General Discussion

General DiscussionProof, that Valve Matchmaking is the worst thing ever on this world

Proof, that Valve Matchmaking is the worst thing ever on this world in General Discussion

    i have 5,2k mmr and over 1000 games

    played solo a normal match today:

    got teamed up with a guy with 10[!] games :D and on other guy with 50 games and 40% winrate :D [10games guy] [50games guy]

    or dk and mirana

    oh enemy team also max 50 games :D

    all 3 of them with dota buff profile :D

    white lies

      atleast you won..

      who am i

        idk that happens to me a lot on this new smurf. valves mmr seems to attack smurfing way too hard.

        Vanity  ツ

          Smurfs make it harder for the mm to balance out games. There's very little valve can do about that unfortunately


            were you in calibration phase? if yes thats normal, if not the only reason i could find (and even its not good enough) is that they were stomping their previous games so they got mached with a much better player

            Woof Woof

              shit happens when inbreeds are behind alghoritms


                Smurf detection is so stupid...


                  You do know someone with dotabuff activated in the first 10 games is definitely a smurf right...


                    what valve can do about it ? let smurfs play against other smurfs

                    but dont match people with 10 games with people with over 1000

                    what happens when they get mad ? they start griefing, trolling etc

                    and u just waste your reports, cause they gonna make a new acc, if they get into lp

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      if you see this guy in real life.. just shot him

                      King of Low Prio

                        just play ranked u wont have to deal with this....


                          Valve goal #3

                          "3.The discrepancy between experience (measured by the number of games played) between the least experienced player and the most experienced player is minimized."

                          Valve addendum to goals:

                          "The matchmaker seldom achieves all of those goals perfectly" Its becoming clear that this statement should be abbreviated....

                          and instead say (The matchmaker seldom achieves those all of those goals.) Maybe they go ahead when 4 of the 7 goals are achieved.

                          Games like this one with massive differences in games played should not be just unlikely. They should NEVER happen. But its the same thing as the problem with massive differences in MMR. Some stack has large differences in games played... and so Valve grabs a solo player from solo que and puts them on the opposing team with a bunch of smurfs.

                          Instead the smurfs should have been matched against other smurfs and the stack with the large experience difference should have either been matched against a similar stack or against people who all had 500 games (the average between 1000 and 10). But doing that would make the search take longer. Valve chooses short que times over quality and stuffs people into low quality games quickly instead of making ppl wait longer for quality games.

                          It would be so easy to just make that search bar expand more slowly... or allow players to set limits for how large a search range they would accept... so easy!!! They don't even have to change the algorithm! If they really hate giving people choices then all they need to do is change the value of the arbitrary coefficient at which it declares "match is found!".

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            It wasnt even a ranked game, why do you cry? Should be common sense that normal mm is fucking destroyed atm

                            Carl Lee

                              The match making system has to match a game as soon as possible, therefore, if there are not enough same-levelel players in the queue, the system has to sacrifice skill level difference over match making speed, so everyone gets to play a game within 5 mins.

                              I have 4k mmr in ranked, and got matched with 1,8k players on my team and 3k players on the opponent team the other day and got stompped pretty hard.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                i wish they had a "prioritize match quality" option


                                  I just played a game with a guy who has 2.6k games compared to my 800

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    I am better than alot of players with 2k+ games......... I am also worse then people with less that 800 games.........

                                    King of Low Prio


                                      I have never been in a match with a 1.8k MM player and I really do not believe that it ever happened, provide proof plz


                                        Smurfs will be smurfs. 100% Win rate FTW! :)


                                          wow, 6-0 dude u crazy! can u make tutorial video??


                                            even if its no ranked

                                            do i HAVE TO play ranked, to have nice players in my game ? (even there the system is fckd up)

                                            cant belive that its like, play ranked or have shitty game

                                            Everyone loves Chibi

                                              Well... as long as you dont have a suicider 1-21 Io in your team, it's fine i guess... My second ranked, mmr around 3.7-3.8k. It's not as close as yours, but you get the picture.


                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                @ (>^.^)>

                                                Well, look at it this way. Play normal if you simply don't wanna give a fuck about the outcome. I've tried playing normal and the shitfest is insanely high. Every game the skill on players differ, sometimes people are solid and then the next they are literally beginners.

                                                If you feel like playing seriously with equal minded teammates ranked is the way to go. Not saying ranked is perfect but normal is awful.

                                                Woof Woof

                                                  lets be honest game like dota 2 needs well developed mm that takes into account way more than W/L and in game stats Especially when game balance only rotates op heroes and main played mode is ap instead mm allows tons of people 2 inflate their winrate regularly and then fuck things up big time when abusers play without stack or cant pick their op hero for 20th time in a row and then we have domino effect where none ever can reach their true rating

                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    no, adding in-game stats into MM is a horrible idea. The ONLY thing that matters at the end of the game is who killed the other teams throne.


                                                      its useless to play solo normal games :D

                                                      somehow i get only matched with people who have 1-100 games

                                                      well r.i.p normal matchmaking :D


                                                        You dont judge ppl based on their games played. Most of them are smurfing. Its just retarded to say that a guy who has 20 games is worse than you simply because you have more games. And please stop with this i have 5.2k rating im pro and should be matched vs pros...i have biggest e-peen and all that shit...


                                                          Yes please don't judge someone based on how many games they have played..

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            also keep in mind the MM value you started with is usually off about 500-1500 MM up or down. Only after playing more ranked matches will you get a true MM value. Sadly alot of horrible players got overvalued because of how solo and team MM was merged together

                                                            Woof Woof

                                                              (>^.^)> quit dota 2 and give me your account breh


                                                                "dont judge people based on their games"

                                                                ofc poeple with 1-100 games are bad, and if they are smurs, they are also bad, cause either they have 90%+ winrate, or they are people with 1000+ games and 45% win, who think they are stucked in "elo hell" and way better and create a new acc, but still suck!

                                                                why do you think people create smurfs ? cause they want easy wins, and stomp other people, and why ? cause normal games with their normal acc are way to hard for them.

                                                                "Gambits and Exploits Await" is one of these guys for sure.

                                                                also i never said i am pro, dont say things ive never said, but that only means u ran out of arguments :D and shouldnt post in this thread again :D

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                  I loled at the comment, "The smurf got smurfed."


                                                                    But you are wrong... Ppl with 100 games arent necceseraly bad. You are just an idiot judging by their games played. For your information there are ppl who still play dota 1. So lets say one of the decides to switch to dota 2... he still has more experience than most of the dota 2 ppl and he sure is not that bad. This addition of rating or making it visible since it was alrdy there was the dumbest thing Valve did. I know 90% of the ppl wanted it but now they cry because they are not as good as they thought they were and when they have 4k+ rating thing that they are better than everyone else. Its just pathetic

                                                                    Lets take me for example... I dont defend new ppl nor judge someone who has 100 games because chances are that that guy has played dota for 10 years and is clearly better than me. Do you think that i have only 600 games played? Do my 600 games make me worse than someone with 3k games? No it doesnt because you dont know how long have i been playing dota in general. Newsflash for you bro... Dota didnt start with Dota exists for 8-9 years. I've been playing dota since 5.84c and that was like 7 years ago so I know what im talking about.

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      the only reason i posted my mmr to prevent comment like "u deserved to play with these guys" thats all, ive never said i am better or deserve to play with pros or wnything else. so stop with that.

                                                                      but still dota1 player need to get used with dota2, so they will suck their first 50 games, no matter how good they are.

                                                                      also i played myself dota1, no need to explain me there was a game before dota2..

                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!