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General DiscussionLooking for pointers based on MMR game

Looking for pointers based on MMR game in General Discussion

    So I got invited to a 4-man stack party as the fifth wheel. They told me to pick whomever but it was apparent that I should run support given their level of experience vs. mine.

    My jungle pulling was kind of horrid and so was my last hitting early in the game. I think I got kind of lazy with warding late game too.

    What tips would you have for me?

    This was my first MMR match.

    Oh Shit Waddup

      Doesn't seen you did to bad by your assist count. I can't really watch ATM cause I'm at work but if their lewl of experience is greater than yours capitalise on that and ask tem what you should be doing. As lane support your biggest issue is keeping your carry safe followed by not sapping his xp. Cm is good at zoning people out of lane, learn to harass without taking damage and pulling at appropriate times. Don't pull when creep line is decent unless your carry is confident in last hitting/ pulling creeps past tower. When your carries safe and the lanes pulled but smokes and sentries and observers and try and make sure your mid is winning and see if he needs help. Carry a tp and try toget to other lanes if they are getting dived and typing results in saving them (even if you die) or even results in you getting a kill. That's just things I generally try todo when I play support.ake the most out of the jungle when you're doing nothing, and always try to keep an eye on the time and see if you can stack a large camp/ ancients.


        Didn't watch, but to add on to what ^ said.

        When your carry has everything in control and other lanes don't need your help, you can jungle as CM. Pull big creep out and froze bite it and hit it. Doing that a few times will give you some extra gold and exp.

        Just gotta be efficient, never let yourself stand around without reason.


          Here's the thing: Venomancer (support build) and I were dual top lane (safe). Enchantress was in the jungle. Viper mid and Timbersaw offlane.

          Lina was offlane with Tusk for Radiant. Not sure how you're supposed to play that.

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            In your case, I probably wouldn't suggest pulling since leaving Veno alone would probably get him killed by snowball/lina stun. You guys have a fragile duo, but since you got two range and mana aura, I'd be harassing the heroes while not going too far away from tower.

            Honestly, if the opponent duo was skilled, they could kill your duo repeatedly.

            Weirdass lanes =P

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