General Discussion

General Discussionmost imba heroes atm in your opinion

most imba heroes atm in your opinion in General Discussion

    IMO: brood, es, timber, mirana, cm, death prophet


      timber, earth spirit, visage, elder titan.


        Crystal Maiden is not at all imbalanced as most CM players just end up jungle farming midas or feeding. The others listed above are relatively balanced but tend to get out of hand in pub games because people don't know how to deal with them though I will agree they are harder to kill than most.

        The ones you have listed above though are good examples of these heroes though I would also add Bristleback to the list.


          you're right.
          but brood is unkillable if you dont have a dedicated team, timber is also pretty hard to kill and deals massive amounts of damage. Mirana's arrow is pretty op as well tbh. the rest is only imba in uncoordinated games, those are truly imba i think.


            i might add venomancer to my list, not sure yet.


              Bristleback, visage and alchemist are all pretty amazing right now.

              Bristleback can easily solo 2 players when he hits 6 if he is solo offlane and gets 6 fast.

              Visage got dem amazing nukes on super low CD so any fight can be turned around early game.

              Alchemists stun is so broken right now because the concoction does not explode mid air even if you release it with 0.5 seconds left. Massive damage early game with a stun that follows the target until it lands regardless of blink? Amazing. He also gets insane HP/mana regen from his ulti and can tank tower dmg at 6 as long as his ulti is up. only 20 seconds downtime and costs insanely low mana cost.


                brood imba? wut. carry gem she wont farm only gain exp.
                es imba? use brains.
                timber imba? kind of..
                mirana imba? nope just nope
                cm imba? WTH is wrong with you?
                death prophet imba? learn the skill of "ignorance" and farm.she is useless beyond 25-30 mins.


                  Playing Visage on my smurf. That hero is insane and not as hard to play as is commonly thought. If the pub players just gave him a one game trial he would be instant picked everafter. I played him like shit in my first 10 games, feeding familiars every fight but it didn't matter we still one because of dem nukes.


                    alchemist ...


                      imbasaw, bristlehack, earth spirit, brood, legion, Viper, Alc
                      Fuck viper, shits stupid

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                        Worst hero to team fight against ever.


                          Venomancer's plague ward slows are pretty ridiculous. As is Lich's exp control.


                            @Carry Your World CYKA pls when u'll know 1% of dota come back and give ur opinion, until then just hide urself..


                              legion, bristle, timber, earth, brood.


                                Not sure why ppl add legion to the list. Love the hero and played her quite a lot, but she's no where close to being imbalanced. A good hero that rly depends on your team/enemy team composition. Fun to play nonetheless.


                                  hmm i dont think legion is op either, especially when most of them afk farm jungle to get dat 30 min shadow blade lmao.


                                    @Carry Your World CYKA
                                    i was actually taking seriously what you wrote until i saw your dotabuff


                                      "brood imba? wut. carry gem she wont farm only gain exp"
                                      Carrying a gem is in no way to counter a Brood and is simply not enough as she can go so far into trees or off the map entirely that you actually need certain heroes combo'd with the gem to take her down otherwise you have no chance. So to counter you need teamwork + detection + right hero picks which rarely happens in pub games.

                                      "es imba? use brains."
                                      I agree that using ones brain does help with a lot of the current issues the game has in balancing but sadly we are talking about pub gaming where the vast majority don't. That being said the hero has horrible balancing issues and is used by a load of people as a "free win" hero though some good team work and picks can help to counter him it seems such an expenditure for one hero.

                                      "timber imba? kind of.."
                                      Excessively if the person playing him is good.

                                      "mirana imba? nope just nope"
                                      It's not the hero per-say that's imbalanced but her contribution to any given team that makes her good.

                                      cm imba? WTH is wrong with you?
                                      CM isn't imbalanced but is possibly one of the best solo supports and lane supports.

                                      death prophet imba? learn the skill of "ignorance" and farm.she is useless beyond 25-30 mins.
                                      Death Prophet again isn't imbalanced but left unchecked will proceed to dominate both team fights and pushing.

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                                        naga siren and earth spirit

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                                          timber, death prophet, pugna


                                            alch potm stoneguy visage (brood in allpick). in no particular order


                                              let me actually be m ore precise, brood is only broken when there's some permavirgin turbonerd turd lastpicking it at 0 minutes when there's no counters on opposing team, otherwise it's shit hero


                                                why finnish posters are even allowed to express their opinion is beyond me

                                                well imtaking a break from dotabuff forum again, the combined iq is really 5 here

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                                                    es brood



                                                      well i think i just read the dumbest post all year on this forum. congratulations on not figuring out what stoneguy is. the irony in you talking about IQ ROFL. wouldn't expect anything else from some dumbass lowskill swedish turd.


                                                        i mean wow....... even if you barely have a double digit IQ, try not to pollute the board with your stupidity


                                                          ^ Bait taken. Chill dude, nobody cares about Wave's opinion about anything anyway, don't let him troll you :P

                                                          Brood: She's not as imba as others, but yes, she's ultragay and countering her can really fuck up the team composition you were planning.
                                                          ES: Well, I must be the luckiest dota player ever as I haven't actually played VS him for more than a month now :D, but I read somewhere that to beat him, you have to fight cancer with more cancer...and that means picking Brood.
                                                          Timber: Silence and Nukes...or go Bloodseeker, no matter how much you hate picking him.
                                                          Mirana: Ah, she's getting overpicked lately...convince your teammates to place them sentrys and carry dusts, very difficult to accomplish in a lot of pubs.
                                                          DP: Go Viper and Bara and punish that prick who dared to pick her in the first 6 mins.

                                                          Good Visage players are a pain to play against, good thing he's rarely picked. Alche also gets ridiculous as far too many pubs don't know how to handle him and inmediatelly start running away when he activates his ulti. Elder Titan got nerfed, but he's still ridiculous when his team knows what he actually does, another rare pick though.
                                                          Also, Venomancer + Warlock...inmense panic for the average pub.


                                                            for me actually mirana's ult is fine, but that arrow ohhh thats broken


                                                              Earth Spirit, Phantom Lancer, Ursa(Roshan bounty)


                                                                DP, CM, Mirana are not imba. Timber is strong, but not imba. wtf PL Ursa?
                                                                Imba heroes are just Alchemist, Brood and Earth Spirit. Weaver and Venom are VERY annoying atm as well.

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                  ^ That means you have never played with an arrow magnet in your team? Sure, you can't really call it imba if that's the case, but damn those arrow magnets...


                                                                    actually it's very hard to miss arrows with the size of that fucking hitbox. if you have something like a CM bane clockwerk etc in your team a lockdown its basically a free kill because the dmg is also really really high, even if you shoot it right next to other hero.

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                                                                      @atum then you pick abaddon and the problems are pretty much over

                                                                      Jorges Sanz

                                                                        Meepo , Earth spirit, brood, Carry rad naga, troll(rat) warlord, shadow shaman (to some extent)


                                                                          what if abaddon is on mirana's team


                                                                            1) Earth Spirit: This hero is too OP currently enuff said..
                                                                            2) Alchemist: Can fit almost any role except jungler, strong stable stun unless you are a noob and ulti is pretty insane especially if you are playing it as a support
                                                                            3) Warlock: Surprisely, didnt see anyone here talk about warlock. Warlock is pretty strong, with a high overall win rate in dota (like 55%), go sceptor+ refresher and its potential is probably higher than the team's carry..
                                                                            4) Timber: Not that difficult to use after a few games, high damage burst plus can fly above in team fight


                                                                              jk but still most of the time you wont have an aba in your team


                                                                                you can have SD as well, bane, dazzle...


                                                                                  If Abaddon is in Mirana's team, then you are probably facing some tryhards.

                                                                                  ^^^ Warlock :D

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                                                                                  Jorges Sanz

                                                                                    @sano picking LOA just to dispel target disables/debuffs doesnt fully solve the problem. Just adds a new dimension since you could potentially be tying your hands in a 4v5 situation especially if the LOA is a defensive pick.. that being said i think LOA has immense potential as a solo mid hero in the competitive scene.. for early 5man doto LGD cn style.... my 2 cents.


                                                                                      my point stands. the heroes you said are only useful if theyre not the ones arrowed or if they're right next to the teammate arrowed, which u'll know most of the time isnt the case. you can say that to any of the heroes currently broken i.e.: you can have doom to counter es, a dedicated team to counter brood, silencer for timber etc but doesnt changes the fact they they are indeed op

                                                                                      waku waku



                                                                                          "my 2 cents" wtf you didn't say anything interesting, abaddon won't EVER leave you in a 4v5 situation as it's a fucking strong hero and not completely defensive as you said, since healing + shield + borrowed time are incredibly strong to force towerdive situations

                                                                                          Jorges Sanz

                                                                                            @atum agree with you. Though there are counterpicks to each and every hero.. what defines an imba hero is one that forces the opposition to make the most drastic adjustment/commitment.

                                                                                            Jorges Sanz

                                                                                              @sano LOA doesnt offer much outside of lane control and bailing people out with the debuffs, as agreed, 5man doto. He doesnt provide map control, split push or any direct disables nor scales well later on with chain disables potentially being available. Aphotic shield is nice as a debuff mechanism but it is one-off albeit low cd and doesnt even work on bkb heroes if im not mistaken. I'd rather take omniknight over LOA simply because i believe omniknight scales better as a defensive support.

                                                                                              Its just my opinion anyway i dont have to fucking entertain you.


                                                                                                earth spirit, Elder Titan, Alchemist, Brood (in pubs), Bristle, Pugna.


                                                                                                  Tiny OP, Axe and Beastmaster


                                                                                                    beastmater OP....?