General Discussion

General DiscussionSeriously...? I don't even understand.

Seriously...? I don't even understand. in General Discussion

    What kind of players don't harass?
    "countering" harass with tango is not a thing, it means they are doing their job properly, forcing you to use your regen.


      Even players in my 2.5K trench tier know how to harass, don't know what bracket he's even playing in

      (probably don't know how to harass with maximum impact, but can still harass pretty good nonetheless)

      Цей коментар був відредагований
      King of Low Prio

        hes in prob in the 1.3k elo hell

        Jay Ashborne

          Ey, don't make fun of melody's mmr.


            You can LH without being harassed to the point where a tango won't cut it until you get a HoIW. If you are getting decimated by harass then you can by a SS at the side shop. That's generally what supports are for. And what do you mean "countering" harass with a tango isn't a thing? If I didn't have a tango I'd be in trouble from harass. That's the WHOLE point of a tango. The odd game where they don't harass me at all, or we just roll them I don't use my tango I get disappointed when I have to sell my tango due to lack of space. My goal is to eat harass to get LH gold and use my tango.

            As for sano: It's the same with every Dotabuff player, they agree the MMRS is broken, and yet, they still think they are superior because they have a higher MMR than someone else even though they are complaining about the system.

            I cannot remember the last time I got carried. I literally can't. It has been so long since someone ELSE has carried me I can't even remember. Sure, I get games where my entire team steam rolls them, but that's my entire team, myself included.

            Цей коментар був відредагований
            King of Low Prio

              where exactly are people agreeing that MM is broken?

              yes there are people in the 2k MM bracket bitching and moaning about how they are the next RTZ but that is about it


                Matches that Marlan was carried on recently:




                I think mm is fine I dont have a problem with it...


                  ^i'd say the first and last ones of those don't necessarily count per se because he lost them, however this one from 21 days ago is a good example


                    Games 1 and 2 I wasn't "carried". I played support and the whole team did well, including myself.

                    The last game we lost. What is your point in match pulling?

                    @Mr.Knightside: I also supported that game pretty well and created many ganks. When I say "carried" I mean, my team won the game for me when I otherwise was doing poorly. Obviously when I play support, it IS possible for my carries to not be retards.

                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                    King of Low Prio



                        Again, in case you missed my point, when I say "carried" I mean I played a game where I was doing so poorly we would have lost had someone else not carried the game. Me playing support and doing a good job of it, but not having a snowballed KDA as a SUPPORT doesn't mean anything to me.

                        Grab random matches all you want. You might find a outlier here and there, MAYBE.


                          nobody agrees MMR is broken, MMR is ok. not perfect but definitely ok


                            I'd just like to put out there.

                            The game IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING the one I am complaining about, I got another team of feed.

                            Luckily enough this is the part of the 47%* of games I carry, but seriously though, wtf mmr? These games aren't even fun, I'd rather go 2-3 and be up against a good team WITH a good team.


                            *Before you comment like dotabuff zombies, if you consider WR% at a high school math level, it means absolutely nothing in regards to skill except in certain rare circumstances.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              dude you went satanic on ursa.


                                What would you sell your Vlad's for when you're about to throne? An iron branch?


                                And the point isn't that I won or how I did it, the point is that once again, my entire team is feeding.

                                And before you also comment on lack of Lothar/Blagger, it was late game and I had a tusk who wasn't entirely stricken with down's syndrome who could get me into melee range.

                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                Jay Ashborne

                                  Sano please give up. Satie and I did. He "one of those" I do nothing wrong its my team.


                                    So what's wrong with Satanic then, mr. seer Melody? I had a vlad's mask, my inventory was full, and I had 5k laying around...?

                                    Honestly, I'm curious, what would a better item have been?

                                    Jay Ashborne

                                      Nothings wrong bro. You're correct about everything. Your team always holds you back. You could even go to TI4 if your team didnt keep making you lose.


                                        I'm being serious. But I guess if you're really that bad, then okay. Give me no advice at all and call me out for it. Nice strat.

                                        Jay Ashborne

                                          So am I. You have no room to improve, you make zero mistakes, you're perfect. See you at TI4.


                                            I never mentioned I was that good. You never had anything good to say and still don't. If you think you're so superior prove it and give some decent advice. You think I'm some kind of arrogant fool, you're the one who insulted me from the get-go with poor advice. You sound SO skilled.

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                            Jay Ashborne

                                              Popsicles bro. Popsicles.

                                              /thread. Done here.

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований



                                                  score means shit


                                                    Marlan, I'll give you a three word clue.
                                                    Unique. Attack. Modifier.


                                                      See, there's some useful insight.

                                                      It was a last-second-before-throne-dies buy, but yes now I see how it is bad, though it's main purpose was for fountain diving and I believe (?) the active should still work in conjunction Ursa's fury swipes. Wasn't really thinking on the buy beyond that, but yes, I see how it is bad if Melody assumed it was an actual serious item.

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                        lol the fact that you didn't know that should just tell you so much
                                                        it's like the most basic mechanic of the game


                                                          I rarely buy Satanic, and my only concern was fountain diving, not orbs.

                                                          "You made a last second troll mistake, you must be horrendous"

                                                          Watch the replay if you don't believe me, I decided to buy it in the last 120 seconds of the game, and I equipped it in the last 10 seconds. Obviously you can't hear voice, but my team was bugging me to come end it, so I just chose an item that had lifesteal and strength, wasn't concerned about orbs (which was clearly a mistake, as it counters the lifesteal) but it isn't a serious item. You can also check every Ursa game I've played if you like, I never buy Satanic on him.

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                          Сука Spirit

                                                            ''My current MMR is 3700 but I feel like it's terribly off and should be closer to at LEAST 4400''
                                                            "My MMR has dropped from 4400 down to 3600 in a couple weeks"

                                                            i quit

                                                              go watch your replays and find ten instances of where you've gone wrong each game. => improvement. maybe the mmr system might start magically fixing itself if you do this too.


                                                                Honestly, this thread is entertaining.

                                                                The problem has never been with matchmaking unless your rating is above 5k and you keep getting weaker teammates. It would be ludicrous to assume a system is smart enough to "try" and give you retards to force you to lose. I'm in that range, blue in 14 out of 15 of my last solo queue games and im not even complaining.

                                                                In the end just think about how you could have done better. Doesn't matter how well you did, just focus on that.

                                                                Сука Spirit

                                                                  Where are you OP?


                                                                    Chaos Knight game, you can see with QB you got 34 last hits. Good investment over stats and survivability. GGWP
                                                                    All melee carries should get stout and stats.

                                                                    Ursa game, you should've gone early basher. Heck I dont even see any initiating items on any of your Ursa games. You seriously just run around with boots as Ursa? You have 0 initiation, 0 lockdown.

                                                                    Сука Spirit

                                                                      Are you ok op? Pls respond


                                                                        Now that i read it again, i feel like i was a bit harsh to him. OP, hope u doing fine!