General Discussion

General DiscussionMorph Question

Morph Question in General Discussion
Krazy Kat

    OK so I am looking at trying Morphling.

    Why do most people wait to level up their ulti?
    It looks like a great ability.
    In lane it would help to gank.
    Good escape ability.

    And why do people put so many points into Morph so soon?
    Other than the mana cost, it seems to be a waste to me.



      Replicate costs too much mana early on (150)

      Leveling Morph = faster morph rate and gives +3/4/5/6 agi/str respectively


        One point early if you need more agility for last hitting. Otherwise max Waveform for the escape/nuke.



          Using it early game so you can tp back in base and replicate mid.
          Most people replicate an ally before a fight and put it in the back so you can ult if you're in trouble.
          Also remember you can steal enemy auras. This makes morphs replicate so strong. If the enemy has an ac, replicate them. If they have radiance, replicate them. EZZZZZ AURAS

          Just posting just in case you didnt want to click on the link.

          Цей коментар був відредагований
          Krazy Kat

            Thanks for the link.
            Still not sure why to level up Morph more than once so early.


            I guess the most popular guides are lame. The most popular guides have way different item and skill builds.


              @insomnia : wow, i just know that morohling replicate can steal aura. Thanks dude


                Because morph gives shitton of stats. Back when it didn't use to wave-stats was popular, then it got buffed.


                  Well of you're a mid morph get it at 6 otherwise level it at 10 and 11


                    first of all, if you suck dont pick morph.


                      inb4: says the guy with 37.04% winrate on Morph


                        Morphling is an objectively shit hero. Always has been, even when he was popular.

                        Feel free to pick him tho


                          Make sure to pick morph last in AP games.
                          Rubick gets fairly dangerous against him