General Discussion

General DiscussionAWWWWW YIS

AWWWWW YIS in General Discussion
Mikkei Combine

    Before this becomes another regurgitation reply train without an actual thought out response. (since I know you prob didn't read all of it anyways).

    I hope you do know that that race is not just the color of someones skin right? Cause you are pointing out that one part like its something bad. I hope to fuck that you don't actually think that is funny. Even though in teamspeak wink and sam were speaking of feminism. Which is something that can go with #3.

    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

      NaR wins! that 200+ damage drow with MoM makes towers go bb fast!

      Krazy Kat

        No replay? Arg I wanted to see that.
        BTW Dotabuff gives win to Liquid. Valve gives win to NAR.
        See comments for details.