General Discussion

General Discussionweaver offlane advice please.

weaver offlane advice please. in General Discussion

    didnt read any mention to power treads and it isnt anywhere near good, mediocre at its best


      you need to have around a 500 gpm(gpm scales expontially over time so while that might not be great at the end of the game it is good during the early-mid game) in the offlane to get those items by 25mins. Weaver has no flash farming mechanism and is in the offlane role so it makes getting last hits alot harder early game. Atum-- I went through your match history and by your own standard you must be some fucking horrible player.


        actually you need around 400 gpm (actually 408 gpm, w/e), considering u have a RADIANCE for ate least 8 min thats very poor. i average at least 500 gpm when i win and 400 gpm when i lose. u must be very ballsy using an account with 0 games to talk down other players


          "gpm scales expontially over time so while that might not be great at the end of the game it is good during the early-mid game"

          I posted that part specifically for the shit tier player who does not understand how gpm works throughout the course of a WHOLE match

          5175(linkens) + 5150(radiance) = 10325 / 25(min) = 413 gpm required (I am being nice and not adding in treads even though it is quite obvious that he had them)


            We had an offensive trilane of silencer, venge, and 1 other hero i forgot (also a strong early game support) against their safe trilane constantly pressuring bot, should the enemy trilane have left bottom lane, our tri would easily get kills and the tower. They had to leave it up to the doom and their mid to slow my farm, and they managed to kill me once with a smoke gank + doom, but i still managed to get my radiance at 17 mins (which is absolutely amazing on weaver, since i also had aquila + brown boots) and then my linkens came at 25 minutes, which is also great seeing that it only took 8 minutes to farm up 5000 gold with the radiance...

            And to whoever said radiance early on weaver is bad, is actually retarded. do you know what ~50 damage per second against 3-4 int heroes at 20 minutes into the game just by BEING THERE is? its almost autowin. Early radiance can win a game better than an early linkens, and against a smart doom, linkens isnt even a factor because all he had to do was E then doom.

            Overall, my farm was definitely good, but it was our draft that let me get to that point, not bad play from the enemy team.

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              'and against a smart doom, linkens isnt even a factor because all he had to do was E then doom.'

              I was on your side until you said something that stupid

              that is like saying no point getting bkb if there is a bane on the other team because he is just going to ulti you......................

              Quick maffs

                Meh fuck weaver, in the moment the enemy gets gem weaver is done.

                Everytime i play OD against weaver, unless weaver gets bkb weaver is done, one orb takes 1/4 of his HP, i guess he is more like a early/mid game kind of hero.


                  offlane weaver means you have at least 1 more core hero (for example a LS) to deal with the OD


                    forgot to mention enemy team only had 2 single target disables, alch stun and doom. the linkens wasnt a core item that game, i only got it for regen and the small boost to survivability.

                    Quick maffs

                      I dont know but i cant win shit with this hero, i really dislike squishy heroes



                        yea and once any of those spells hit you, you die.....


                          I Always have my ring of basi for the regen. I either go linkens and help team or if we have a cm on our team I like to go ring of basi then hood of defiance. So you can get whatever after that and make it into a pipe of insight and be a utility weaver. I only go drum as a safelane weaver. Never liked it offlane, though you could have a casual bracer if you want. So if the only real nuke they have a lot of magical nukes, i usually wont go bkb cause the charges will be wasted so i go hood instead. and I dont lvl my bugs up past lvl 2 I get stats to make up for the lack of stat items.

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                            A smart Weaver doesn't go into fights during initiation, I literally entered every fight ~3-4 seconds after the initial spells are used, nobody noticed I was there until I already dealt most of the damage on my team. I got doomed 3 times in that game, but I survived 2 of them because I entered the fight late enough that we would win while Doom is still on me, so allies could heal me through it.


                              I usually go RoA->UoS->PT->Crystalis->Desolator->Daedalus->Last item can be anything depending on the fight. In my opinion, UoS is the most underrated item on weaver. When I'm getting ganked, I can simply shukuchi out of line of sight, pop UoS, and then re-enter combat again with full health and very little downtime. Because of this, I usually have the highest XP/min in matches. The strength stat on UoS also helps boost the weaver's low HP.

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!