General Discussion

General Discussionlooking for 5k+ mmr players with solo queue only

looking for 5k+ mmr players with solo queue only in General Discussion

    hey we have a script that automatically screens your games and determines the % of the time that you are each color

    blue, teal, yellow, etc.

    would like some names of high account people who only or almost only play solo queue so we can use them for the experiment


    Ця тема була відредагована
    one and half gun

      i have 5.5k+ but i dont see the point of this, you end up as blue or purple if you stay in the queue for longest

      it has nothing to do with mmr, i am friend most of the players on the front page and i know their individual rating, im too tired to link you their matches but this is such a lame myth


        if you actually believe color order and mmr are related you are probably shit

        Цей коментар був відредагований

          you wont find any of these, i myself tested it some time ago and everyone above 5k has stacked at some point


            Its no myth. Just math. The higher your mmr, the more likely you are to wait longer for your match. So it's theoretically sound because for solo queue the % of blue/pink you get will correlate to mmr (how much above 5k) at a non - insignificant level.

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              Interesting... this must mean Wave does not get blue/pink placement.

              Yes, I checked he has zero blue/pink in the last 20 games. In fact he is in the "lowest MMR" spot in nearly half his games. That makes sense since he never plays without being carried by far better players. I think these connections between personal experience and world view often have a dramatic impact on belief or unbelief in a particular concept.

              In this case we see that a player who must believe they are pro or commit suicide (in his mind)... when the evidence points to their real low MMR they reject the idea that color placement has meaning.

              We could do an additional test with a more interesting outcome... will he in the future insist on being in the 1 slot on 5 stacks and pretend they were solo que games? I suspect that he will even though no one will care but him.

              Цей коментар був відредагований
              King of Low Prio

                Игрок дисквалифицирован из рейтингов



                  ^ Fuck me, I actually went and used google translate to read that.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований


                    he might be stacking in those games, then pink/blue shit is meaningless.


                      This account is solo queue only.


                        you wouldnt believe how accurate you atually are Relentless on everything you said ;D

                        wave is 4.5-5k max solo/party aprox.

                        if he was anywhere close to 5.5 he wouldnt have his profile private for 1 month ;D

                        itt people take his winrate srs!

                        King of Low Prio


                          father russia approves


                            @wave color is not sorted by waittime, I have gotten game instantly and gotten blue. I seriously doubt all my 4 teammates also got their games instantly


                              I think it has the que time, but then again I've gotten blue instantly like the dude above me said.

                              does it really matter tho?


                                i think it does make sense.

                                all the games that i've encountered pros in for the past two days are all in the blue/pink spot

                                and i obviously sit at the last spots because i'm nowhere as good as they are...



                                lumi + stack

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  i doubt being teal/blue has anything to do with how long you queue since i've had games where i'm blue with instant queue and games with 5 minutes queue where i'm dg/brown at ~5k


                                    That guy that had 1 rating ended up in the Blue/Pink slot almost every single game so it's at least not entirely sorted by rating


                                      The correlation between mmr and color is real, but many of you mistake correlation and cause-effect relations. It is really wait time dependant but waiting time and mmr are correlated. In fact, the system will place you in almost any game right after 5 min, thus the high mmr player ending up as blue or pink most of the time (and of course possibly imbalanced games).

                                      I have been blue/pink for most of my unranked games and less for the ranked games and the wait times have decreased as well, as there are more people high up there in ranked.
                                      I'm 5.4-5.5k at the moment on my account below, solo queue only. Feel free to analyze.


                                      @KAISLE: It's entirely possible to get 5k doing solo queue only. I just did.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...


                                        Edit : HOLY SHIT YOU ARE DUDE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                          It must feel bad to almost be worse than KingRaven


                                            The 1 MMR guy did get a high % of 1 slot placements. This would make sense if that spot was occupied by someone who was longer in the que.


                                              slot order = queue time

                                              if youre either at the top or bottom end of the spectrum youre extremely likely to be blue/pink

                                              in all of my solo queue games ive never been under purple on radiant and never under gray on dire

                                              the game i got purple on radiant was the game i got an instant queue pop and that was 1 game, others are all blue/teal

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                i only play solo im 5.5k~ mmr +-

                                                and i always end up on first 3 slots doesnt matter which team

                                                most of the time 1 or 2 slot 3rd one very rarely

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  mmr has nothing to do with the color placement.

                                                  huskar is 5.9k, i'm a bit lower.


                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                    ^because u were stacking, think for a min pls


                                                      we didn't stack that game.


                                                        My mouse is black and my car is blue? First i waited 1 min then 2 min does this make me 5 or 4k mmr? =O Also my favorit colur is green.

                                                        Sometimes i touch my cat :(

                                                        one and half gun

                                                          that was party ranked, not solo queue and i had highest mmr of them all anyway. my last 100 games have been solo ranked and it varies from blue/purple to teal/yellow, ive even been purple with arteezy once and he has 400 more mmr than me

                                                          "we didn't stack that game", you stack every game cigani. searching for europe west + korean to end up in same team


                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            you're low, no need to talk to me.

                                                            one and half gun

                                                              better watch it,

                                                              what happened cigani, can't pick es because of 6.80?
                                                              its so funny when you know im talking to you each time i say cigani, good you know your place trash


                                                                i dont understand why u guys just cant play normal 1v1 and get over this shit its same fuckin story in every thread u 2 end up posting in

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                one and half gun

                                                                  he deleted his comment on my screenshot before i could see it

                                                                  ciganis man, what can you do


                                                                    your level of knowledge in terms of dota is as low as the sea level.


                                                                      check me... i may not have 5,5k yet but i usually play solo, more than 90% of my games


                                                                        thanx for shoutout Sam Peckinpah

                                                                        Guys I will check out the solo queue accounts and respond soon, thanks for your help.

                                                                        i have also proven here that player position is NOT based on mmr:


                                                                        however, it is quite obviously correlated with mmr, as analysis of high mmr solo accounts does show. it is likely based on queue time (search range). this means if you are searching for 3 minutes, then find a game, but someone cancels, and it returns you to queue with high priority, and you find a game in 30 sec, you should really consider your queue time was 3:30 since your search range was expanded accordingly. i will take some data to check this next



                                                                          im often blue/pink i guess im pro, thanks for making me realising it, i wouldnt notice without y'all <3 .

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                            @daggius if u queue with an obscure language preference and u meet someone with that particular language (korean in USE), you and your friends tend to be clumped up together in no particular order.

                                                                            elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                                              i think because u and ur friends are rather low (no offense) it is obviously not going to correlate as much as it does on the high ends of the meter

                                                                              4.5k-4.7k is occupied by a lot of players...even on us east/west. i dont always solo queue, sometimes i stack with good players but mostly i stack with okay friends or rl friends if i am stacking at all. i go up and down between 5.2k and 5.5k solo queue and when i am solo i am almost always blue or pink. i would say out of 20 solo games i play i am in the 2nd or 3rd position spot maybe 2 or 3 times and that's during prime time when a lot of people with similar or higher ratings than me play.

                                                                              elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                                                tbh i would rather not be pink or blue everygame...i get rather crestfallen because i know the rest of my team is surely going to be very bad


                                                                                  im going to load screen abandon all my games where im blue/pink now so i can increase my mmr by getting carried rather than doing the carrying

                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                    @ murs.
                                                                                    can i learn dota from you?

                                                                                    elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                                                      i'm not that great chinkyminks in the grand scheme of things i'd recommend watching actual professional players i'm nothing but a pubstomper


                                                                                        its not like he wants or can become professional player so he has to learn from great pubstompers ayway no ?


                                                                                          how do you pubstomp?


                                                                                            murs murs,

                                                                                            thats what beesa said the other day.
                                                                                            telling me how he's not very good at dota...

                                                                                            well i ain't buying that shit lol...

                                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!