General Discussion

General DiscussionNew EMP adjustment

New EMP adjustment in General Discussion

    1) W/Q Invoker is too easy to play for so much reward.
    2) W/Q Invoker is one of the most hated hero to play against. If this problem persists any longer, the hate may evolve into a grudge against Dota and Ice Frog.

    Old EMP:
    Mana Burn up to 550 with 7 Wex
    Mana Steal = 50% of mana burned

    New EMP:
    Mana Burn reduced to 425 with 7 Wex
    Mana steal increased to 65% of mana burned
    EMP prevents mana recovery from wand, bottle, fountain, soul ring, arcane boots, and regeneration rune for 5 seconds.
    Vote please

    Ця тема була відредагована

      I'm pretty sure your proposed changes make WQ invoker even stronger..


        What? The OP thing about invoker is not even about the EMP burn, its just ghost walk that literally makes you a rikimaru that has super stun and you can escape most situation like a ferrari and your oppo moves like snails

        What do you even know about invoker mr.grimorum? You play dota at such a low level you have no rights to call QW invoker 'easy to play'.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Wtf new one is more OP. Generally after you get EMP'd you wanna recover some mana so you can cast a stun or something but with the new one you can't do even that.


            i've just had this game
            qw iz fine
            Kappa Keepo
            ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              Without your mana recovery change I think it would probably be a decent nerf. Perhaps add in a slight nerf to ghost walk's movement speed changes too. As what Sam said, magic wand/arcane boots are the current counters to an emp combo, and taking that away would be ridiculous.


                yeah idc about emp/nado much

                its that freaken ghost walk

                seriously man zooming through the whole map invis like a fkin nascar while slowing us down


                  not like invoker has 280 movement speed

                  not like hes one of the easiest hero to gank at low levels

                  not like ghost walk can be countered with dust sentry or gem


                    did i mention hes a race car

                    its not like every game you're going to get two supports, nonetheless two supports that roam/gank.


                      Did someone mention Invokerseeker?

                      no incoming chat

                        EMP is fine. Cold Snap on the other hand is totally broken - 1000 range & zillion dmg even on lower lvls. Cold Snap into forge spirits took like 3/4 of hp in laning phase. CS combo with any spell is just retarded. He needs nerf not only on QW, but also QE & nerfing CS is perfect solution.


                          thats true... the cold snap is prtty fking annoying

                          even with the spirit nerf theyre fking tanky as hell against certain supports :/

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Cold Snap is single target, EMP is AoE though.


                              Cold snap is op. Invoker base dammage are op too.


                                Invoker base damage is weak. Cold snap + alacrity or spirits is so strong early 1v1

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