General Discussion

General DiscussionI done screwed up..failed as void..shamefully..need some advice.

I done screwed up..failed as void..shamefully..need some advice. in General Discussion

    I realized that I made some rather stupid, stupid stupid stupid..and more YOLO chronos.. early - mid game ish.

    Should have gotten an aghs..looking back in retrospect.. then get dps (daedulus or mjollnir or halberd for wk???) or a refresher??

    suggestions against a Tinker and Wraith king. even a diffusal?? Not sure..


      Diffisual blade is good for the mana train, also get a manta on this and you'll be able to drain WKs mana out of ult range eventually.

      Also getting Necrobook 3 on void is actually pretty legit if you really want to hate this WK.

      waku waku

        it's totally your team's fault
        you could have gone in with mirana's ult, then use yours and death prophets' and have shadow shaman place his ult outside of yours
        unfortunately nobody did that so you lost to a dragon knight that was doing fuck knows what
        by the way, how'd you manage to actually have less last hits as void than skeleton king? aren't you supposed to farm all game unlike him?


          idk dk was an odd pick. they threw him in offlane, and we just owned him. I had to stop split pushing because we ran into trouble with tinker, so we jsut came and went as 5. that's when it went to shits. We didn't shut down wraith king and tinker hard enough early on and they just both snowballed. I noticed tinker had an odd build too.. He maxed laser and rockets...first..not march..

          They also had an observer..which is kinda weird but since it was unranked..i didn't care. Is the coach's (11th player) stream delayed?


            So hard, Doubt you will win even with changing build.

            That battlefury is not a compulsory change that..

            Change to MoM, Mjolnir and MKB it let you to stun individual 24/7 365 days a year
            for survavibility i feel BKB and Aghanim is sufficient.
            But you can try refresher for WK'S each resurrection or ask Mirana to build diffusal instead of goddamn desolator

            WASD player

              I prefer getting MJ over battlefury. The attack speed you get from mjolnir will trigger more bashes and gives you a change to activate lightning, which in return will deal more damage than the 65 damage battlefury gives you. You should have skipped battlefury this match and went for daedlus, and then probably an AC instead of a butterfly because the WK can build an MKB easily.

              Also 99% of the time, when you build a MoM, you NEED a BKB. Especially void if they have hard stuns like DK and WK. That was the major flaw

              It's not completely your fault though, WK is a pretty hard counter to void

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                Thanks for all the tips guys! Yeah usually I don't fail as void..with friends..sigh..needless to say it was a rather disappointing loss.


                  Actulally, I don't get why did you went both Maelshtorm and Battlefury.


                    Maelstrom/Mjolnir and Battlefury are both decent items to get on Void depending on the time it takes you to get it.

                    The issue here is that WK is tremendously strong and your team didn't seem to do enough to make his life hard. Never let the king farm.

                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                      Mom + Fury seems strange to me. I think you had your damage from fury, attack speed from Shockstick.

                      I think you should have even maybe considered referesher as troll as that might seem. One ult to lock a few in team fights, when wk respawns he has his own solo crono for him.

                      HH could have been an option if you were 1v1ing hiim some. The faux disable is nice, and gives you more PRD evasion.
                      Diffusal was a good option here.
                      AC would have been fine give the same debuff to their team. (its - 35%! That's alot!)
                      Bkb to stop chain stuns. Always solid.


                        MoM, Fury, mjoll, Daedlus and you were good to go

                        casual gamer

                          I would've gone manta/diffusal2/bfly with maybe Midas first if you first blooded the DK. You should be killing tinker with chrono if u can


                            battle fury stupid item, you could have made a daedalus

                            void has probably the most OP ulti in the game so just farming until end game isn't a good idea, you can fight very early, that's why MoM > maelstrom is a popular build, you can farm but also kill people in a chrono

                            i'm not a void expert but i do have a 100% winrate with him (3/0 in unranked), this is the build that i'm talking about. also i max timewalk before backtrack because timewalk lvl 4 = 1300 range, you can initiate from out of fog. maybe people will disagree but i think it's the better build


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                              Dude do you know how OP mjolnir is at 6.81. You can stack those storm now.
                              and upgrading to mjolnir not only gives atk speed which increase the stun chance also the storm can bounce up to 7 people and buff it's damage by 30 per storm times 7 people = 210 damage. Wow nice theory crafting by Yfay. Imagine if you combine it to MoM
                              Battlefury is inferior compared to it.
                              Stop staying at maelstorm and upgrade to mjolnir like competitive player does!

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