General Discussion

General DiscussionRemove All Hero Skill UAMs?

Remove All Hero Skill UAMs? in General Discussion

    So the last couple of patches it seems like our frosty amphibian has taken a liking to removing hero UAMs. 6.80 removed Lone Druid's Bear's Entangle UAM status and 6.81 has removed the UAM status from Huskar's Burning Spears and Ursa's Fury Swipes.

    So here's a list of Hero Skill UAMs:

    Anti-Mage: Mana Break
    Broodmother: Incapacitating Bite
    Clinkz: Searing Arrows (Already stacks with Skadi if auto-cast)
    Drow Ranger: Frost Arrows
    Enchantress: Impetus
    Outworld Devourer: Arcane Orb
    Sand King: Caustic Finale
    Silencer: Glaives of Wisdom
    Viper: Poison Attack

    So how broken would it be if none of these were UAMs? It's not like any of these heroes are OP at the moment. At best it's a good buff to some underplayed heroes, and at worst it's a good change just for consistency's sake (Sand King Diffusal new meta).

    The first things that come to mind with these changes are OD and possibly carry Silencer with Skadi. Anti-Mage with HotD/Satanic would be really good as well as a replacement for Heart.

    Lifesteal obviously wouldn't work on the Pure/Magical damage portion of UAMs like Arcane Orb, Impetus, and Glaives of Wisdom.

    Also Invoker's Forged Spirits Melting Strike is a UAM too but it doesn't really matter since they can't get any other UAMs can they?



      ok let's go through the list


      AM: not op
      Brood: questionably op
      Clinkz: op
      Drow: probably op
      Enchant: probably not op
      OD: op (if pure dmg counts as lifesteal gain? MoM build)
      SK: not op
      Silencer: probably op (same case as od)
      Viper: op


        Nah I don't think the pure damage would count as lifesteal. AM's Mana Break lifesteals with Vlads, but it's physical damage.

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        casual gamer

          deso drow would cause massive butthurt.

          I think it'd be an ok buff to brood and AM. All the other ones are either trivial or too good


            hmm... still, 100% atk speed for 1900 gold and bursty physical dmg early game is deadly as usual

            glass cannon builds

            i don't like goin vlads on am though... i feel like it reduces his dmg output too much ):
            id rather stack diffusal/manabreak if it were possible, but i'd probably go skadi for the safe side and it'd give me an excuse
            to go for point booster


              What if he just removed all non-cast able UAMs? So AM, Brood, and Sand King.


                Broodmother sounds questionable OP, but in real I don't think it would be too OP.
                What would be OP if it this thing went thru bkb.


                  haha i wasnt even thinking about cast able/non cast able

                  i guess that would be okay, im not to sure what orb i would go on SK... lol


                    Yeah SK is just kinda for consistency. AM and Brood could definitely use the buff though. Well, brood might not. We'll see how she fares this patch.

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                        Well, Brood with Diffisual blade wouldnt be terribly bad, neither would Orb of venom in some cases.


                          And AM with diffusal would burn 100 / hit? With manta 300?

                          Drow and viper would not make much difference in my opinion because I use frost arrows only when chasing anyway. For the others except broodmother would be even less relevant because most of their damage is not physical anyway.

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                            drow with lifesteal while slowing by 60%

                            and yeah 100+/hit lool


                              I think Skadi on OD/Silencer would be the most broken of the bunch.


                                ^^You can buy skadi and lifesteal for that and also save mana, not big deal.

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                                  drow already builds lifesteal


                                    Well, there is no reason to spam Frost Arrow on the same target. You use it once then you autoattack until the hero is not slowed anymore (in most cases) thus lifesteal works just as normal.

                                    Miku Plays

                                      skadi + poison atk is just too much


                                        anti mage manta + diffusal, gg no re 1 hit to no mana


                                          except you can't orb click once you already have on orb in your inventory, you must turn on auto cast

                                          or did they change that in dota 2?

                                          anyway, i still find that it would make a decent difference, by lvl 11 she should be dealing near 200 dmg per normal hit, so being able to slow/drain some mediocre chunks of HP back is not too far fetched imo

                                          ya but skadi costs $$$ however, id just skip all my frost arrow points, well maybe just lvl 1 for harass, if i were to ever build skadi on drow

                                          Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                            i just see this brood with skadi and mom lifestealing with no way you can escape (if it whould also stack with her ult :S)

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              For AM they can just disallow him to buy a diffusal, just like troll and spirit breaker are disallowed from purchasing basher.

                                              The heroes with dmg casts would be overpowered if they could also lifesteal, but viper and drow, you can already do this. Viper's venom lasts 2 seconds, drow's slow 1.5 so you should already be toggling these anyway to avoid spending excess mana. I mean I leave them on auto cast if I'm frantically doing other stuff like kiting, positioning etc but viper's is really long, easy to overlap. I have never gone lifesteal on viper or skadi, dunno how good it would be.

                                              Removing clinkz or OD's would probably be op to allow those guys deso's or lifesteals in addition to their high dmg already.

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Wtf you wouldn't buy a fucking diffusal anyway. You don't even max mana break that early because 28 is already pretty high.


                                                  skadi and mom wouldn't work because brood is melee, but you wouldn't need the lifesteal because of her ult


                                                    im pretty sure it still works with melee.... idk ive only done it with slark if im already winnin the game, ill just buy a MoM at the fountain but i can't really tell if its the mass regen or the lifesteal... im also pretty sure theyre still slowed


                                                      Yeah Skadi and lifesteal stack for melee and ranged in dota 2 in pretty sure.

                                                      Also the pure damage from OD and Silencer's orbs likely wouldn't lifesteal.

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        They stack, I believe the tooltip in game is incorrect.

                                                        .  .

                                                          they changed it pretty recently, skadi stacks with melee lifesteal now too. but that was bugged in dota2 for like 2.5 years already and it always worked anyway


                                                            All 9 heroes from first post not as OP as Ursa anyway.


                                                              It would be Lad overload

                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!