General Discussion

General DiscussionWorst hero ever Necro

Worst hero ever Necro in General Discussion

    so stupid
    and hes the last hero on my compendium book thing and i have no rerolls left fuck



      can anyone give tips lol i need to fucking win with this guy




          Haha man, Necro's baller.

          Always max your first skill at level 7. No reason not to. At level 7 you should be 4-1-1-1, then max aura if you're not last hitting much or passive if you are able to sustain farm.
          Try to play him as a farming role. He works really well mid with his passive. Dude really needs to be tanky as hell and enough mana to spam your nuke/heal however long the team fights are lasting.
          He's also somewhat immobile, so if the fight isn't coming to you, I really like force stick on the guy.


            Yep he is immobile as fuck
            fucking 340 movespeed with boots and fucking 57 winrate fucking hell man FUcking HELL

            and thanks


              Try to go mid. Once you are level 9 with max nuke/heal and max passive, you really will be able to farm forever as long as you last hit everything. Each last hit will give you mana back, so you can spam your heal forever as long as you get enough creeps.

              Treads are a good choice because it's so useful to tread swap the heal on blue and use the passive on green. Phase is good if you need to catch up. Mana boots are okay, but pretty much only if you are going to turn it into a sac stone.

              Push stick as I said if you're trying to be active. Sac stone is good if you can farm lanes/jungle forever and have the late game. Shivas/Atos/Sheep/Aghs/Heart are all solid options. Mek too if you need more healing, but your first skill is such short cd, you only need it if you need an instant heal.


                That hero is truly op, and trust me.

                I like to play him, as maxing aura by 7 and having equal distribution of other spells. Reason behind aura max, is mostly , that around level 6 of yours with few autoattacks, you can kill almost any hero, due that aura, which is very strong and will keep enemy heroes at low hp pool. When up against big harras get one level of aura, then get xp/mp shit and heal.

                Necro's strengt lies in having long teamfights. Soul ring , into pt, then hood ( skipping can be good idea, deppends on enemy lineup ), then go for armlet, and disarm. You'l be tanky as hell, while still maintaining good dps, for a that kind of hero. After that, you can go agha ( dunno , i am not a big fan, but with recent changes, could be good ), shiva or ac ( ac is imo better on necro ) and heart . Hex is kinda ultra, as i lke to play more tanky and balsy plays, then hex, but it all deppends.

                Also, there is supporting role, which goes, meka, drums, pipe, agha, atos, hex , etc. Suit your best, and enjoy game. Good luck

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                  maybe dont go shivas and get veil instead after mek.

                  veil is one of the most underrated items in pubs, but it's good on necro for several reasons
                  -necro has shit agi gain and starting armour, with mek + veil he'll have 11/13 bonus armour with/without mek active
                  -gives all around stats
                  -gives more HP regen, like bristle your ability to last long in a fight comes from having high hp regen / healing rather than a high max HP pool, and the longer a fight goes on for, the more effective you become.
                  -magic amp obviously increases damage of your ult meaning you can kill people from higher HP like aghs, but it's much cheaper.

                  I agree with frostychee's skill build. if you're mid and therefore last hitting well, you're more likely going to go 4-2-3-2 by 11, or 4-1-4-2 rather than max aura.

                  if you lack mobility, force staff is a versatile item, and you can get phase boots instead of treads. benefit of treads is tread switching which means each stack of sadist can give you more regen than it usually would, but only if you can last hit to begin with. phase boots allows you to get sadist stacks in the first place though.

                  edit: the reason he has a high winrate is because he's so hard to kill, look at #2 and #3, abaddon and wraith king. generally they're hard to initiate on and when you do initiate on them, they survive it, then their team counterinitiates because the fight is still a 5v5 (since necro/aba/wk doesn't die)

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                    Build items that will keep you and your team alive, pretty much. The longer you can sustain enemy fire, the more powerful your spell rotations get. Aura is always ticking quietly during teamfights, Death Pulse cools down in a rediculous five seconds, and Reaper's Scythe will not only finish someone off but start Sadist ticking for huge amounts.

                    Staying alive can mean a lot of things, but if you find that you've died during a game, open up the "This hero has killed you" window and look at the damage types that rekt you. Generally speaking, there will be a mix of magic damage and physical damage. If you got nuked down with just magical damage, Pipe of Insight is a great item to work on, and from there, things that provide raw HP, such as Rod of Atos, Bloodstone, even Aghanims Scepter will be good choices. Now, it's not as simple as this, as eating a large 3-4 second stun, or multiple chained stuns, could certainly be considered unacceptable. Force Staff can help you survive against skillshots like Light Strike Array, Split Earth, Meat Hook, Sacred Arrow... Black King Bar is a situationally good pickup against teams heavy in targeted stuns, and Linkens Sphere might be just the thing if your opponents are packing something like Doom and you need to do your best to avoid that.

                    Now, if you're going to tank up against physical damage, it always seems like there are fewer effective options. It's generally more of an issue of positioning, so Force Staff and Rod of Atos will be useful to you. If you're being initiated on by agressive physical dps you will need armor for sure, though. The amount of survivability that a casual Platemail will give you cannot be underestimated. Finishing the Shiva's Guard will be effective against rightclicks and widen your mana pool, but don't be afraid to build Assault Cuirass if your team looks like its leaning to the more physical side of dps. Veil of Discord gives you quite a bit of armor and is effective where your team will benefit from that as well.
                    Heart of Terrasque and Eye of Skadi give you tons of HP but less technical survivability than the armor items. Still, they are worth mentioning.

                    Play Necro mid. Play safely, but prudently as well. You have passive regeneration in lane, so you can trade hits with many heroes, but you are slow as shit so this can open you up to getting ganked. I don't think he's that effective at ganking sidelanes without a haste rune, and he doesn't do that much without his ulti. However, you are a great hero for pushing towers with two allies or so. Keep in mind that Necrolyte is just about as far from "Initiator" as it gets. Don't be the first to die in teamfights and you will win.

                    casual gamer

                      go mid. build mek. then whatever the fuck you want.



                        thanks guys and yeah i was thinkging ac but enchantress got one and i wanted some teamfight & escape so i thought shivas was a good pickup,
                        and hearth next


                          Arcanes, force, aghs, then bloodstone.
                          (In that order so you can help get that q off in more fights/heals/kills).
                          After that get whatever like refresher or travels.

                          As others said he needs to be able to spam his q.
                          I find him better in lanes so he can heal/damage the enemy in fights early game.

                          Get aura once.
                          Max q and then spend other points in his 3rd ability sadist.
                          In some games you can get most healing done and most damage done.

                          His ult sucks ealry game so rely on his q to heal/deal damage.

                          Deny as many creeps as possible because your sadist heals you and gives mana for those too.

                          He is a beast and very versatile hero.
                          Nice semi support and easy carry in most pubs.

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                          Sexy Vicious

                            You can never go wrong with Dagon Mek build, you can dagon ult then q before the scythe hits the hero to insta kill most squishy heroes through all levles of the game

                            Sometimes depending on who you are up against you just need to build other stuff


                              Ult + Eth + Dagon.


                                1. Don't go bloodstone when you die 18 times.
                                2. Radiance? Meh, more survivability, not dmg over time. You already have your aura for that.
                                3. My first point is invalid because the game was played 3 months ago and you've learned not to die 18times.
                                4. GGWP

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  Dont bother building mana items, sadist gives enough sustain.

                                  BKB/halberd/mek into shiva/hex/nbook


                                    his aghs is amazing. no buyback +30% respawn time are you kidding me?


                                      Phase drums really works well for me. NEVER GO ARCANE BOOTS. If you are a bit better than random guy who misses 2/3 last hits and denies sadist will ensure you have enough mana almost all the time, but it doesn't give as much HP regen as mana so you need that mekansm. Maxing sadist at level 10 is better almost always.



                                        relative increase of heartstopper's damage from rank 1 to rank 2 is 50%, it makes a bigger difference than going from rank 2 to 3 or 3 to 4 of heartstopper. plus at level 11, ult is 340 mana, so a rank 3 sadist still returns the mana of a rank 2 reaper's scythe. the extra regen may not even come into play if your teammates die too quickly that you end up with an excess of mana when you could've dealt more damage with heartstopper.

                                        i dont see the point of drum. compared to mek, you get +4 stats and a speed aura, which you wont need if you have force or phase. the +4 str is more helpful vs magic, but so is a cloak or a full on pipe, which provides a better aura and more relevant stats for necro (more HP regen + aoe EHP increase just like mek).

                                        or compared to other items, i'd pick a hood or veil even if they are slightly more expensive, the comparison is still there.

                                        agree that arcanes are shit, you'd get more regen (mana and HP) if you tread switched properly when benefitting from sadist (or just regen in general).

                                        bloodstone is also shit, don't listen to the advice above suggesting it because it gives you an excess of mana regen - due to necro only having one spammable spell that is limited by cooldown, and he already has an innate mana regen ability. if you find yourself constantly full on mana because you're regenerating more than you're possibly using, then it means you should've got a different item, because you get bloodstone if you want mana regen, and if it's giving you too much, then that means there's other items that would've give you less mana regen - but still enough for sustained death pulse spam, either for less gold (euls for example), or also offer other stats than just mana regen (e.g. sheepstick's active is it's main selling point, not it's mana regen.)


                                          lel thats cuz u build aghanims on him nice waste 4200 instead you could go towards a heart or some other crap


                                            why is aghs a waste?

                                            that .2 difference is dramatic

                                            for a 2k+ hp hero, at lvl 3, .9 to 1.1 would mean a significant HP amount
                                            especially against tankier heroes


                                              Whatever works! I usually go for aura & heal, with arcanes into bloodstone (disassemble arcanes to complete bloodstone).



                                                I used to build that fucker into fast lothars/blink and then waterver I felt like, worked out pretty well most of the time xD


                                                  and with aghs no buyback, thats really good

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    Ok i am going to talk about gameplay here, a lot of people talks about builds with necro but i dont think it matters really, you should be winning fights with ONLY a mek and phase ( or treads whatever ) if you get bloodstone or skadi or dagon or shivas i dont think it matters if you already won the game, if you check my item builds with necro it goes from skadi to dagon and blademail and things like S&Y because usually you should be in such a good position where it doesnt matter what you get.

                                                    First of all go mid, you cant lane anywhere else and you cant support so go mid, you can get aura lvl 1 if you want but i dont like it, as soon as you have lvl 2 sadist and lvl 3 DP you can start to nuke the lane everytime death pulse is off cooldown, doing this will allow you to farm fast and get your mek ( this is really important ) you can try to gank if you want but necro is not a good ganker but you should have a tp in mid because he can turn around any fights ( if you see the enemy is going to dive your team just tp there ).

                                                    Ok so once your Death pulse is lvl 4 and your sadist is at least lvl 3 ( around level 8,9 ) is when you are stronger, with a mek you should be able to win any fights. Kite around the enemy dont stand there like a retard taking damage, go close to the enemy when death pulse is offcooldown and get back a little when is on cooldown, with 3 death pulses you should be already killing someone ( usually 2 death pulses are enough to use your ulti in someone ) if you see someone with low hp running away ULT HIM even if its a support you get a lot of mana and hp. Remenber your tankiness comes from death pulse and sadist, if you aint killing anyone and if you cant use your death pulse you are going to die.

                                                    So yeah that its my opinion, i think necro is a really good hero because of how dangerous it can be to your enemies the simple fact that you are close to him, you need to kill necro really fast because he is going to kill you in some seconds.

                                                    Be aware of some enemy heroes like Ursa, necro is a slow hero with no escape and ursa doesnt care about your heal he is going to kill you in seconds anyway, in this case get a ghost. ( Or blademail nobody talks about blademail on necro but its actually fine to get it )

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      by the way the problem in those 2 games is that you didnt finish the game at 40 minutes, necro dies from 40 minutes on ( only his ulti is still powerful in this point )


                                                        got it dorkly thanks!


                                                          So necro late game = bad

                                                          Flat is Justice!

                                                            What a troll, complains about the top tier pub hero.
                                                            Doesn't do any research

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              He is not bad, his ulti is AWESOME late game, but only that. Death pulse becomes useless, aura in theory scales really good but fights happens so fast that its not going to do much.

                                                              Please dont go afk farm with necro


                                                                ahhh fucking finally won with that bitch


                                                                  he's so shitty he has the biggest win rate in the game yeah.
                                                                  jk you are shitty


                                                                    you are shitty