General Discussion

General DiscussionHow Epic is Sven?

How Epic is Sven? in General Discussion

    Been playing allot of Sven, offlane. He is very fun and I have enjoyed myself allot.

    I have some questions though:
    When is Sven a good pick?
    What skills do you level up? Obviously not cleave early game :) Seems it's stats vs. Aura why?
    How hard of a carry is he?
    What items work best on him? I go treads, mask, bkb, bf, Daedalus
    I have seen a blink Sven, when do you go blink on him?
    What do you get for his early mana problems?



      sven can be kited like hell! pick razor and suck his damage off... he is not a really good hero atm... but blink is the only item that can save sven from getting kited imo. blink is always good i think!


        Razor counter a lot of right click hero. But with stuns sven one shot him. Sven is a good hero with farm like most carry.


          I just theorycrafted a bit, and it could probably work playing him a bit like Wraith King without aegisult.

          Powertreads, Mask of madness, Blademail, Mjollnir.

          All these synergies together, however I've not tried this, but just a thought.


            Sven is very good hardcarry, if you can force teamfight. He's terrible if you can't.
            Also Sven is very good carry for a trilane. For example, Sven, Venge and Rylai is almost guaranteed FB and freefarm.
            He's also good counterpick against PL.

            He's very good, but he's very dependant on both teams' pick.


              you can play it like kunkka but adding attack speed :/

              Blink/Shadow Blade

              One of the hero to master especially against meepo picker

              Note: He can be a good support too

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                for mana problem i used soul ring
                I practiced him a lot on my smurf, got a rampage once

                Arek Akashi

                  carry sven (Safelane)

                  lvl 1,23,24,25 STORM HAMMER
                  lvl 2 WARCRY...situational ( 20,21,22 or u can get it earlier if there is something like Pa or void to use it right before chrono or blink +16 armor will help u to survive) WARCRY
                  lvl 3,4,5,7,13,14,15,17,18,19, stats ( no mana probs + hp + you can't lose last hits)
                  lvl 6,11,16 GOD'S STRENGTH
                  lvl 8,9,10,12 GREAT CLEAVE

                  a)I keep STORM HAMMER lvl 1 because u are safe lane farmer so the lvl 4 dmg +225 wont change anything in late game )
                  b) Quelling Blade + stats = u won't miss a single last hit (+denies)
                  3)get boots and asap mask of madness telll ur support to stack ( with ur cleave +MoM +Quelling Blade = ez farm)

                  item build
                  1)Boots--->3)Pot ( always switch them to int before using MoM or Stun)
                  4)Crystalys ( ez farm with crist ) 5 )BKB 6)Buriza
                  Focus on farming and just keep a TP in case of a team fight

                  always wait an initiation before you engaged in a fight ( or w8 them to use their spells like---> )


                    I did rampage even i lost this game, AM sucks 40 mins for BF and Manta -_-


                      i think its worth maxing stun cause its not like you are gonna farm all game, sven is a fight oriented carry.. with stuns + ulti + 2hits he can end a teamfight early on

                      Dire Wolf

                        Max storm hammer early unless there is literally no one to fight in your lane like their offlane just hangs by the tower. I also try to max warcry soon, the reduced cooldown is quite good. I put points into cleave when I'm about ready to push lanes or rotate into jungle for farm. You want at least 2 points in it before hitting any jungle camps. So my build is usually Q, E, Q, E, Q, R, W, W.

                        Sven is weird because he can teamfight early yet he is a beast with farm too so you need to keep your farm high but also be keeping an eye out for team fights. Drums is a very good item on him for stats, will help his mana issues. I also love lifesteal, combined with cleave gives you great sustain as you farm. If I have other melees on team I'll go vlads, the mana regen is great, otherwise I do deso to stack ancients and for a late game satanic possibly. So my items are usually treads, bracer, then bkb/drums/vlads or dominator in some order and you can feel free to build in pieces. If you need more sustain in lane pick up a plain morbid mask and finish it later. If your farm is good finish the drums first. If you feel you'll need to team fight really soon rush the bkb.

                        After that again I look at team, if we have a lot of right clickers I'll usually go AC for the aura, otherwise mjollnirs is pretty sweet or right into rusing daedulus. I dislike mask on sven, despite many swearing by it. The movement speed is epic but your timing has to be so good and your team has to set you up or you will just melt before killing anyone. A sven who pops ult and maks and runs into a teamfight is going to get focused every time so unless their whole team is disabled or you 2 shot some of them really quickly you will melt.

                        His role is hard carry but he's not as useless as an AM who needs to farm all game, he's a mid game hero as well and has utility with storm hammer, a lot like DK and WK.

                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                          Sven soon gonna be the new naix... he will be forced to get blink or force staff like wk just in order to get kills.

                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            He is really strong at the moment since they buffed his base damage, making him hit really hard even before ult (much easier to lasthit/deny in laning phase or finish heroes off for first blood). But same as with Skeleton King you need to rush a blink on him or have a Tony toss you, since he needs to be right next to someone to actually do his potential damage. After blink you should aim for a black king bar, so you won't be stunned all the time in fights. MoM can work fine if your team has good amount of lockdown themselves, but bursty heroes can kill you easy if they are not disabled when you activate it.


                              Since they buffed his base armor, MoM is totally legit now.

                              I usually like PT > Drums > MoM > BKB > Daedalus > AC


                                Svens ok. Useful spell early game. Team wipe potential late game. Good hero in solo pubs where communication is limited.

                                I recently saw this monster sword for him on the market. F your immortals. This is more like it.


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                                Dire Wolf

                                  You don't need blink, you need coordination with the initiators on your team, or just farm and force team fights late. Blink is really expensive for a hero who desperately needs some stats and bkb is core.

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    WHO NEEDS DAT INITIATION


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                                    ICE SKULL

                                      MoM and blink is core on sven, don't buy drums lolz

                                      have fun


                                        Omelet of Mordiggian is an underlooked item atm


                                          ^ Dat item name.


                                            its not underlooked,
                                            its just because of the nerf even lifestealer player wont use it


                                              I like Sven support. If you have a good start it's really easy to snowball into a semi-carry or hard carry role. Pretty similar to Wraith King support. Rush blink, go around ganking people.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Well this is how noobs in my bracket would blink + mom - get blink and mom, blink into the middle of a team fight without a bkb, get stunned, die taking 30% extra damage.

                                                Blink is a great item on any hero I just prefer to build other stuff.


                                                  How would you play a support Sven?
                                                  I love using him. At my level your own team tries to take last hits, they can't when you play Sven :)

                                                  Also what do you think of an early Battlefury if your farm is really good? The perseverance really helps with mana and the regen is pretty awesome early game.


                                                    Support Sven you basically just roam and kill stuff with your stun. Buy smokes, 420 blaze it, kill bad guys. Works best if you have another good active support like CM (the mana aura is great too). Usually for items you rush blink and then get Drums after. Boots are either Arcanes or Treads.

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                                                      His stun is very good, and his 3rd skill is good escaping and pushing (the +15 armor) skill
                                                      You can get soul ring or bottle to support and just spam the hell of that stun
                                                      For boots either tranquil or phase


                                                        Sven is a hero to kill 5 heros.. not 1 so he is better in team fights, get ur bkb and attack speed and gg
                                                        i dont recommend lvling stats, warcry is very usefull if u want to survive, cleave is good in the mid game and stun is good in all stages of the game
                                                        ofcourse he has counterpicks like void razor but a good initiation with high dmg will set the game free


                                                          ive tried messing around with lots of builds on him

                                                          currently going:

                                                          phase/drums/mom/bkb/heart/daedalus/ac (sell drums)

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            I tried a blink + mom sven and it was sort of ok. I think it would've worked but our drow sucked horribly and I underestimated Tiny's combo, I had no idea avalanche would hit twice and he could combo for 600 dmg at level 3. I was basically 1v1 vs tiny while veno was jungling instead of harassing him down. It works pretty well even against a mobile hero like storm cus I can blink on him, stun before he ports out and mom kill him quickly. Works amazing vs squishy supports like their CM. I'll probably do that build if I'm ever vs a ranged with poor escapes like a sniper, drow, luna, random squishy supports like lion, cm, ss. Blink in and bkb. I still think it's a pretty situational build.


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