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General DiscussionThis is a Game That Two Can Play - Jakiro by Auburn

This is a Game That Two Can Play - Jakiro by Auburn in General Discussion

    How to play Jakiro

    Fire and Ice!
    Just-above-beginner's-level guide

    Introduction :
    Jakiro is a great baby sitter, and with some new tweaks and changes, a somewhat good early game harasser. Today I'll be discussing what Jakiro does best in and what to build for it.

    1) Enormous AOE skills
    2) Great Pusher
    3) Good Babysitter

    1) Require a few levels before skills become more useful.
    2) Stun moderately difficult to land
    3) Nobody would want to step into Macropyre

    Abilities :
    1) Dual Breath
    Most pubs would skill this first/second. Nope, not the correct choice. It's better to skill Liquid Fire or Ice Path first/second.
    Dual Breath has a staggering 135 mana cost at level one which only does 80 damage(without reduction).
    You can skill this first for its 30% movement slow, but for levels 2-7 you can forget about leveling it up.

    2) Ice Path
    You would want to prioritise leveling this up as this is a cheap 2.2 sec stun with a great AOE. Though it might take some time to get used to the stun formation time, it's well worth it.

    3) Liquid Fire
    With recent changes you can level this up at level 1 to deal a free 75 damage(no reduction) to enemies who try to last hit. Plus, it stops carries from attacking you by slowing attack speed by a hefty 50%

    4) Macropyre
    Most people would wait for the right time to land macropyre. When is the right time? Almost never. Unless your team has a combined stun time of at least 7 seconds, you'll never land a great macropyre.
    So, how do you land the perfect ultimate? You don't. You use it as a pushing skill or as extra dps to take down enemies.
    Normally I use the ultimate immediately after Ice Path, because 2 seconds of Macropyre is actually enough damage done.

    Skill Build:


    Ganker Skill Build (Not recommended unless veteran):


    Roles :
    Jakiro is a lane support. He can buy wards and the courier, but he should keep staying in lane until he has a level in Macropyre and completely leveled up Ice Path. Until then, Jakiro shouldn't gank, because it's very difficult to do so with a 0.5s formation stun.
    Jakiro can jungle, but he does it too slowly to match up the pace of lane xp.
    Jakiro should only help out in only one lane. Examples of heroes similar to Jakiro: Broodmother

    Item choices:
    Starting build: Ring of Protection, Tango, Salve, Wards/Chick, maybe a few Branches if any $ remaining.

    You'd want to build the ring into a ring of basilius first. The RoB can be activated to increase the pushing power of creeps. Please remember to switch it off during early game.

    Next is definitely Boots, then Wand if things aren't going well.

    Go for Arcanes and/or Meks afterwards.

    Force Staff

    Force Staff provides Jakiro with great mobility that he lacks. Usually you get this item after your Arcane's or Mek

    Euls Scepter of Divinity

    Euls Scepter of Divinity also provides a great and relatively cheap disable if you find yourself locked in combat. It also serves as a great item for initiation. Note that Ice Path lasts a split second so you can place Ice Path even before the victim lands.

    1) Aghanims Scepter
    Waste of money. As I said, nobody will want to step into your ultimate. Might as well spend the money getting a Shivas or Force Staff.

    2) Blink Dagger
    Another waste, UNLESS you're extremely sure your stun can land without fail.

    Laning, Mid and Late game play styles:
    Focus on controlling the lane through harassment. Liquid Fire is the way to do it.

    Mid Game: Try to gank WITH YOUR TEAM, and use your ultimate as the 1st stun lands.

    Late: Focus on pushing towers and keeping carry alive.

    Problems :
    Jakiro is mana reliant. Heroes like AM counter Jakiro hard.
    Formation time is a bother. Clockwork can shut you down as you will be unable to do anything in Cogs & Battery Assault.

    High burst nukers such as Lion/Lina can shut you down easily, hence to beat them, try staying far away from the battle.

    Knowledge :
    Newbs trying Jakiro for the first time: Try to land a stun while using the 'Stop' button.
    Thanks to Jammin:
    You can stack the large camp and pull the lane at the same time. When you reach level 6, you can approach the stacked large camp and use Macropyre to clear it fast. It gives great xp for you and your carry, plus you get some gold to finish your Arcane's


    1.01: Added newfound knowledge that is useful
    1.02: Added Skill Build
    1.03: Added Avoid Blink
    1.04: Added Ganker Skill Build and minor introduction change
    1.05: Added Pictures!
    1.06: Changed Luxury to Situational, and provided info about the items
    I'll edit this if I have time. Thanks for reading!

    Ця тема була відредагована
    i quit

      Might be preference but I'm not sure it's really worth putting >1 point in LF early on unless you plan on taking an early rosh, or is there another reason?

      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

        Stop feature OP. Love THD.

        Sup m8

          Good guide

          Oh Shit Waddup

            Can i suggest an addition?

            When i normally play jakiro ill play safe lane support, but i suggest stacking the large camp, and if you arent pulling it after you pull the pull camp, when you hit level 6 you can have ~4-5 stacks depending if you get timing right and kill that all with macropyre and that should get you arcanes, wards, w/e and a decent amount of xp for you and your carry.


              @trash Well, I think spending mana for 5 more damage isn't well worth it early game. I prefer skilling Dual Breath only once from levels 1-7 because of the 30% slow.

              Maybe for an early gank, Dual Breath is better than LF.

              @Jammin that's a good idea! I'll add it in to an advanced section if I get time.


                I only skill Dual Breath early if I play against a rubick. Else I max liquid fire first, then ice path.

                The big problem with dual breath is that it takes more then 1 sec to cast it. Liquid fire is almost instant and also does not cost mana.

                Цей коментар був відредагований

                  I've been playing a lot of Jakiro lately.

                  I get Liquid Fire (so, E?) first, mainly for harassment purposes.

                  So it's usually something like EWQEEQE

                  I may be wrong on the double E, but I max it first solely for harassement purposes.

                  I also don't go RoB, since I'm not using a lot of mana early game.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Liquid Fire works on buildings too, pretty sweet pushing ability.


                      Once maxed, ti's pretty amazing and gives Jakiro huge solo push capabilitiy.


                        I usually get stun first just in case my carry needs help.

                        Then I proceed to get max stun by 7 because stuns win games. I get RoB because it's a somewhat of a pushing item that works well for Jakiro.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I would also make force staff core on him. He has really bad mobility and gankers will easily run around ice path when they're on top of you. Force staff you can lay down ice path and force through it for almost guaranteed escape.


                            Add in mek as part of his situational, and hero buddies to lane with. Looks like you have a foes list already with AM/Nukers etc. That would round this guide out nicely.


                              Thanks for the info!


                                I feel like if you get stun first (and need it), you got bigger problems, but I do see what you mean.

                                The "guide" i use (mainly for items at this point) actually has the first point in Stun. I just chose to go the other route to try it out, and I like it as the low duration (1 sec) doesn't leave time for much unless you're A) trying to stop a cast or B) got your teammates in place.

                                Force Staff is core, I think. The cast time of Ice Path means you have absolutely no reliable escape mechanism.

                                Eul's is also core, I feel. Not only does it really, really help with mana regen, but it's useful to Eul's > Ice Path > Dual Breath > Liquid Fire.

                                I'm working on trying to Eul's > Macropyre > Ice Path > Dual Breath, but so far it's not working out great.

                                I also recommend Veil as an optional item, at least if you have a large amount of magic damage. It really helps you out, as well.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I don't really find myself struggling to get mana if I go full ice path and liquid fire prior to Q (which I often do). Mana boots is usually enough without euls. Or mayb skip the rob for euls.

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