General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Razor mid?

How to Razor mid? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I ask this question because I like playing Razor but every time I pick him lately everyone assumes I'm going mid. I actually prefer him in the safe lane because I feel he is shit at ganking. But I'm probably doing it wrong.

    So break it down for me. What are Razor's goals when playing mid? To farm and shut down their mid's farm? He is pretty damn good at that if you position link correctly. I usually spec W, E, E, Q, E, R. I usually don't have the mana early to make harassing with Q viable and while another rank in link would be awesome, I am thinking the movement speed from E let's me keep it on the target longer. In general I do ok at last hitting and denying mid, I'm sure I need to better but I can usually beat all the invoker and pudge mids. But it all goes to shit when I try to gank.

    I'm not really sure why I feel the need to gank. I just always feel this urge when another lane is pushed, but I run into said lane, and if we have no well timed stun everyone just runs back to the tower. I think Razor sucks at ganking because he has no disable/slow and he needs a few seconds to amp up with link to kill anyone, thus giving people plenty of time to run back to their tower.

    Should I just focus on farming mid and team fighting later?


      Get your mek up and you can probably start taking towers with your team.
      Going mid doesn't neccesarrrreelellyy mean you're going/should go gank.


        max W first you'll always have mana for it.


          Yeah he's suck. He is usually picked in competitive to counter specific hero.
          So placing him in mid is very situational. only vs OD and Viper maybe.

          He is suck at pushing, need practice to last hit properly (bad projectile animation), suck at right click DPS too

          Thats why people who play razor will end up building item such as mek, aghanim and refresher.
          Because he rely much on his ability so building item like sange and yasha and manta style is a bit off for him.


            Funny but also video proving aghanim refresher build is best on him:

            Dire Wolf

              Hmm I dunno if I've ever built mek on him, but if I'm going to stay mid and farm I can try it. I usually go aquila, treads and then s&y for the movement speed. It has basically everything razor needs, move speed, attack speed, hp. Sometimes I'll stop at yasha for move speed and then go right for aghs.

              I agree his animation blows. I usually do very poor at last hitting the first couple waves, but once you get a lvl or two it's not that bad.

              @Luxon should I skip Q altogether for mid? Just go W and E?


                ^You just steal damage and you have a damage advantage? The animation thingy ins't any prob when you have +20+++ damage than your opponent lol


                  Yeah but why do you need to boost that mediocre attack speed with tread and sange and yasha though when upgrading your ulti can increase your DPS far more efficiently and razor's Ulti STACKS with refresher, what could we ask more from this.

                  For movement speed you can get phase instead of tread with the same price.

                  You don't need attack speed since you are not DPS carry so tread also not necessary.

                  For survivability, mek/drums can gives aura that can provide good boost in team fight which Razor excel at and probably have to stay in teamfight most of the time anyway so it means carrying drums and mek will bring more advantage to your team in teamfight and BKB will be more useful than sange and yasha in terms of survivability.

                  Or you can spend the 4100 into faster aghanim or that yasha into ogre and wizard staff


                    I meant DPS right click carry..
                    Refresher Razor:

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                      yh, aghs refresher is definetly the way to go.
                      Rightclick razor is meh, just steal damage from the most important rightclicker (if possible) on enemy team while raping everybody with double ult.

                      Also if you want to be a bit more badass, buy blink dagger. Use ult -> Blink -> Refresh - Ult -> Blink and 1bang a zapport then zeig a tovver


                        1.don't get vanguard.
                        2.movement and positioning are very important on razor. get drum/sb/tb/manta. easily 522.
                        3. don't get dps items. your dps come from your w ability, and ult.
                        4. w goes through magic immunity (counters ls and bkb a lot).
                        5. w indirectly counters invisibles. use it on riki/weaver/slark the moment you see them.
                        6. mind your positioning after w. positioning and movement takes higher priority than attacking when w in effect.
                        7. w is the soul. q is for securing your kills (or ks). ult is key in teamfights. e is your lesser linken.

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                        Dire Wolf

                          @soeasy yes, you drain dmg, easy last hits, but first wave or two is still rough til you get a chance to do that is my point.

                          I don't go straight dmg items like deso or mkb, crap like that, but IAS stacks very well with his W. It's why I like s&y, you IAS, hp and move speed, and why I like butterfly, IAS and dodge. Hell AC can be one of the best items on him sometimes, stacking that -armor with his ult, tons of IAS, armor to survive.

                          Shadow blade looks pretty good though, adding that IAS as well. That's one of the issues I have with Razor, so many good items to get. I have done aghs/refresher on him before, I do aghs nearly every game, but refresher is so expensive for no stats and a ton of mana regen razor really doesn't need. I think I'll die too fast if I rush it.

                          So build to try is aquila, phase boots, mek, aghs, refresher? I think I can pull that off, mek isn't that expensive and aghs is same as S&Y. Last game my farm wasn't great and I got aquila, treads, s&y, aghs, bkb, butterfly.

                          Quick maffs

                            awful hero

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                                ^hero's good?

                                Whenever I pick it (likenever) it feels like free win

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Why is he awful? Anti carry, slippery, ult that goes through bkb and can kill towers with aghs, strong mid game but also scales well into late game. How's that bad?


                                    Yeah Aquila, Phase, Mek, Aghs, Refresher
                                    Or if you got better mek carrier on your team, you can try N.W.P's build on TI3 last year
                                    45:15 - 46-30

                                    Flat is Justice!

                                      he is awful because some users got their lanes crushed by a razor and tried him only to misuse him

                                      indirectly shooting me
                                      edit: i have a positive razor score, i must be a god

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                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!