General Discussion

General Discussioncosmetics affect pickrate of heroes

cosmetics affect pickrate of heroes in General Discussion

    so new chests available with puck/venge/... sets

    just look at their pick rate

    no need any more balance changes

    blood seeker is a trash hero ? just release the most awesome set for him -> most picked hero :D

    (ye ye i know, doesnt affect competetive mimimi)

    Ця тема була відредагована

      1% change mean $ 100,000 valve made out of new cosmetics.

      Цей коментар був відредагований
      i left her

        Cuz cosmetics add stats to ur hero. kappa

        Like a dragon claw hook= hit every hook kappa

        Цей коментар був відредагований

          ^ Did you mean miss?


            Insomnia 35 percent pudge win rate


              I expected that. Think about it, they even have access to all game logs and can follow patterns and act accordingly. Remember that in wcdota admins only had access to information of players activity/performance who signed for their "league". Now, with the new world dotarment we are all in the same sack and watched/analysed.

              i left her

                I never said I'm a pro did I? We all know I'm a trash 3.7k player

                Polkadot Piranha

                  If it reduces the odds of someone last-picking pudge into a lineup that has no room for it, I'm all for it.


                    @whoji more than 100.000$, volvo is too fat

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      nice pretty cool didn't noticed that. Almost as cool as how Icefraud is buffing unused heroes so they can fit in the hero rotation. Venomancer & AA the flavor of the month. Next Mouth Pitloard & Meepo etc...

                      i left her

                        I like the flavor of vent and aa too. Jk. But I'm pretty sad e
                        that he nerfed treant armor, on the other case it was pretty strong



                          I mean every 1% change is like $100,000 to volvo. too damn pudge-ly fat

                          Oh Shit Waddup

                            I'm so fucking sick of cunts buying the dota cinema pudge set and instapicking and calling mid, and losing because of them not only being incompetent with hooking but feeding mid. I'm not saying I'm great at pudge or anything but when I see others I don't see how the fuck it's so hard to buy smokes and tps. You don't win as pudge by staying in lane the whole game but people really have no idea


                              Some sets/items are borderline something more than cosmetic. Living Nelum legit looks like it could be a courier.