General Discussion

General Discussionso bye net neutrality?

so bye net neutrality? in General Discussion


    Miku Plays

      what ?

      Jay Ashborne

        Explain. I have no idea what this phrase means

        waku waku

          it's been gone in russia for a long time already



            apparently in the usa

            net neutrality is gone "which means that all the already existing companies that provide internet service like comcast, and whatnot, are allowed to be 'bought out' so to speak".

            they can disallow service based upon their own discretion, they can also prevent you from having access to the web if they so choose to, and will be allowed, without your permission.

            they say the main reasons for this is to drown out any potential competitors and as a bonus, they can probably bump up the prices even more if you want "stable internet".

            Цей коментар був відредагований
            Dire Wolf

              Uh this is really old news, comcast won their lawsuit against netflix months ago, netflix pays them money now to not slow down their access, as a result netflix is raising the streaming plan costs for new customers. So in the end customer gets screwed as always. Always some rich corporation in bed with the government to screw the people.

              My bigger concern though is how long until this is used to censor? Right now it's all about money but it could easily become about control. Like China. So much content is censored there.


                It's old news, Amurica is so corrupt right now, it's not even close to "land of the free" anymore, it's "land of the filthy rich and everyone who gets fucked by them"

                Sugar Show

                  it only allows more hate.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Cable companies have been monopolies for years. The government in the past actually broke up telecoms and utilities but for some reason these cable guys go unchecked, even though they get subsidies. It's just that in the past they used zero competition to raise their rates now they are extorting money from the content providers online. Technology is the greatest means of solving poverty in the world but also the greatest driver of wealth inequality, a double edged sword.


                      well is new news to me
                      jesus fuck
                      what has the world come to


                        ^You mean what has america come to?

                        Miku Fan

                          Ever since 9/11 the government has been fucking with the American people, claiming it is for security.

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            ^lol are you one of those believers of 9/11 being an inside job? theres so much evidence against it... amuricas government is extremely corrupt, but it isnt going to send planes on its people as a reason for war, they can go to war with whoever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want

                            ICE SKULL

                              i get banned for linking a dota 2 video and this thread is up L MAO


                                lol wat

                                ): am i breaking rules

                                ICE SKULL

                                  no shit you'll get sperglords who think they know one or two things about politics which will escalate into racism/tinfoil discussions

                                  net netrualityr is a joke in usa and has always been since the government handed out $$$ to these major companies to fund their monopoly. not to mention these companies got malware linked to NSA that keeps track of everything you do

                                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                                    Google 'itanimulli'


                                      Nobody knows anything /thread

                                      EZ MID 9k mmr

                                        The bill didn't pass yet, relax.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          What has america come to? Well it is sad but most of the world is worse. China, Russia, far less freedoms, some European companies seem to have more cus they have less spying and crap like that until you realize the level of government regulations and government takes half their income and runs their health, education, retirement and most of their businesses. I won't even mention middle east and africa, terribly unfree countries there.



                                            which is why i said the world

                                            though rumor says, sweden is heaven on earth - or at close as it gets

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                              Be communist is a motto of an idiot many will say. Be communist? That's about as stupid as not being a capitalist. In fact, if you ever highlight one aspect of capitalism you dislike, an onlooker might start talking about how communism is wrong automatically, evoking a false dichotomy fallacy and arguing a straw man against you.

                                              There is irony in the strength people have in their opinions against communism. Why should someone free of pay be free to play? The irony is that they hypocritically value communistic tenets in arbitrary situations as long as they benefit themselves while shunning any other communistic tenet for which they possibly may need to pay in part without having a need for it.

                                              Net neutrality is communist. Coupons are communism. Free things and deals are communism most of the time. DotA is communism with a fraction paying for the whole. The military and police are communism, thankfully I suppose, or they'd only guard areas of the country with enough monetary presence.

                                              Thus, I spoke.


                                                i'm chinese

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Wtf Vandal? Can't tell if that's a troll or serious.