General Discussion

General Discussion[Guide Competition] "By the impure powers of nature." - A Leshrac gui...

[Guide Competition] "By the impure powers of nature." - A Leshrac guide by 99 Problems. in General Discussion
team is heavy


    Leshrac is an intelligence support hero known for his amazing pushing capability and vast array of spells, which allows him to output massive amounts of AOE magic damage. However, he is rather squishy without items, and requires good positioning to exert his full power.

    [color=yellow]Pros and Cons:[/color]
    [color=green]+Good intelligence gain (+3 per level)
    +Excellent pushing potential with Split Earth and Lightning Storm.
    +Capable of massive AOE damage if unchecked.
    +Not very item dependant, but he scales very well with items.
    +Capable of several playing styles. [/color]
    [color=red]-Very squishy without items (16 Base Strength and 1.5 Strength Gain per level)
    -Requires good positioning.
    -Very mana dependent.[/color]


    Split Earth (Q): This ability stuns the targeted area for 2 seconds, increasing in AOE and damage with every level. With just a 9 second cooldown, it's very powerful in the laning stage. Since it has a casting animation and a delay, try to use it as a follow-up to another disable from a teammate. Be careful with mini-stuns, as they will interrupt your spell.

    Diabolic Edict (W): Leshrac's amazing pushing skill. Deals magic damage in a 500 unit radius around Leshrac. The total damage per second will be split among all enemy and neutral units in the area, so try to only use it on isolated targets to make them take a whopping 400/800/1200/1600 composite damage. Since this skill also works on buildings, try to position yourself so that the edict only damages the tower. It also affects invisible and magic immune units.

    Lightning Storm (E): A very spammable skill that will damage several enemies in an AOE. With just a 4 second cooldown at all levels, it can be used to quickly clear out creep waves and focus all the damage of Diabolic Edict on buildings or isolated heroes.

    Pulse Nova (R): Diabolic Edict on steroids. While it doesn't damage buildings, you can toggle it on and off at the cost of 110 mana and mana per second in order to deal massive magic damage to all units in the AOE. This skill deals full damage to all units, instead of splitting it like Diabolic Edict. Since this ability is very mana consuming in the early game, it's usually picked up later in the game. Damages invisible units.

    [color=yellow]Skill Builds:[/color]

    One of my favorite aspects of Leshrac is his versatility when it comes to his role, resulting in three main builds: pushing, nuker, and a pushing/nuker build.

    W, E, W, E, W, E, W, E, Q, Q, Q, Q, R, R, S, R - The reasoning behind this build is simple: spam down the waves with Lightning Storm, then bring down the towers with the increased Diabolic Edict damage. This build allows Leshrac and company to bring towers down very early. Needless to say, this works extremely well with pushing line-ups.

    Nuking (Kill Oriented Build):
    Q, E, Q, E, Q, E, Q, E, W, W, W, W, R, R, S, R - This build allows Leshrac to fight early and dish out damage to multiple heroes. Split Earth can help in stun locking enemy targets, while constant spamming of Lightning Storm is good for harassment and bringing low health enemies down.

    Pushing/Nuking Hybrid:
    Q, W, Q, W, Q, W, Q, W, E, E, E, E, R, R, S, R - This build is a mix of the previous two. Split Earth aids in stun locking and Diabolic Edict deals a lot of damage to ISOLATED targets, while still leaving the possibility of taking early towers open.


    Early/Mid Game: Tower Hater.
    While Leshrac can be run as a solo mid, he works best as a laning support, as teammates can help him take out the creep wave and put early pressure on the enemy towers. Destroy the towers like if you had a grudge, and kill any enemy hero that tries to stop you from doing so.

    Late Game: Here, have some magic damage.
    In the late game, after you've hopefully been able to get a few items thanks to the tower gold, your job is to throw out as many spells as possible in fights. Try to land multiple hero Split Earths, spam your Lightning Storm, and run into fights with Diabolic Edict and Pulse Nova active.

    [color=yellow]Leshrac's Best Buddies:[/color]

    His Shackles are a great set-up for Split Earth, his Hex allows for easy Edict chasing, and Mass Serpent Wards is an excellent compliment to Leshrac's pushing abilities.

    Disruption is a great Split Earth set up, while Soul Catcher greatly enhances Leshrac's magical damage.

    Frostbite is another Split Earth set up, Crystal Nova's slow allows Edict chasing, and her Arcane Aura helps Leshrac spam his spells

    KOTL, giff me mana.

    Every other pushing hero.

    [color=yellow]People you should hate as Leshrac:[/color]

    Multiple silences make Leshrac sad.

    He burns your mana, uses Spiked Carapace on your AOE, and picks on you because of your squishiness. What a douche.

    Hates magic. Burns your mana. Blinks away from your spells. Also takes no damage from your spells. King of douches.

    His Battery Assault will stop every casting animation you have, and he will burn your mana with Power Cogs.

    He will laugh from a distance as he mini-stuns you and interrupts the casting animation of every spell you have.


    [color=red] Starting Items: [/color]

    [img=] [img=] [img=]
    Your source of regeneration during the laning phase.

    [img=] [img=]
    As a support, you should buy one of these two items.

    [color=red] Core Items: [/color]

    Natural progression from the Magic Stick.

    You should always have a TP scroll on you. You can use one after split pushing and taking a tower, and you can also use one to join team fights.

    Increase your mana pool, allow you to regain mana, and can be disassembled later for a Bloodstone.

    [color=red] Late game core items:: [/color]

    Increased raw life points/mana, increased health/mana regen, the ability to deny yourself, and the very underrated 400 life point heal upon death for your team. What more could you ask for?

    After disassembling your Arcane Boots, you should pick up Phase Boots for the increased movement speed active. Better chasing/positioning.

    Haters gonna hate your amazing magic damage, so take away their stuns, silences, and other disables, while also becoming a bit tankier.

    [color=red]Late game extensions: [/color]

    A no-brainer for any intelligence hero. Great stats, mana regen, and active ability.

    Improves your ultimate's damage to 150%. (100/150/200 damage per second)

    Increases your survivability and mana pool, while the active adds to your arsenal of magic damage.

    If you are rolling in gold and you want more survivability, why not? You'll live longer and throw out more spells.

    More magic damage? Somebody stop this man!

    These boots give you the possibility of pushing everywhere there is an allied unit, and free a slot by not having to carry any more TP scrolls.

    [color=red] Situational Items:[/color]

    [img=] [img=]
    For better positioning.

    Don't get right-clicked down.

    Set up for your Split Earth, plus great movement speed and mana regeneration.

    A great item on the nuking build, it will give you and your teammates sustain if fighting a lot.

    [color=yellow]Gameplay: [/color]

    Some of my matches on Leshrac:

    Match 38128409
    Match 165713221
    Match 174077056
    Match 316972231
    Match 318618838

    [color=yellow] This is my guide on Leshrac, and I hope it's helpful if you wish to pick up this amazing hero. I also welcome any pointers on how I could improve this guide or if there was anything I missed. Thanks for reading.[/color]

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    sometimes i want to die

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