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General Discussionsolo ranked 11 loss in a row

solo ranked 11 loss in a row in General Discussion
A-God Hueglot

    SO, i lost 11 fucking games in a row in solo ranked. i have no idea what to do, dont feel i am playing any worse than before or anything like that, someone pls any advice, solution etc.

    what the hell am i doing wrong, i feel i always get retards in my team


      be a loa/earth spirit picker




          whats loa ?


            Lord of Avernus or Abaddon, since almost nobody calls him LoA anyway.


              ah, how is abaddon broken


                yeah i dont know either
                i think im at 8 right now...
                smth changed and its not me xd, the only thing ive realized is that people (enemy team), go as 5 from min 10 or even sooner -->quite nasty actually


                  ^^ Highest pub winrate...that's pretty much it.


                    one of the top in diamond too

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                    Feeder Chan

                      Pick TA ;p

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Abaddon is "broken" because he counters the most picked pub heroes heavily. Shield dispells Arrow, eat you face, Pounce and Earth Spirit stuns/silences.


                          what about legion, that hp reg + debuff gimmicks


                            OP is a liar.


                            Longest losing streak - 9 losses


                              its 10, if you only count solo ranked.


                                I feel you A-God

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  @vivivvivivi People playing LC are busy farming the jungle while people playing Abaddon are busy saving people.

                                  Woof Woof

                                    after winning 35th game out of 54 suddenly my teammates literally quit warding i had to spam for wards and usually if we got them they came in 12minutes in game after i got ganked few times or enemy mid got few kills on other lanes i wont even mention level of mid players on team It literally seems like my teammates get worse and worse each game

                                    my next game 6minutes withotu courier while i ma mid legit (with silencer chen and ds on team

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                                      dont play late at night or early morning, thats when all the baddies come out


                                        Pick spirit breaker, collect win.

                                        Quick maffs

                                          stop playing ranked.

                                          I will never, never play mid again in ranked, i mean cmon on the 3k trench tier nobody should be ganking mid.

                                          beyond imaginable

                                            11 win streak



                                              13 ranked wins in a row with mek force Furion? How lucky can you get.


                                                its much better than retarded afk woods into midas into shadowblade/dagon/agha -1 in team you usually encounter in games.


                                                  bh says: i go mess with jungle natures prophet ---->12min 1 lvl, 0-2 @4650 MMR

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    if I watch the replay I will see a BH lv 1 at 12mins or are you exaggerating like every other post about MM

                                                      Цей коментар було видалено
                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        how exactly did the fail BH get higher GPM than a "skilled" darkseer?


                                                          oh we have a riddle, how can a BH with 9,2kHD and in game with 46 dire kills get 447GPM

                                                          think, think hard and come when u get it:D

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            funny you delete comments that make you look bad :P

                                                            And I did think about it, I think that fail bh is still better than the fail darkseer :P

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              holy shat a BH got higher GPM AND there is a brood on the other team? how?


                                                                "bh 10 min lvl 2, dk feed mid. and we won" ---> make me look bad ahaha what is this clown :D

                                                                goodybe tard c ya @5500


                                                                  Keep fighting guys,i enjoy watching it.

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    do you realize the irony of saying how bad the people are at you MM are then going off and saying how good you are at your MM?

                                                                    NAAAAAAW you are too slow to realize much :P

                                                                    Quick maffs


                                                                      The only thing that i see in that game is how necro carried the shit out of everyone in your team.

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        ^ that people are so delusional that they think every game they carry

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