General Discussion

General DiscussionIntentional feeders at 3800 mmr!

Intentional feeders at 3800 mmr! in General Discussion
N4 this guy...
    He was spamming the shit in the captain's draft to become captain so I never got a chance. All hard carries were banned from this game beside Morphling, I told him 10 times to take morph as out hard carry but he didn't listen...

    Instead he picked Troll Warlord, he's okay, but he's not a hard carry, come on...
    I waited for everyone to pick and ended up with troll and chose to go mid, because if the captain doesn't listen to me (didn't even reply) I will not listen to him, the relationship must be mutual.

    So I went mid and he went feeding and gave a double kill to the enemy Storm Spirit and kept doing it for another 5 minutes until Storm was godlike...

    And his friend who blamed me for making Pugna feed... lol

    My solo MMR is 4000...

    Ця тема була відредагована


      Now, what are we supposed to do? Whats the point of this thread? What does it change?


        Happens to everyone , just report and go next game.

        King of Low Prio

          so basically you are a child who threw a fit because he did not get what he wanted, correct?


            ive been intentionally feeding from 4900 and am now at 4300 so rly who gives a fuck there're ruiners on every range of mmr


              How troll warlod is not a carry ?

              Quick maffs

                Meh shit happens dude


                  Troll is not a hard carry...


                    Ye, he is support, position 5 in team


                      I've had intrentional feeder at 5k mmr. Beat that.

                      Low Expectations

                        I am just curious does any of the intentional feed reports actually go threw? Because I only see the results from chat abuse but never from the intentional feed (run into towers, mass curriers etc)


                          Try beat this Omniknight. 0/34/0