General Discussion

General DiscussionI feel like I suck at support...

I feel like I suck at support... in General Discussion

    Either that or nobody knows how to carry in my bracket. I DO forget to ward sometimes, and I try to roam to other lanes to get kills but I seem to mess it up and/or the lane is pushed under the enemy tower making successful ganks incredibly hard.

    Had a game the other day supporting a PL as Veno in RD vs an offlane Brewmaster. ( All the lanes lost, PL rushed Midas and missed A LOT of easy CS, our SK was pretty good but he couldn't carry us.

    What are some good high impact supports that I can learn to play? I don't want to be "that guy" that plays carry and mid only but I feel like I lose 80% of matches I play support.


      I really liked dazzle during a-z. Treant was easy but he is melee. Io fits most lineups...

      Kotl/veno are great for pub domination.

      Crystal maiden and visage are great but are harder to play properly

      bane, abaddon, omniknight are great situationals.

      If you solo queue, play litch :D


        Vengeful is an easy hero to play, probably you should pick her up.
        She's also very good at roaming cause her stun is beautiful.

        Put a Centaur in the offlane and you get Vengeful, pull a bit/zone bottom till centaur gets some levels and then you just rotate up there, or buy smoke and go rotate to mid with +1 support unless and win game pretty easily.

        Use swap to get your carry/cores out of nasty positions, trading your life is better than trading a core. Remember your gold isn't as effective/useful usually.


        Dazzle is also a pretty good hero you probably should take a taste on, however the skillcap on this hero is a bit higher than Vengeful, but I'm sure you can do it. The usual build is Maxing your 2ND ability and 3RD, 3RD first. You also usually put a level on Chilling Touch which allows early aggression.

        Shallow Grave might sound as an defensive ability, but it's very offensive in the terms of letting you dive towers very easily and get out safely.

        Also in lowskill pubs (which I assume you're in, I've not checked your profile) Dazzle is even better cause people won't calculate or think about their damage output when you got a VERY good spamable heal.

        Your 2ND ability, Shallow Grave might be one of the most IMBA spells in lowskill cause all enemies might keep hitting the same hero who won't die in 5 sec anyway, making them waste time and be killed by the others.

        When you play this hero you have to be careful with your positioning, cause you're very high on the priority list for the enemy because of what you contribute. Hide, stay in the back and don't think about hitting heroes. Spam your heal and be aware of when to use Shallow Grave (2ND ability), this ability wins games, just keep it in mind.

        If you want me to tell you more, just add me and I can help you out. However this is a big wall, hope I helped anyway.


        Remember to have a tp scroll in your inventory to help out lanes that might be ganked (especially mid, you teleporting to mid to save your mid/return kill/die instead of your mid hero is always worth it.) However, be aware. It's not worth to die if you don't need to, aka if your mid wouldn't die anyway. What that means, be aware of what you do, and think before you do something. Obviously unless you're xboct)

        Цей коментар був відредагований

          CM, Bane, Warlock, Lion, Treant,
          Ogre magi, Venge, Omniknight, Jakiro, Dazzle
          Undying, Disruptor, Abaddon, Lina, Shadow Shaman

          are the easiest but at the same time high impact to the team

          If you want to have a fun a little play support WK it's being picked lately by pro team or support sven.


            Congrats, I see you won with Vengeful. If you want me I can take a view on this game and tell you things you could've done different.


              dont forget medallion on her!


                CM and Disruptor are my favorite traditional supports. I like to play active if the game allows it.


                  Sure, if you'd like to take a look at the game and give me some advice I'd appreciate it.


                    bumping thread so I don't miss it.


                      Jakiro is an awesome support. So much cc and tower pushing/lane harassing gayness (well not really gay, but annoying haha)

                      Dire Wolf

                        "Either that or nobody knows how to carry in my bracket. I DO forget to ward sometimes, and I try to roam to other lanes to get kills but I seem to mess it up and/or the lane is pushed under the enemy tower making successful ganks incredibly hard."

                        Don't roam. Get your in lane carry free farm by harassing the enemy out. Zone the enemy out. It's really great if you can pick a hero good at this who also can win team fights or kill towers like jakiro (kills towers with liquid fire), shadow shaman (kills towers, wins team fights with ult), tide hunter (harder in lane cus he is melee).

                        The problem with roaming is it requires a fair bit of coordination from your teammates and it won't work most of the time like you said, they'll just back to the tower cus you don't time a stun or something.

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!