General Discussion

General DiscussionMost hated hero

Most hated hero in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    Well this is something i noticed. Everytime i play a ranked match and someone randoms or picks pudge both sides of the team flame the living shit out of that guy. The team with the pudge usually says 'gg, we lost', 'gg, fucking pudgepick' and the enemyteam usually says 'ez pudgepick ez game' ,'reported, pudge ez win'.

    Its kinda hilarious to see how pudge is one of the most picked and loved hero in the lower skillbracket yet really hated on the higher end.


      i believe hes one of my best Allies according to dotabuff i have like 80% winrate with him on my team D: but even i dont like people picking him on my team because hes rather hit and miss and requires a decent amount of skill to execute correctly =/


        "RandomTeammateWithRussianName has randomed Brewmaster."

        That sentence right there means you're gonna lose.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Drow is way more useless than a Pudge. Even though she is just a right click wonder most people can't even last hit with her and her late game sucks dick compared to some other carries.


            Normally I'd agree and say that I hate people who first pick pudge, due to the fact many people consider him a joke hero.

            Then I had this game

            It's fair to say that we would not have won this game without Pudge, he played pretty much perfectly, landed hooks, disabled the right enemies, ganked the right lanes etc


              Because Pudge = lost game 99% of the time in high level pubs. If you play against a team that knows how to play against a Pudge, you already lost because that Pudge is now useless.


                Me and my friends Vs a Pudge...

                'Dont get hooked. dont get hooked. dont get ...'



                  it's because most pudges suck dick and try to win the game alone (ending up feeding non-stop), but if you get a pudge that knows how to play as a team, hes useful even if his hooks are bad


                    It's most picked because of those lower MMR player who still think he's dendi jr...
                    how many percent is high MMR compared to all ranked community? like 20% or so..
                    80% actually still think pudge is still a good hero

                    waku waku

                      i hate when anti mage gets picked unless at least 3 people made their picks already and we have no carry
                      meepo and wisp are scary too




                          honestly whenever i see a meepo pick its by some dude with 2000 wins and his top hero is meepo and he gets 7 ultra kills in the game

                          Low Expectations

                            Space cow the bashlord kills everone

                            Dire Wolf

                              Yeah you rarely see meepo picked by someone who doesn't know what they're doing. He's intimidating to bads I think.

                              I also hate pudge, but recently hate invoker. In the hands of a great player he's an overpowered piece of shit. WTF you just went invis when we setup the perfect gank? WTF I killed you but those stuid elementals do 1000 dps and killed me, WTF stuned by your supports, where's my mana? WTF I was running back to base with 20 hp and you landed a lucky sunstrike, I even juked that shit. He's like the annoying parts of CM combined with riki and zeus and chen.

                              And in the hands of a bad player he is a feed machine lol. Hate him on my teams sometimes.

                              I also have a lot of hate for bloodseeker and mirana. Blood cus he isn't a real carry, he's a gimmick hero yet he can dive you all the way to your fountain or ult you under a tower, kill you and escape. It's like gg where's the skill? Same with mirana, can turn the worst decisions into draws with her ult, like her dumbass team sends two people to gank jungle even though we have it warded and we jump them and she pops ult and they just walk away. Retarded get out of jail free card.


                                Agreed with Invoker picks (unless its people on my friend list) If someone picks invoker or wants it my asshole cringes and eats my underpants because its going to be a rough game typically. Mirana in the same boat. I seem to get that turd mirana picker that never uses the ult. Or when she does we're right by the enemy team and they pop a dust. Insta mirana/voker picks make me puke.

                                Quick maffs

                                  You know i could laugh about pudge too and say how bad that hero is, but since i got killed with TA against a pudge i should probably not say anything.


                                    nyx and batrider

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Pudge as a hero isn't bad, it's the players. I hate playing against him mid in the off chance the mid is really good, I won't stand a chance. But more often than not the mid is terrible.


                                        pl . back in 6.77 6.78. pl pickers are the most hated.

                                        dp. drow. cent. bs. wk. lich. wl. any hero that ranks the 1st in winrate.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          I hate when opposing teams pick bounty, riki or nyx. Not cus I'm particularly afraid of those heroes but cus I hate spending gold on sentries. Feels like such a waste of money.


                                            im starting to hate invoker pickers... i was used to playing with and againt good invokers! now the fuckers are fucking 2k mmr playing it. i get sick of it, people are so fucking bad and the hero is still a hassle to deal with

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              You should see the hate I get once I pick drow


                                                i experience it often ^^


                                                  riki and pl are the most hated hero for me.

                                                  1. They are the most useless heroes if they dont snowball or farm, so I feel bad for the other team.
                                                  2. When they do snowball they are pretty unkillable, but that applies for most carries, but in this case, more gold is needed as the Wookie said.
                                                  3. Your teammates can be stupid enough to get a dagon vs a farmed pl instead of any other bloody useful item.

                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                    ok, if you don't farm as pl then you clearly did not understand this game.

                                                    Sugar Show

                                                      I hate mid vs Invoker.
                                                      Most of today match have one Invoker mid.


                                                        how is pudge a bad hero?

                                                        " If you play against a team that knows how to play against a Pudge, you already lost because that Pudge is now useless."
                                                        so dendi is useless when he plays pudge against team alliance?


                                                          on topic, i hate it when enemy team picks a sniper. op shit

                                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                            disruptor that IMBA glimpse range. As well as static field & ult.. way too far casting range.

                                                            Invoker comes next.. those quas wex invokers and those extort invoker that in 30 minutes only have force staff & euls.

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                              Ah yes... I know what you talking about. When you tp somewhere and then Disruptor just sends you back. So annoying.




                                                                  Yeah, because if dendi abuses a bug in a few games in competitive dota, pudge is now useful.


                                                                    i love ppl who pick pudge in ranked though.


                                                                      pudge is great
                                                                      sniper is great

                                                                      Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                        Pudge is my most hated when some fucking Pinoy last picks it and can't play it for shit after we already had 2 mids


                                                                          obviously pudge shits useless. most of pudges that dont feed only KS off the carry

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                            ya but players being bad =/= hero being bad

                                                                            Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                              I didn't equate the player to te heron hence the "when".
                                                                              Good pudges make games easy. However id say 1/10 pudge pickers lately have been good while the rest have been dead weight, for me at least


                                                                                i rarely get pudge in cm mode :c
                                                                                but if i do i try and snipe it

                                                                                it really isnt the easiest hero, far from it actually

                                                                                ive also been buyin smokes/qb on pudge
                                                                                helps avoid wards and pudge with detection = gg