't try very hard, and stacked with some really bad players who were my buddies, so I don't think it really reflects my skill. But hey, if it turns out it's the same after I get to ranked, I'll just accept it and improve.

    Doing okay so far with this account as solo/duo with my best friend. I think it'd be more fun/easier if we had some others to play with too, so add me if you're interested. It's been a little worrisome when we trilane the shit out of our pub carry and he doesn't do anything with the amazing start, hah. We'd really like to win, but no big deal if we lose. If we don't like playing with you, we'll just delete you off our friend's list lol. He's a lot meaner than I am though...

    So we'll be playing public matchmaking until I can play ranked. If you're some sort of smurf or whatever or doing the same thing with the fresh tryhard start, this is a great opportunity for you! If you're some pro who wants to carry us, that's also fine! The people we queue against with visible MMR seem to have around 4500 if that means anything, couple 5000+.

    Here are the requirements:
    - Should be comfortable with playing any role and any hero that is actually useful.
    - Won't pick something retarded to fuck the team. Always thinking about lanes and synergy, picks to win.
    - Innately a tryhard, but not an egotistical dickhead or whiny bitch.
    - Just knows what to do and how to play the game without instruction.
    - Voice chat helps but is not required. Most of the time, I don't feel like speaking.

    Add me for a good time. ;)

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      Im trying to do the same thing and looking for players too. I will add you so we can talk.


        i hate ap


          Oh yeah, about that, my friend and I are down for any game mode.

          AP seems to work best when it's just us. We pick our heroes last to best complement the team and it gives us the most options to fill the holes. Well, actually my friend likes to random. NOT TRYHARD ENOUGH.

          The case with RD I've noticed is 90% of the time we get first and second pick (I dunno), start talking about the lanes, and the pubs ruin it. What works best here is I ask them what they want and tell them to grab me a support lol.

          I actually love CM/CD. I have a macro to guarantee captain, but I just don't like dealing with people that can't play this or that if I'm trying to win. Usually what happens is I pick some OP team and they feed and lose their lanes and then call, "gg noob captain. bad picks." If I actually communicate, they suggest completely retarded picks. If we were stacked, I'm totally down for this. Don't even have to be the captain if someone else knows how to draft.

          I'll check my pending friend invites when I wake up. Goodnight for now!

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          King of Low Prio

            smurf accounts ruin the ladder