General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff EU Amateur Series Starting

Dotabuff EU Amateur Series Starting in General Discussion

    I have 4k+ party mmr. All people who have me in their friend list can confirm this.

    King of Low Prio

      so basically unless Guiri is on your team carrying you then u are a normal bracket player.

      King of Low Prio

        players like you are the reason the leaderboards only take solo que :)


          Why dont you have 5k party mmr if it's so easy then? :D It's either - you have no one to carry your ass, or you're uncarriable. Or it might just be that no one wants to play with you, since it's almost a sure loss having you on the team lol.

          Btw Sampson boy tell me why is Havoc (4.3k mmr player) playing in normal bracket?

          King of Low Prio

            I assume he was coaching, are you a coach now?

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            King of Low Prio

              Nobody wants to carry my ass and I dont want anyone to carry my ass. I dont need people to carry me out of 3k


                "I assume he was coaching, are you a coach now?"

                I was actually playing with some people who wanted a bit of advice, not that i am a coach. Next game after this one you linked too. Thats why normal bracket, since they're like 2.7-3.2k.

                I need no one to carry my ass out of nowhere. I like to play in a stack cause i'm a teamplayer and i like playing with the guys i love. If that means i'm gonna help supporting Guiri or someone else, then i'll do it.

                Quick maffs

                  That its great bro but being honest solo queue mmr represents a LOT more than party mmr

                  You can ask anyone they will agree with that


                    And what do you think pro teams looks like huh? Are they playing with different people inside the team all over again or they're a good stack, backing everyone up and working like a good oiled machine? You obviously have no clue that party mmr is as much important as solo and tells a lot about a player.

                    Some players like Sampson etc. have no clue how to work in a team and thats why they lose a lot with stacks, while they do ok playing with random people. I do ok playing with randoms, but i prefer playing with people i like vs strong stacks.

                    King of Low Prio

                      No u want to get carried by Guiri, where exactly are your stacks outside of playing with Guiri. You are too scared to even play ranked by yourself its pretty pathetic. Look at ALL of your dota 2 games the ONLY stack you have played with is Guiri and you like it because he doesnt mind carrying u.

                      Quick maffs

                        Ok so you really think that party mmr means the same as solo mmr ? I would really like to ask any 5 k 6k player what they think about that but i am pretty sure they would agree that solo mmr means a lot more ( plus is easier to manipulate party mmr )


                          Ok almighty Sampson 50, you win :D

                          GENGHIS KHAN

                            NABS !


                              even if it would be 4k mmr, it still sucks.


                                because chris got his 6k legit. LOL

                                bum farto

                                  @hurricane Cause I was coaching people who are 1.8-2K


                                    I know. I just gave an example Sampson could understand.


                                      Vrok calling out Chris 6k legitimacy?

                                      Why so fisssshhhy Chrisssy?




                                          Chris has 9k in South Africa

                                          nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                            Can we play this tournament?


                                              Alright, due to lack of activity, unfortunately i am forced to disqualify 4fs.
                                              It saddens me honestly because in my opinion this could have been taken care of better.

                                              I tried to give everyone some time to come up with a solution or just play the missing games but it didn't work out.

                                              I've proceeded to award the victories to the respective teams and ill finalize the bracket as soon as possible in order to play for the 3rd-4th position and for the 1st-2nd position


                                              I must have missed the game Vrok VS Lman
                                              Anybody know if you they played and what was the result?

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                                                no we didnt play yet.


                                                  Alright, please as soon as possible, setup and play the match

                                                  nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                    Cmoon, lets do the semi finals. As I said a few posts ago, 1st place from each group get into the semi finals, and the others fight for it: 2nd from group A vs 3rd from group B and the other way round


                                                      too bad we got disqualified

                                                      chris' butt is safe for now


                                                        vrok team trying to dodge atm he said they could play any time today but now hes not answering we wait 15 min and then freewin ty : )


                                                          Really sadly that it came to that. If you disqualified team(s) that are clearly not serious quicker, there would be chance for other people who wanted to play to jump in. I hope that doesnt happen again and i'm looking forward to next matches.


                                                            It's not easy to setup this, especially because of the lack of teams participation.
                                                            I try to be fair, I gave time to everyone but in the end unfortunately we cannot keep everyone to wait forever.

                                                            While i understand what you mean Hurricane, other teams who wanted to play should have signed up earlier, this is not the time now while the tourny is fully in progress.

                                                            I really hope everyone else is willing to play and finish their matches, its fun to play vs all of you and I am really looking forward to it, especially before the summer holidays begin and people go away for couple months


                                                              well, we (4fs) had a lot of schedule problems.

                                                              I've been busy with irl stuff (as a proof, just check my latest matches or past 2 weeks hours played on steam)
                                                              sampson is a fgt
                                                              havoc had schedule problems (10 am my time, 12 pm his time and so on)
                                                              and idk about guru.

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                I think next time it will be best for the organizers(I am willing to volunteer help organize if u need extra help) to just have a set time for matches. It is damn near impossible to organize when u have 5 people on dif timezones and trying to work with standins. Personally I have a hectic work/training schedule but if I make time I can shift things over it only becomes a issue when I waste time waiting hours for people to show up.....


                                                                  After this tournament has ended, we can gladly setup a fresh new one if the people are willing to play.
                                                                  We can check who is interested in helping and we can also put down a set time in order to make things easier.
                                                                  I am all up for it guys, as long as there's dedication and willing to have fun promoting the community, everything will be great

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    Guru was a standin for melody, I felt kind of bad forcing him to run thru hoops when he was the one helping us. I would be like

                                                                    ok we play X time

                                                                    nvm time changed to Z

                                                                    nvm the date was changed


                                                                    If the times where set in stone(sure giving a 15-30min grace period) grabbing standins becomes alot more effective.


                                                                    rosh pit 2014, never forget


                                                                      "We need sentries"
                                                                      - Sampson, 2014


                                                                        "sampson is a fgt"
                                                                        "rosh pit 2014, never forget"
                                                                        "We need sentries"

                                                                        Nice chemistry and much love inside the team :D What's about that rosh pit, pls tell i'm really interested.

                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                          we played vs lman and won


                                                                            the rosh pit story is 3spooky5you


                                                                              Cmon, dont be a party breaker. You can tell me.

                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                Score updated, Both A and B brackets are not finished!
                                                                                I'll setup the last 2 matches to be played for 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th place tomorrow!
                                                                                Stay tuned

                                                                                nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                                  Are they going to be bo3 at least?

                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    Its a joke Hurricane I dun want ur drama


                                                                                      Then tell us what happened in that rosh pit.

                                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        I was playing drow and I told Satie to move away from rosh because he they would see him and find me sneaking a rosh..................................................and guess what......they did........................NEVER FORGET


                                                                                          Wicked :D


                                                                                            I had a sentry
                                                                                            sampson asked for sentries
                                                                                            I had to place it inside the rosh pit

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              focus on actually hitting hooks b4 u worry about sents


                                                                                                Love the drama, keep up good work boys.

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  do I really have to put

                                                                                                  -I am telling a joke-

                                                                                                  at the end of my posts..........cuz it kinda ruins of the fun of the joke.....


                                                                                                    Yes, we can do the best of 3 matches.


                                                                                                      Volta just doesn't get it :(


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