General Discussion

General DiscussionStill requesting Ember Spirit plays.

Still requesting Ember Spirit plays. in General Discussion

    Feel free to suggest any of your good plays here. I will check thread time by time.
    Thank you!


      Just a tip I'd give is that if someone's fleeing with very low HP, you could throw a remnant to them and one to some safe place very quick.
      Fly to the one @the safe place and you'll get the kill and travel back. (Assuming you hit the guy with your remnant) In case u didnt think of it.

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        Cool story, pal.
        Never thought about that.


          Ebat eto je pirat.


            Cmon, guys! I need you for Ember Spiritus moments!

            ICE SKULL

              what kind of moments

              a team wipe out?
              average ember spirit match in 5k+ mmr?
              i have basically anything related to ember but idk what you're looking for


                - try to make dodges.
                - Low hp survive or simple dodges with sof/ ulti.



                  starladder season 9, ferrari 430's ember spirit

                  Miku Plays

                    Never play ember spirit when theres LC on the other side.... trust me.. youll become LCs duel bitch

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      ^That goes for almost any hero wtf. If you are alone there are very little heroes that can beat him in a 1v1 duel.

                      Miku Plays

                        ^ but ES is the most likely hero that will go alone since he has escape

                        ICE SKULL

                          ya i got some 50 hp ember spirit plays where i wipe out entire team with 2-3 bfury and 1 daed

                          i'll try to find match id and the exact time in game


                            is a third BF worth it?

                            ICE SKULL

                              MY NIGGAS AT PLAYDOTA DID THE MATH

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                If you have like a Dark Seer, Magnus, Enigma etc it's great but 2 BF + 1 Daedaulus is better I guess.


                                  This replay below is a short 11 min game, where I believe it is far more than enough to show pubs of what a decent ember player can do to crush a competent ranged player at mid. The reason the game was 11 mins was because their vs (If I remember correctly), started to throw after tinker fed some kills at mid, I honestly don't blame the tinker because he really can't do much.


                                  This tinker's profile is private, but if you just watch the quick 10 min game you will notice that he is definitely not a bad player that got stomped x hero mid.

                                  This game will show you how to time your initiation perfectly from level 1-6 in laning stage to kill off your ranged/melee solo mids, I am confident to say that not many players are able to do what I did with ember this game. This replay also shows of the occasions where mana boots are much stronger than phase boots.

                                  Now, I'm not going to say phase/bottle sucks, because I've realized it's not bad, and I do go this build sometimes. However, in order to kill heros such as tinker/invoker/puck as you reach 6, I strongly recommend mana boots early game, because phase just won't cut it, even with magic stick. You will see in this game that I barely had enough mana to sustain my early snowball kills even with mana boots. Of course, with mana boots bought you must have effective ganks early game, otherwise there is no point of getting it. To understand ember spirit at the highest level, you need to know when you should go mana boots and when you should phase, you will never be able to kill a competent solo mid if you get phase/bottle against a competent player. This replay also shows of why you need to go 1 1 4 even against ranged heros, 4 4 0 build is almost never viable unless you are a safe lane farmer, in my opinion at least.


                                    lets say you have a daedelus + 2 battle furies. what other potential damage items are there? cleave is only based on your damage stat, and -armour doesn't affect cleave hence deso is out, but is it worth getting abyssal or MKB to increase your damage stat without risking a divine?


                                      I forgot to mention mid-late game ember game play. It is rather lengthy and complicated. It'll come as experience. I personally believe that if you do well with ember early game, there is no going wrong afterwards. If you don't manage to do so well, that's the difficult part. You can still come back even if you don't snowball, but that takes too much explaining. It's basically the same as, most players understand what to do when they're winning, have absolutely zero clue of what to do when they're losing/getting snowballed on. I have made countless comebacks of 30kill difference/mega creeps etc, you just need to understand the key advantages of your team or your hero compared to the enemy team.

                                      One tip that I believe most people don't realize is, during mid-late game as ember, you should almost never initiate with your ultimate unless the situation presents itself. Even with BKB, ember late game is extremely squishy that dies instantly to any sort of lock down. However, if you stay at the back and manages to live throughout the team fight, you will most likely do more damage than your entire team.

                                      ICE SKULL


                                          Bruiza+Bfuries are usually the cores on ember due to the crit/cleave stacking affect. Yes, cleave on creeps is 50% with you SOF, but it is pure dmg as it cleaves through creeps with 0 armor onto heros, etc.

                                          If enemy has evasions, you need to get a MKB. Many players think deso is a good item, I strongly don't recommend it. It's very damage ineffective unless it has great synergy with your team composition.

                                          You should actually purchase divine quiet frequently, especially in the games during late-game where it's 1 chance or nothing.

                                          Abbysal I'd recommend almost never, you're rarely going to right click someone for 10seconds during a team fight.


                                            little girl player, any kind of moments.
                                            Most likely dodges, but even rampage will be ok.
                                            I will watch all of them, but be sure I can't download old replays, you have to upload them somewhere.

                                            Quick maffs

                                              yo guys isnt mjonir fixed in dota 2 now ? it might be good for ember now ? or stil useless ?


                                                really? it can bounce more than once?! that sounds OP as fk


                                                  LAD LAD LAD

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    go rapier or go home


                                                      Go LAD or go LAD


                                                        Last try.