General Discussion

General Discussion@Nsphere Match analysis 665867018

@Nsphere Match analysis 665867018 in General Discussion

    This is my match analysis on request of Nsphere, match ID 665867018.

    Just to start out I am not much of a sniper player, I don't like the hero and tend to do weird stuff when I play him. I will be looking more at your laning, map awareness and presence as well as general gameplay and such.

    On the match start I do notice you are very slow in getting out to your lane, this causes you to miss your block and you miss an entire creep wave because you are looking at mid. Lane equilibrium is very important and you will be giving away farm to much exp and farm to your opponent if you aren't sharp in getting that first block in and making sure to deny/not auto attack the creeps in your lane.

    Instead of staying in your lane up top (direside) you wander into the jungle for no reason and run into Lion. Now at this point if me being sniper who has no escape was up against an Sand King and got moved on by a Lion I would run for it back to the safety of my tower. This however is not your thinking and you start auto attacking the lion giving Sand King time to move in and get a stun which leads into a follow up from the Lion which nearly kills you but they seem somehow hesitant to kill a sniper with 35 HP's and fortunately you live.

    3:14 Lion is badly out of position after an attempt to pick up a kill on Crystal Maiden and this concedes a first blood for you.

    5:00 I can see your last hitting isn't that bad but you missed almost two waves of creeps in the beginning which is hurting your overall farm. You are not careful about lane favor balance and you're auto attacking a lot, missing last hits and denies, while Sand king is equally pushing the wave with Sand storm so I guess you were fortunate in this regard but you really need to watch for things like this when you start playing against better opponents.

    I also don't feel your early game items were well thought out as you went double wraith and then turned one wraith band into an Aquila which I feel is an unneeded waste of money, you also grabbed treads over phase which is something I personally wouldn't do. Sniper is sluggish and has no natural escape and given the heroes you were up against the additional speed boost wouldn't have been a bad idea here.

    8:20 This is just poor decision making. After successfully thwarting a 4 man gank and killing Sand King, Lion tries his luck and comes to close to tower completely missing his stun. He is frozen in place on 110 HP's and you ult him? You stand and ult and invoker does a full duration meteor on you and you.

    The ult on Lion

    ...which left you open for this. Not only did you stand in it but you also ran in the same direction the meteor was going taking the maximum possible damage a terrible level 1 exort/wex could do. That is just bad play and it cost you a death although you did pick up the Sand King from before, the Lion, and the horrible Invoker who dived in to kill you after you stood in his meteor but why trade when you didn't have to die at all.

    Another example of where you use your ult (while not risky) cost you a kill that was split between others.

    I think all round at this point not too much went wrong as you were safe laning against some very incompetent people. You're sitting 3-1-3 and are on 40/7 creep hits which isn't that bad though you should be aiming for a lot higher. I feel a lack of aggression from the Crystal Maiden with the additional pain of no sentries cost you another 2-3 kills which were decently easy with good positioning and team work. By 10 minutes and with a bloodseeker I would have expected you to have started carrying a TP by now, not just to prevent bloodseeker killing you but to also to get to other lanes and pick up kills with your ult provided you use it in the right way.

    You see Leshrac coming up hill and instead of meeting him in the right spot you chase him through the jungle to where Invoker who is in lane (you can see him) turns on you and again you get caught in a stun and meteor. How do people even get caught in meteors without any initial stun or disable? Stuff like that just shouldn't happen.

    You TP down bot and the same shit happens. You get stunned and instead of running from the oncoming team you try and pick off the Sand King by standing away from your tower and auto attacking him. You can genuinely have thought that through because you get stun locked in place and the terrible carry exort invoker gets another meteor kill on you. Positioning is something you really need to work on here. There is no shame in missing a kill, you can also hit and run given your turn rate you could have actually run behind tower and thrown your ult to finish of the Sand King but instead he gets away very low and you pay the price for your appalling positioning.

    ...this is then followed up with "holy fuck, you guys mad". No, you just keep getting caught out. Mad or not I would find your positioning a joy and delight and wouldn't hesitate to kill you, nothing to do with being mad.

    At this point in the game I am amazed you lost as you are clearly dominating but you're all leaving the bloodseeker alone and my guess is he just went apeshit with farm.

    Ok, so you bought a recipe and are carrying it in a slot. Why? At this point in the game you have no excuse for 1. Spending gold like that 2. Bloating your inventory slots with recipes. Buy the items first, lets say all went tits up right now, how much would that recipe help you? Stop doing this, buy the items first and the recipe last, if nothing else at least the items that build it would give you stats, AS, or damage. You have a recipe and no TP vs a stun lock ganking team and a bloodseeker.

    Morph goes into the fight alone and you not only stop to get the illusion rune but you attack from down hill which allows the invoker to get away. Unlike some other heroes you have two legs, use them. Attack, move, attack!

    The score is 18:8 in favor of you, you have taken 4 towers and done damage on two more, they have taken one tower and are feeding. You cores have really good items and even the Crystal has picked up a forcestaff at this point.

    I can start to see the beginning of the end for you guys. You aren't throwing but you are making small poor decisions that are giving away easy kills. You are trying to take the mid alone with no sight and you are miles out of position. Undying saves you but dies, you TP out, Barathrum goes in and dies, Crystal goes in to save him and dies. Its like a cargo train of death. One goes in and one at a time you go in to help and just feed and then the next guy goes in and etc. Rinse and repeat and you're well on your way to losing the game but at this point the score is 31:16 in your favor and shotgun morph is a go so I am still unsure of how you let this one get away.

    ...and here it is at last. You are all grouped up and Sand King gets the ult/stun of his life and you get wiped so fast. He has his blink you should be expecting stuff like this.


    Watching the rest of the game brought tears to my eyes. You went from a 15 kill lead and all those tower to fight after fight of stupid positioning and throws. I don't think this was entirely your fault but your position was as bad as your teams. You went from 35:16 to 35:32 in 10 minutes, you literally killed no one as they mopped you up in team fights. You all clumped and that god awful MoM/Meteor Invoker has had a field day despite the fact you stomped them so hard early.

    You opted for spilt pushing while they took your middle lane, people always argue there was nothing they could do but you had fortify and the shrapnel would have pulled the creeps away reducing the amount of damage they were able to do on the tower and rax. Bara was by far the worse player I have seen in a long time. He had no items and went MoM vs Invoker and a bloodseeker, no semblance of a BKB in sight.

    You threw it mid game while you wrecked them early, nothing to do with letting people farm (as I previously thought) you simply fought bad. All of you. Time after time of watching you all chase one guy and then get dropped by a Sand King ult, it's just embarrassing that their one mid and carry Invoker managed to do that much to you just cause you were so poorly positioned.

    They go for the towers, they go for the throne, they aren't giving away anything, your team never pushed your advantage when you had one, you waited far too long till the odds were even and their team were clearly the better players.


    You're welcome to add me on Steam/Skype and we can talk through the game a bit more in depth.


      Cool. Gave me idea to speak about general mistakes when watching other reviews :D

      Quick maffs

        Nice job man


          Nice analysis c:
          Guess positioning is probably the single most crucial thing in the game? Can't use your farm if you're not in the right position, right?


            Not the single most important but still very crucial if you don't want to give away things.

            Positioning in carries, means you won't get caught out and die farming a lane alone far from the base, or jungling when people are missing and you know it's warded.

            For supports this is about being the right spot to get off key spells that are needed to disable people or to assist an ailing teammate. Positioning is something that in lower levels really does cost so much and I have seen enough games from various users to confirm that 70% of throws are not big things, just small little issues and pick offs cause Tide wanted to check rosh solo, or the carry walked out too far to grab farm and got swapped by Venge.

            Not massive mistakes in most of the games I watch but stupid little things that happen over and over and just cost them ground and space.


              New Relentless


                So Havoc, do you these on request?


                  Somewhat, I provide support to members of dotaroot and dotabuff and do about 4-5 of these a week though not all of them I post to dotabuff as I prefer sitting over voip and talking them through the games. If you have a game you would like me to look at just let me know.


                    :) Excellent, I can finally make use of my Dotaroot membership^^ You will hear from me

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