General Discussion

General DiscussionLost MMR after early abandonment

Lost MMR after early abandonment in General Discussion

    Wanna ask if someone have same problem, I just played a game when someone did early abandonment

    Clearly it was said that : No stats will be recorded and MMR wont be updated. But when I leave the game my MMR drop by 25 points

    Is this new bug or intented?

    Case: Someone abandon ----> First blood happen ----> Everybody leave

    Someone abandon and firstblood happen come in matter of sec

    Funny enough: The match was not counted as REAL MATCH in dotabuff but as No stats recorded only

    Match ID: 508333275


      were they in your party?


        has happened to me atleast 10-20 times


          They recently changed it so your MMR does go down.

 under commuity.

          Don't understand why they did this. I guess so that if your team is having a really bad game before first blood, then you can't have one of your teammates abandon.


            After first blood, the same rules apply as before: the match will be scored for all players. The abandoner will always receive a loss, but all other players will be scored a win/loss according to the actual match outcome.

            Thanks really help, so.............

            When someone disconnect for about 4min+ then I will suicide so it will be counted lol

            @Esp No, hes not in my party