General Discussion

General Discussionthanks to arteezy

thanks to arteezy in General Discussion

    now there is always naga or sf picker in every fucking game and they always fail

    Mortimer Smith

      always? i think to have 1.2k gold/min is not fail at all


        thanks to dendi there is an occasional pudge that is a forced loss


          Not sure about SF, but Naga looks good.


            SF was always there.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

     yes naga is really good. Also am I blind or xy is seriously playing on EUW?


                yea xy- played on eu servers. sea server was down.


                  xy is studying in uk


                    its called meta...

                    Quick maffs

                      Fucking rtz



                        LODA brought Naga back in meta!

                        Dorian Gray <3

                          ^ no, meracle did


                            Today I drafted SF for a guy while I was solo-queuing because he was begging for it. Surprisingly, it worked out pretty well. I think it was mainly due to their OD being terrible though. 175 cs in 36 minutes is pretty meh for an SF considering we won pretty handily.


                            I draw the line at Pudge though. I will never draft Pudge for a random no matter how hard they beg for it.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              ^His low amount of lasthits is the result of being active on the map with team. You should know that as a former professional PUB STAR


                                @Dacheat what if you get Dendi on ur team

                                Oh Shit Waddup

                                  criticises the SF's farm and not the faceless with the battlefury. logic/10

                                  Polkadot Piranha

                                    This month naga is the 17th least played hero and SF is somewhere in the middle of the pack. You are suffering from the dilusion that your personal experience is somehow representative of everyone's experience.


                                    To add some irony to the complaint, all of your most played heroes are among the most popular heroes played by everyone else. They are for instance all in the top 25 most played heroes this month. That you have only played Slark for your last many games and then complain about the unoriginal picks of others shows a suprising lack of objectivity.

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                      dangdang: I'm not saying he played badly. He was the #1 contributor to our team's victory. I'm just saying he could have farmed a little better. It's really easy to farm jungle camps on your way back mid from a gank. Especially when you have the extra regen from CM's aura.

                                      > You should know that as a former professional PUB STAR

                                      What's this even mean? Is this a homestar reference? I haven't watched those in years...

                                      Professional LoL Player: Probably make him play Treant support.

                                      Jammin: The other team ran an offensive trilane. Plus we're talking about SFs, not Voids. Yeah Void didn't do well. SF played great and made up for it.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        It started with Meracle when he was still in Titan

                                        Primordial Soup

                                          All shadow but no fiend, all biggie but no smalls.