General Discussion

General DiscussionMy first game in very high skill bracket...

My first game in very high skill bracket... in General Discussion

    ...was a total disappointment.

    Zero teamplay, many 1v5 initiations and very unorthodox items/skillbuilds. Heh...

    P.S. Is that a divine punishment for spamming Lich? =)


      Get used to it, I still get teammates who REFUSE to build drums on carries like Naix and Sven, infact it happened in this lich game

      Me: "Sven can you build drums plz"
      Sven: "Why?"
      Me: "AS, MS, stats, damage, aura"
      Our mid: "Agreed"
      Sven: "Then you build it, I want my MoM"
      Me: "But I don't need attack speed and damage like you, I'm lich"
      Sven: "Muted"

      He then proceeds to dive tier 1 with his treads+ogre club and doesnt get the kill because he couldnt chase fast enough

      Maybe Lich is a cursed hero?

      Цей коментар був відредагований
      King of Low Prio

        very high is just extremely misleading name to a bracket that has such a massive MM spread.

        Цей коментар був відредагований
        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          Mom is like 10x better on Sven than drums. If he is behind drums will delay his MoM. I mean he's gotta get his BKB too you know so he can ult, pop bkb and use his MoM.

          Drums is only good if u have race car build such as phase so you can hit 'NOS' to escape enemy.


            MoM gives twice as much movespeed as drum of endurance possibly can.. sure its not movespeed thats always active but lmfao if you aren't getting the kill as sven in 12 seconds then something is wrong elsewhere and not with the items.


              sven doesnt need mom wtf are you people talking about!
              learn to fucking play


                1. He got an ogre club before his MoM and he even had the bracer, if he put that money into drums instead of club, hed have a drums
                2. Drums is AMAZING on sven
                3. MoM is not core at all on sven, its a suicide button if you dont have BKB

                I hate people who follow guides, its fucking stupid. What genius decided "Hey, I'm gonna ignore amazing items, get 1/3 of a BKB, then build 2 others items before getting a BKB AND THEN MAKE A GUIDE WITH THIS BUILD"

                Цей коментар був відредагований

                  Lol, rushing moms is the thing that gives me relief when i see a sven on the other team.
                  A sven with MOM and no BKB is food. Drums is better, you need the int.

                  edit: do note that u can use mom to farm jungle.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    hey Wink, drums isn't core either 'genius'. drums only has 5 charges whereas MoM has infinite 'genius'. sven using ult and MoM means he deals enough damage to lifesteal entire chunks of health back. MoM + BKB would do more damage than drums + BKB you 'GENIUS'. MoM PROVIDES TWICE AS MUCH MOVESPEED AND ATTACK SPEED AS DRUMS DO WHEN ACTIVATED YOU FUCKING -GENIUS-. HE HAS A STUN PLUS WARCRY TO INCREASE HIS AND HIS ALLIES MOVESPEED YOU ---GENIUS---.

                    jesus christ.

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                      LMAO FOREVER RED


                        lol this red guy, not sure if trolling or actually potato, but because im the type of person to do this, i will refute every single argument he made...

                        1. I never said it's core
                        2. The charges are just icing on the cake, the stuff it does without charges is more than enough to make people buy Drum
                        3. MoM has infinite suicide charges, grats?
                        4. Sven using ulti + MoM isn't scary when there's a spiral on top of his head
                        5. MS and AS is great on MoM sure, but drums gives much more than just that
                        6. Stun doesn't increase MS
                        7. Just because he has an MS buff it doesn't mean more MS is bad. Just because DK has a lot of armor, does that make AC a bad item on him? Hurr durr NO.
                        8. Drum gives % based MS so it synchronizes even better with Warcry


                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                          LOL you are talking trash about your team. And you didn't build mek...


                            i like bewbs


                              all of those are hollow arguments Wink, gj. hey btw look at sven's dotabuff stats, he's won more % with MoM than drums, tell me how the stats lie? :) "genius"

                              King of Low Prio

                                I really dont give 2 shits about this argument but the item stats are a horrible indication of what items to buy.............

                                King of Low Prio

                                  heart has a higher win rate than deso on BH....


                                    yes because if someone has enough farm to buy heart they are prob on the winning team and doing very well, i understand how that works. but in terms of easy to buy items that are cheap and made up of many smaller cheap parts aka drums and MoM, something thats gotten every game pretty much, the stats are actually valid. if drums rly were much better than MoM as this asshole claims then the stats would indicate it atleast SOMEWHAT. so please dont come at me with that shit sampson. thanks.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      BF has a higher winrate on BH than drums

                                      do you want me to continue?

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                      King of Low Prio

                                        linkens orb has a higher win rate than BKB on BH


                                          read what i said please, battlefury costs 4k gold, drums cost 1.8k gold, if you are doing well enough to get battlefury on BH lmao you are MOST LIKELY doing well on your farm and since BH provides gold for the whole team with track then it also means your team is doing very well. drums are chumpchange even if little to no farm you can make it very easily just with passive gold over the course of a game.

                                          put it this way most winning people will sell their drums before the game is over if it lasts 30-40 mins as the charges will be used up and a much better more costly item can be put in its place, now most winning BH will have swapped out the drums with something else by the end of the game meaning that them buying drums doesnt get counted towards the dotabuff stats as dotabuff can only check what items the player had at the end of the match not what he bought during the match.

                                          now if a bounty hunter still has his drums by the end of the game it means he MOST LIKELY didnt do well enough in terms of farm to get enough items to eventually swap it out, hence ending the game still with drums most likely on the fucking losing team.

                                          its called common fucking sense spitshit.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            well clearly I have no fucking clue how to play BH because I didnt sell my drums for BF......just admit you made a stupid comment about item stats because all u are doing is making yourself look like a bigger idiot.


                                              im really not, what i said makes perfect fucking logical sense, please try to refute it.


                                                also looks like im one of the assholes who gets linken's on BH when i have rly good farm and i want to counter someone like slardar using his ult on me:

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  Skill Bracket

                                                  ok it all makes sense now


                                                    yeah i have had a lot of abandoned games, it's funny what that does to you. the skill bracket rating means nothing, since dotabuff works it out in a very indirect way. how does pointing out the skill bracket of that match refute what i said? my winrate with BH is about the same as yours i do not have as many games as you sure but considering he is my most played hero and he has a pretty bad overall winrate on dotabuff id say thats pretty decent, you really have no say over me.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      you realize the caliber of players in your games are much lower right?



                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                          that match was nearly 2 years ago, again how does that refute what i said? you seem to be clutching at straws.


                                                            "indirect way"
                                                            There is literally a chart that shows what your MMR range is depending on your bracket

                                                            "clutching at straws"
                                                            still no rebuttal to my argument

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              Skill Bracket

                                                              4 hours ago


                                                                yes and if you look at when that game was played it was before MMR was even a thing, eejit. grow some fucking eyes you spaz.

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  MM was always a thing, it just became visible recently


                                                                    MMR has always been a thing, you just couldnt see the number before ranked MM, eejit.


                                                                      you are really going to pick apart my profile, knowing full well the dota API doesnt actually provide any skill bracket listing and dotabuff just GUESSES it, theres plenty games on my profile where the rank cant even be determined so its just left blank. you are REALLY going to use an inaccurate system to refute what i made about an unrelated thing? thats really really sad.


                                                                        no Wink there was an invisible ELO rating that dotabuff also never had access too.


                                                                          drums arent core on sven
                                                                          madness is core

                                                                          3k players should stop thinking they have the game knowledge to tutor other players at their rating or generally anyone

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                            1. Yes we will, because your shittiness at dota is why you are so ignorant
                                                                            2. IT DOES with ~100% accuracy, mods said so
                                                                            3. IT DOESNT
                                                                            4. because the number was skewed
                                                                            5. We ALREADY refuted your shitty argument, you havent refuted ours
                                                                            6. it was an MMR system and dotabuff had access to skill bracket

                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                              madness isnt core, drums isnt core


                                                                                hey guys Swiftending is someone with a 71% winrate on sven and he hardly ever has drums in any of his sven matches but always has mask of madness, try to refute that sampson and wink you fucking circlejerking cunts.

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  also mana boots have the highest winrate out of all the boots on BH guess it is core now -_-

                                                                                  fuck sakes this all came about by some kid making one dumb mistake and flying off the handle when someone corrected it


                                                                                    also Wink no i did refute it, i made a giant post about it and all sampson had to say was "lol dat skill bracket" how is that a rebuttal you ignorant piece of inbred shit? lmfao what a card you are.


                                                                                      HARDLY EVER HAS DRUMS?!

                                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                        hey sampson refute what i said abotu swiftending, ill be waiting. also he is in very high bracket so you cant use that lame HURR SKILL BRACKET tactic, prick.


                                                                                          Wink look at his sven matches, hes ended more games without drums than with, but ALWAYS has a mask of madness. ????

                                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            you making a long post of complete garbage does not make it credible.


                                                                                              right but you refuting it with "HURRRR SKILL BRACKET" is credible you lummox? also wink thats just a single page, he has more than 1 you mongoloid.


                                                                                                Dude, you're refuting your own arguments by using an argument already refuted multiple times and then flaming me as a rebuttal after saying flaming someone isn't a proper rebuttal


                                                                                                  Okay, if you have any non-shitty arguments left, please say them, because my arguments still stand

                                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    how many pages of drums does it take for it to be above 'hardly ever' ?


                                                                                                      but a guy who has a very high winrate with sven... who is in very high skill bracket.. who has had MoM more than he has had drums... just came into this thread and made a comment.. and yet you still are ignorant about it????????????????????? im genuinely confused how people can be so stupid.


                                                                                                        1 person doesnt have the same 1 item at the end of EVERY SINGLE game he ever played, therefore drums is not good on sven?
                                                                                                        He doesn't have BKB in all his games, i guess BKB is shit too

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                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!