General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win solo mm?

How to win solo mm? in General Discussion

    Someone tell me, I have no idea. Guy from my team randomed drow ranger and died 18 times how tha fuck I can win a game even with start 5-0 when ppl go suicide whole game, Other guy died 14 and another 11 times what d fucking fuck I can`t play like this 18 time ppl fucking die what is this shit mm?!?!?!?!?!


      How to make the exact same Thread for the 200th time


        Shut up,don`t commend if you don`t like it. Its fucking hilarious 18 deaths I must fukcing post, 4700 mmr games 18 deaths 14 deaths THA FUCKING FUCK


          bogi i thought you quit this forum... i was wrong :(

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            Good engrish u mad bruh :D?





                " Anonymous " Expect us...

                amigo pool

                  Lycan dire side

                  Hex Sigma

                    new meta game is hard



                      No supports.

                      Only heroes played:
                      Brood when it was broken

                      Nuff said. You're trash. 4700 on Slark only, try playing other heroes and watch your MMR crash to 3.5k

                      Hex Sigma

                        well you can start by learning utility heroes like shadow demon or.dark seer for example. Also 200 matches on slark and 100 on rat brood say something about you.


                          Guiri Said 49% classic poor player jelaous much,such sad. Y i have like 20% of my total games with slark so what? I still faced alot of pros in mm and you didn`t.


                            Slark is not op hero,is op in noobs games when you face good players it doesnt matter are you slark or not much cus ppl know how to counter you and how to play.


                              yeah and earth spirit was balanced


                                Where did the drow go? Also did you know that you can win all the games you play Bogi? I think once you realize that this is the case and it won't change by moving accounts or making new stacks or friends.

                                The game is fine, are you claiming you have never had a bad game?

                                You play a lot of pub stomping heroes that are good early and mid you have to learn to accept the consequences of those heroes. They can back fire and leave you with a very under-farmed and overall out picked team if things don't go as planned.

                                Ples Mercy

                                  Bogi went from 54,3 to 51,5% winrate. Good job trashlord.

                                  Now that people know howto deal with slark and broods gone you have nothing but your own skill.


                                    u can make bots and play vs urself if u want, heard it works well to climb mmr


                                      I'm jealous? You've faced pros? Slark's not OP?...

                                      Let's have a look at some of these 'facts'. Firstly, please show me 3 games where you've played against pros (regardless of how badly you performed)

                                      Secondly, let's look at your account without your OP picks (also, I notice you've NEVER played Invoker on that account, interesting observation). You currently have 532-501 W-L record at a 51.5% WR, with Slark you have 252 games at a 59.52% wr, that's 150 wins and 102 losses, with Brood you have 119 games at a 58.82% wr, that's 70 wins and 49 losses I have included brood because you only played her in the previous patch when she was accepted as being OP and hence the recent nerf. This gives you a total, on accepted OP heroes (and your 2 most played - saying something about you), 371 games, or, 220 wins and 151 losses. If we proceed to remove those from your account statistics that gives you 312 wins and 350 losses, or a WR of 47.12%, why the FUCK would I be jealous of an EWR (effective win rate, minus OP picks) of 47.12%? This of course doesn't include any other strats you've tried that are considered OP or powerful, and only the two that you abused the most.

                                      Finally, I have had this account from the start so it includes many games where I was a complete scrubber, case in point - my very first game
                                      Your account on the other hand IS a smurf, or at least, not your original account and thus this is your first match - you continue to stomp a few until your MMR is calculated. If this was your original account I'm sure that impressive 47.12% would now be below 47%.

                                      Closing account comparison remark - YOUR KDAS SUCK COCK. For an OP strat win rate whore abuser your KDAs are frankly laughable. I do not try hard nor do I care too much about this account and yet I have consistently better performances in games than you do. You can't blame it on the MMR difference either as I'm 4.3k. If you took out your abuses you would be below me and that is a fact.

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                                        @ Ruski Bluntski,

                                        Couldn't have put it better myself.


                                          And Bogi, just to show how easy that retarded hero is, I played my first Slark game

                                          Easy as shit, only deaths came early when I was working out how to use the hero.

                                          Quick maffs

                                            In pubs slark is pretty strong, but against 5 stacks and CM/CD i think he is meh.

                                            I mean if you really think slark can deal with everything you are pretty wrong, i am not saying that its easy to deal with him in pub games i am saying that IT IS posible. My favorite hero to deal with him is disruptor.

                                            And if you dont agree with this play 10 slark games in a row in solo queue and win all those games, in that case i will agree with you.


                                              slark isn't op anymore either, his ult is a nerf imo

                                              4 sec which is shorter than it was and a heck of a lot longer of a cd thats for sure


                                                I'm not suggesting he's the be all and end all, in fact against coordinated play he's not that great but let's be realistic here anything sub 5k is still reasonably 'Pub' like. Of course it's high skilled pub but it's like that in any team there will be 1 try hard and 1 who doesn't really care. I'm fairly sure I could abuse up to 5k solo with ONLY playing Slark but I'm not that boring or sad.

                                                The point is Bogi hits his shelf with Slark (around 4.7k) then goes on a losing spree with other heroes down to probably around 4.2k ish (closer to his true level) where he repick abuses Slark back up to 4.7k. Rinse and repeat. Every time he goes down he makes a new thread in the forums bitching.

                                                And @ Troll, the vast majority of Bogi's Slark matches were pre-patch, when he was bordering broken.

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                                                Quick maffs

                                                  Yeah i agree with you, i am just sad with the hero since a lost against a 5 man stack, fucking meepo



                                                    Same thing happened to me not so long ago, I went in with a friend and came against 3/4 stack (can't remember how many)

                                                    fucking meepo.



                                                      The two biggest problems I've noticed with solo is lack of people willing to support and lack of team synergy. Out of those two, lack of support roles is the bigger issue. No one wants to buy wards or courier, etc when they are the "carry" and need farm.

                                                      Now, this is usually in an AP scenario because you can override that in a captain's mode, clearly. Team synergy can happen on both sides, so I don't feel that's as huge an issue.

                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                        not rly thats only the issue in 2k trench tier bracket.

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          ^hah u so fanny m8

                                                          Ples Mercy




                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                Pick terrorblade go for tower, if u die dont give a fuck, only go for foking towers, ult manta W W, yeah gg ez.

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  Thanks blunt, now i have something to post at every fucking shit you post here.

                                                                  You still try to make us believe that you are 4 k or 5k material .... pretty funny since when bogi posted his MMR you didnt post yours, and even more for someone who has 3 k games.

                                                                  Even stacking with 4 k or 5k players there is still problems sometimes about who will support, dont try to make it like the guy is trash and you are way better.


                                                                    3k mmr it works.
                                                                    Slark is so fucking op, ulti and steal stats for 2 hours, YEAH BALANCED!
                                                                    Like ember, and earth and phoenix.
                                                                    Legion is pretty balanced too.


                                                                      Bogi u have 440 useless games.
                                                                      240 Slarky
                                                                      120 Brood
                                                                      60 Bloodseker
                                                                      60 Legion

                                                                      Clap clap clap, u like to be hated


                                                                        i agree that terror and ember are op this patch, hence why i love using them as much as i can whenever i mistakenly enter an ap game

                                                                        or the captain's nice enough to give me that hero o: (too lazy to captain)

                                                                        havent played against legion/phoenix/earth since dota 1 like v6.79c so i have no clue what they're like now, though i heard the earth spirit patch was pretty rough

                                                                        that nerf on his ult hits him hard man... all they have to do is keep vision and you won't heal. the VISION hurts in more advanced games i suppose


                                                                          You are so fucking mad why? Cus you 4.3k mmr or what?

                                                                          Ok here are the games with/against pros:

                                                                 Rox kiss sedoy

                                                                          There are alot alot more games like this I just don`t have time to go looking for all of these cus I forgot which heroes I played.

                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                            np, you're still not funny.

                                                                            Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can talk bro. Now sit in your trash corner and stay quiet, noone cares about your scrub opinions.


                                                                              Congrats, my frend, u are a pro.

                                                                              Ples Mercy



                                                                                  It was for @tragidoto not for u Ruski


                                                                                    Whoa whoa whoa. Don't be calling my tier trench.

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      " Now sit in your trash corner and stay quiet, noone cares about your scrub opinions."

                                                                                      Please apply that to yourself, so maybe with some luck we dont have to see any posts coming from you here.

                                                                                      Ples Mercy


                                                                                        Im still pro though :3

                                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                          @Dorkly noob

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            I think you really like wave or some shit blunt, you really try to be a dick like he is but you fail at doing so, anyway good luck.

                                                                                            Ples Mercy


                                                                                              waku waku

                                                                                                gib more pictures


                                                                                         such a team again 3 suiciders together died 38 times with 3 hero :D:D:D

                                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                                                                    ok thats frigtening. I mean feeding is 1 thing but as weaver and ta in the same game, thats amazing.



                                                                                                      I was in every fucking fight , killed 4 towers alone , with 1-13 offlane 2-13 mid and 3-12 support I still managed to farm s&y travels,butter,skady but is not inaf.......... I really dont have idea how to play anymore this game,maybe I ll just stop solo queue forever and play just party cus this is just.... that Ta player have 26% win rate with TA nad 1.60 kda or smth

                                                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                                                        but w8. did u run a viper, tb, vs trilane? if yes LoL

                                                                                                        also, you went from 4,9k to like 4,3k or so lolol. Everything happened since brood and slark was nerfed, kinda hilarious.

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