General Discussion

General DiscussionFor those who have not heard the news yet

For those who have not heard the news yet in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    We got Hael IP banned, good work boys


      Ples Mercy


          xd this sampson guy only responds to my negative posts. Cant handle being worse than the "baddie" he once trolled. He wouldnt evne add me because he probably has lost 4k


            ip ban? lol like that does anything anymore


              who was he? i dont really follow the forums


                ^ biggest asshole.

                Also, if he don't know how to bypass ip-ban, then he really deserves it.



                  Jorges Sanz



                      IP ban doesn't mean anything really.
                      But I guess it does mean the mods are trying to take more action?


                        what has he done ?
                        and what have you guys done to get him banned ?


                          With his accounts and the IP ban it would make it exceedingly hard for him to be able to start posting and say even if he does recreate and uses a computer at his school or something at least the post will be too few and far between for it to become an issue.

                          The admins are always around and do see when someone posts or things get out of hand, however it is not the decision of one and they have to make sure that everyone is in agreement and it is something they wish to implement. Just because most of the communities are player driven and run doesn't mean this is the same with dotabuff.

                          Anyways on top of this I would additionally add for people to continue contributing where possible to the continued growth of dotabuff.

                          Цей коментар був відредагований



                              i dont like him but i didnt see that he did anything to get banned


                                Then you missed all the racist, sexist (although this one was blatantly trolly) and generally super asshole attitude which led into Arteezy yelling to him that he was the worst player ever in his stream. He was basically a racist caricature. Comparable to a bad one that relies on fart jokes to call for attention.


                                  We did it Reddit.


                                    Even though this is a lie. Maybe you should check how your IP bans work.


                                      whats hael ?


                                        Can anyone links hael dotabuff, i wanna join the bandwagon



                                          What triggered it?


                                            conformity triggers bans.


                                              You're legitimately delusional if you think you got banned just because some people don't like you.


                                                hael is so famous, he's gotta be swimming in puss


                                                  Dude is such an attention whore.

                                                  If you want people to give you attention, at least do something positive instead of being a reviled douche bag.

                                                  MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                    @Havoc Badger
                                                    Actually, all you have to do is just use IP hiding software, takes ~5 minutes to set up. Don't be suprised if Hael's posting volumes do not change.


                                                      @Dacheat You have obviously not been paying attention this whole time.

                                                      @Concede I've never been a reviled douche bag, I just treat people back equally.

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                        Apparently you don't understand what reviled means. I revile you, and thus you are reviled. (Not to mention many others do as well)


                                                          Concede I don't think you understand. He knows everything. He knows what you're thinking now, he knows what you'll be thinking of next, and most of all, he knows that the only reason people don't like him is because we're all filthy bandwagoning Miami Heat fans.

                                                          Hael isn't a person, he is an idea. He is us and we are he. He is everywhere and nowhere. He is a force created by all living things. He surrounds us... Penetrates us... He binds the galaxy together.

                                                          Oh Shit Waddup

                                                            ^Shrek is love, Shrek is life.


                                                              > I lay in my bed and it's really cold


                                                                Dickbags don't deserve a say in most matters. Glad he's gone.


                                                                  My point right here ^.

                                                                  Like who is this kid and how does he know me? haha
                                                                  Same with Dacheat, Jammin, concede, and Havoc. You guys weren't even talking to me when the "Hate Hael" train began. You are quite confused why you dislike me. You dislike me cause I'm belligerent, but There is a reason why it came to that.

                                                                  you come late to the party and call me a dickbag because everyone else says so and you wonder why I'm a persistent asshole back.

                                                                  I'll give you a free rare if you can even tell me how this hate thing got off in the first place. If you can't, you should reevaluate what you think of me.

                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                    See how effective IP bans are?


                                                                      I mean I have a slight suggestion where you just get over yourself (all of you). This is like the what? 6-7th thread about me? I'm flattered, but you guys are more delusional than I am.


                                                                        They are the silent readers in dotabuff forums hael. Ppl read what you comment, then they feel like they dont like what you reply and how shitty your attitude is. Doesnt matter if they dont talk to you ever. If they dont like you, then they dont like you. No one is going to re-evaluate anything about their hate towards you because it is justified.

                                                                        Miku Plays

                                                                          this wont end, Hael wants this to happen so why keep replying back?


                                                                            Nobody likes you becouse you are a:

                                                                            1. Account buyer.
                                                                            2. Liar.
                                                                            3. 45% Winrate that knows everything about the game.
                                                                            4. Racist.
                                                                            5. Hypocrite.
                                                                            6. Attention whore.

                                                                            There is no 'hate-train'. People don't like you becouse you are cancer.

                                                                            You're like a feminist nut that thinks people deslike them, becouse they are women. Wrong, people deslike them becouse they are a bunch of unlikeblae, cackling, hatefull people. Like you.

                                                                            Can you just fuck off, nobody wants you here.


                                                                              1. Never bought an account
                                                                              2. Everyone has lied atleast once in their life, but I'm actually quite honest cause there is no reason to lie
                                                                              3. 45% winrate? Where? and your point?
                                                                              4. band wagon mentality to call that out
                                                                              5. I see you guys follow this attribute way better than me.
                                                                              6. Am I? Or does it seem that way since you have posted a shit load of threads about me. Including this one.


                                                                                This hate towards Hael is ridiculous . Get a life losers.

                                                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                  Where the fuck is the melody fangirl thread.....

                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                    sampson is next

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      This is a direct quote from the mods

                                                                                      'I want to ban Sampson so badly but sadly Sampson runs shit here and we dont'

                                                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                        #Melody's forums.



                                                                                          I agree this hate train has gone past the line of ridiculousness.


                                                                                            Nah, it's fun,
                                                                                            he is always coming back


                                                                                              Keep coming back? I'm being me, it takes no effort for me to do this. Its more effort for you guys trying to stop it.

                                                                                              You say you Ip banned me, but I'm not even going through a proxy right now. someone just didn't do their job. lol


                                                                                                little too harsh IMO... I get that he was a douche, but by retaliating like this to him just because you hate him makes you the same person.


                                                                                                  Well you are definitely enjoying it,
                                                                                                  like us,
                                                                                                  wasting time in pointless hate discussion,
                                                                                                  keep it up


                                                                                                    I'm more disappointed than having fun. To see such a strong wave of social domino effect is quite demoralizing to see. I'm here because I have backbone.

                                                                                                    You say something false and I fix it. Thats about it. You spend more time, trying to find ways too hate me, ban me and make threads about it. I'm just someone here using the forums haha.

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!