General Discussion

General DiscussionRemeber me? Help me improve Dota 2

Remeber me? Help me improve Dota 2 in General Discussion

    (RULE) I know I am a noob,, 2K MMR, But please mind the language and try to explain to me what I did wrong instead of saying names with an attitude that you are about to fight me. It would benefit noone and this community is too good to have those nonsense. Everyone is welcome if you are willing to help me. Now.. this doesnt mean I wont like advices comming from the "vetrans" who have much experience than me. In that case,, they have a right to pick out mistakes I have done. It's just that have respect towards each other, because then... I will respect you as well.

    Ok... so... My MMR does not go over 2007 MMR..... like I sometimes go on a mean winning streak.. but then when I reach 2007 MMR,, I always lose once or twice.. lol this happened to me like 5 times now. Any suggestions?

    I really enjoy playing Kunkka these days... when I do,, I usually prefer going heart right after bottle - magic wand if I am really ahead.. if not ill do shadow blade - daudleus - heart - mkb like that.

    1.) What is your typical Kunkka build and what item build does it seem to succeed the most, or what items choice does it help me to have a significant impact on the game.

    My last game,,, I was given kunkka in Cap mode but I wanted Invoker ,, Void was trilaning... he got midas and good farm... we lost :P. So.. when this happens.. do i need to gank trilane so void doesnt get that farm or how do u really counter trilane void when u dont have a good offlaner. Do u offensive trilane on the lane where they are trilaning? do u push the lane by 5 manning early? what do u have to do? what should i have done as a mid kunkka?.

    Ця тема була відредагована

      Don't play captain mode, play ap.


        Well because que times are so long, I tend to select all the game modes that are available.. just type of the guy I am. But is it okay if I ask you the reasoning behind that?


          captains at 2000 MMR are shittier than me and I'm pretty shitty


            Drafting is a pretty complex process.

            Playing CM at 2k MMR will result in a coin flip most of the time.


              Base race at the end and lost cause our invoker decided to TP home to defend.

              The draft you or whoever did was terrible, but equally so was theirs. I think the easy thing to do if you want to do better is to get someone you know is good on skype and let them make the draft with you.


                Havoc to the rescue!


                  Havoc :P I am such a pussy :P I dont have the balls to buy a divine ...well at least not in million years!


                    Buy divine if you're gonna lose if you don't.


                      Here are some errors I can see from this game.

                      > You drafted 3 melee cores after cent was picked (he eats melee heroes for his afternoon snack)
                      > With your bad draft I still would have gone aggro with tide, kunkka, dazzle. Slow > Gush > Torrent and put the spec safe solo


                      Kunkka - Mid
                      Balanar - Safe solo
                      Dazzle Tide Spec - Aggro trilane

                      > You banned bloodseeker?
                      > I don't understand their builds or yours
                      > Did you never consider the Pugna?

                      Dunno I would have to watch the game to help more but aside from that I would suggest watching more drafts from either pro games or top of watchlist games to give yourself that drafting knowledge which in turn will give you an edge in your lower ranked games.

                      EDIT: 2 VLADS!!

                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                        oh :P... Im kind of a guy that just looks up the in-game builds because Im too lazy to do some research :P. Could you help me what is wrong with my build?? is it in terms of items or skills. My X-marks the spot didnt get scaled and the reason is that I'm not consistent with that and I dont max that out usually :P. I'm always open if you are trying to help...
                        Our lane was Kunkka Mid, Balanar offlane solo, Tide Dazzle Spec Trilane (Spectre straight up jungled for like 20 min and went vlaads instead of rushing radiance :P)

                        EDIT) I wasnt Cap.. and I think the reason why they banned Blood was because we were going to get invoker last pick, however got banned last T>T

                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                          1. Currently at work so can't watch games
                          2. Who last picks invoker, or even leaves them in the pool? Invoker can't really be counterpicked as it isn't all about the 1v1 mid.
                          3. Your build as ok I was more referring to the others. How about BKB + Drums instead of farming straight damage.
                          4. Who was your trilane against?
                          5. Offlane balanar isn't a thing....ever.

                          Low Expectations

                            @Havoc why would u put Spectra in agressive trilane? She has like 0 laning presence. Why not better 2.1.2 with spec dazzle safelane
                            Kunkka mid and bala +tide offlane?


                              I don't think anyone can help anybody improve, It just takes time. Dont be pussy to make plays, watch replays of heroes you want to learn, practice practice practice. Really it.


                                Master the basics of the game like last hitting, tping to defend, ward placement, timing rosh.

                                Only play cores when you're at this level, let's be honest people at 2k mmr are bad so you just have to be better.

                                Only play 3-4 different heroes, master them ( tho I don,t recommend this high mmr but you need to get there ).

                                Play all pick, dont put cm or cd because people even over 4k cant play all heroes.

                                Dont play for mmr, play to improve yourself, at first mmr will go down but it'll get back up.

                                Only play ranked since people actually try there.

                                Again, master the basics, no need to be fancy picker or player. ( Alliance mastered the basics which is why they steam rolled TI3 )

                                Last thing, play to win, don't play to look good. (This is going to make the difference betwen a consistent player and a hit or miss player)

                                PS: Just look at your mmr once a week, trust me you'll see a progression after a few weeks.

                                Ples Mercy

                                  fuck you noob, uninstall

                                  Vanity  ツ

                                    Blunt is back :)

                                    Ples Mercy

                                      and a happy fuck you


                                        @Havoc - I never thought of getting drums + bkb.... I agree on you that my build was really shitty in item builds... I don't think I have "diversity" when it comes to items and lacks in decision making sometimes. But I heard people complaining about drums are useless... is this a reasonable opinion? or is Kunkka an exception.

                                        LOL WELL THANK YOU GUYS 0>0

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                          drums are never useless. they can give u the slight edge to run away or engage in a fight. they give u some nice stats at a decent price.

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!